Water Quality Case Study: Conceptual Analysis
- Name the different ways the Ganges is used by citizens of India. Consider the water usage by both individuals and organizations; how do these different usages contribute to point and non-point sources of pollution in Varanasi city and surrounding areas? Consider also the route the river takes from its source at Gangotri glacier to the Gangetic delta at the Bay of Bengal, and all that happens in between.
- In your opinion, did the Ganga Action Plan succeed? Why or why not?
- Throughout the course, we have been exploring global health issues from a multidimensional perspective. Considering the two articles on issues related to water quality of the Ganges River, identify at least one issue or perspective for each of the six dimensions provided below:
- Political
- Technological
- Economic
- Health/Environment
- Social/Cultural
- Ethical
- Using your answers to question number 3 above, identify as many problems and dilemmas relating to the water quality case as possible.
(*Remember, as defined by Lars Hagborg (author of the Population Case), problems have solutions, while there are only more or less imperfect ways of dealing with dilemmas. Two common types of dilemmas are conflicts of principle, and conflicts of perspective.)
- Now that you have considered the decisions required of the key stakeholders in this massive project, assume that you are the leader of the medical profession in Varanasi where Mr. Mishra lives, basically role #5 (see below).
Your task is to determine the next steps from a medical perspective to advance the project of providing clean water, reducing pollution in the rivers and thereby reducing water borne disease. You have a professional interest because of the many cases of disease and death that result from the “water” problems which you have to address every day.
Specifically what would you do as the leader of the medical community action committee (#5) to take the next step for access to clean water through reduction of pollution in the Ganges and tributaries; specifically in your town of Varanasi? What factors need to be considered in discussing with inhabitants of the most impoverished areas of Varanasi their usage of the Ganges River for purposes of drinking, bathing, and cleaning?
Define the 1) most pressing problem that remains to be solved, 2) the critical decision that needs to be made, and 3) your response to address the water issues in Varanasi.
Your response can include one or more of the stakeholders we’ve discussed; or not.
- Mr. Mishra, Hindu Priest
- Mayor of Varanasi
- Prime Minister of India
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Local Physician leader