Griffins Book Club – ACA grades 3-5
Second Quarter – Loser by Jerry Spinelli
Read the book and choose one essential question to answer (below) by submitting a project to your homeroom teacher by Thursday, December 3rd, 2015. Some possible project ideas are:
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
5206 S. Bowen Road • Arlington, Texas 76017
817.987.1819 • fax 817.200.6541 •
· Create a multimedia presentation (e.g., video, Powerpoint, Prezi, slideshow, etc.)
· Write a series of journal entries or essay from a particular point of view
· Construct a diorama
· Illustrate a comic book or book jacket
· Research an outside topic that is connected to a theme in the book
· Design a poster or advertisement
· Create an mock interview of a character in the book
· Demonstrate your understanding using multiple Thinking Maps
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
5206 S. Bowen Road • Arlington, Texas 76017
817.987.1819 • fax 817.200.6541 •
The focus of the Griffin’s Book Club is answering an Essential Question, not necessarily designing or creating the prettiest project. Projects that do not answer an essential question will be returned to the student with feedback to be resubmitted by Monday, December 7th, 2015. All students that submitted a project that answered an essential question will be invited to a celebration a week or so after the due date.
Students who complete all 4 Griffins Book Club projects this year will be invited to compete in the Griffin Book Club championship in May 2016.
Essential Questions
1. In the fifth grade, Donald's classmates discourage him from participating in Field Day. How does spending the day with the old woman on Willow Street help him to feel better about this rejection? Name other examples from Loser where Donald distracts himself from a negative situation. Do you think this behavior makes him more or less happy? Why?
2. In what ways are Zinkhoff and Bradley Chalkers from There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom similar and in what ways are they different? If they went to the same elementary school, what do you think they would say to each other?
3. In the final scene, Donald wants to play ball with a group of his classmates, and is the last kid to be chosen for a team. Why do you think Bonce eventually invites Zinkoff to play on his team? Do you think this marks a change in how Zinkhoff will be viewed by others?
4. The climax of the book comes in chapter 27. How does the author use a unique writing style to communicate what is happening to Zinkhoff physically? Make sure to cite some examples.
5. What do you think the author’s message was in the book? How do Zinkhoff’s experiences share the message?
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
5206 S. Bowen Road • Arlington, Texas 76017
817.987.1819 • fax 817.200.6541 •