3rd Term test
Option D (60 minutes)
Name and surnames ______
Date ______Marks. A__/16 B__/14 C__ /10
- Pharmaceuticalproductscan oftenundergo up to 12 years of development and testingbeforebeingsoldcommercially. Define thefollowingterms in relation to thisprocess.
- LD50
Lethaldose to 50 % of animal population
- Therapeuticwindow
Range of doses between ED50 and TD50 that a drug can safely be admitted
- Bioavailability
The % of a drugthatreachesbloodstream; do notacceptamount
- Aspirinisone of themostwidelyuseddrugsworldwide.
- Itisused as both a mildanalgesic (painkiller) and also as a prophylactic.
- Explainhow a mildanalgesicworks.
Preventsreleases of prostaglandins; no stimulation of painreceptors
- Explainwhatismeantby “prophylactic” and giveoneexample of a physiologicaleffect in thiscontext.
A drugtaken as a preventativemeasure; anticoagulant
- Aspirinisproducedvia a reactionbetweensalycilicacid and ethanoicanhydride as shownbelow.
- Excludingthebenzene ring, statethe 2 functionalgroupsfound in aspirin.
- The final stage of thesynthesisispurification to removeimpuritiesfromthewhiteproductobtained.
- Statethename of thepurificationprocesscommonlyused.
- Theliteraturevalueforthemeltingpoint of aspirinis 159 ºC. Ifthe experimental valuewasseen to be 151 ºC, calculatethe % error betweenthetwovalues.
- Theterm “dyspepsia” isused to describe feelings of pain and discomfort in theupper abdomen. These can includeheartburn, indigestion and ulceration. There are a variety of drugswhich can be used to treatdyspepsia.
- OnesuchexampleisRanitidine(Zantac).
- ExplainhowZantac reduces acidsecretion in thestomach.
Zantacinteractswith H2 receptors; preventshistamineinteractingwith H2 receptors; preventssecretion of acidintostomach (ANY 2)
- Use the data booklet to state 1 functionalgroupsharedbybothZantac and histamine.
Amine (secondaryortertiary)
- Antacids are a commontreatment and oftencontain metal carbonates such as Na2CO3.
- Write a balancedequationbetweensodium carbonate and hydrochloricacid.
Na2CO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2O + CO2
- Describe 1 problemassociatedwiththe use of carbonates and hydrogencarbonates as antacids.
Production of carbondioxide gas
- Magnesiumhydroxide and aluminiumhydroxide can also be used as antacids. Show whichwouldneutralisethegreateramount of hydrochloricacidif 0.3 moles of each are used.
Mg(OH)2 2OH- so 0.6 produced; Al(OH)3 3 OH- so0.9 moles OH-
- The Henderson-Hasselbachequationsfound in thedata bookletallow use to calculatethe pH of buffer solutions.
- 100 cm3 of a buffer ispreparedwhichcontains 0.100 mol dm-3butanoicacid and 0.200 mol dm-3sodiumbutanoate. (thepKaforbutanoicacid can be found in the data section)
pKa 4.82; pH = 5.12 (Mistake in showncalcwith extra 0)(C2)
- Whatisthechange in pH when 2.00 cm3 of 0.100 mol dm-3HClisadded to this buffer?
New conc = 0.0102(C2)
- The antiretroviral drugsTamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza(zanamivir) are found in Section 37 of the data booklet. Statethethe 3 funtionalgroupsthattheyhave in common.
Ester; ether; amide;
- Unstablenucleiundergoradioativedecaybyemittingone of severaltypes of radiation.
- Thorium-234 isformedbythealphadecay of uranium. Use theselectedsection of Section 6 to write a nuclear equationforthisprocess.
- Thorium-234 can undergo beta radiation. Complete thefollowing nuclear reaction.
- Theisotope radium-226 has a half-life of 1620 years. Calculatetherateconstantforthedecay of thisisotopeusingtherelevantequationfromthe data booklet.
- The90Y isotope has a half-life of 64 hours. Use therelvantequation in Section 1 to calculatehowmuch of a 65.0 g samplewouldremainafter 4 days.
1.5 half-lives; 23 g(C2)
- Infraredspectroscopy can be used to detectethanol in breathsamples of “drink drivers”.
- Use Section 26 and yourknowledge of thestructure of ethanol to identifythe 2 importantpeaksonthisspectrum.
OH trough at 3200; CH trough at 2950(B2)
- Explainwhyone of thesepeakswillalso be present in thebreath of peoplewhohavenotbeendrinking alcohol.
OH in H2O
- Peoplewhosufferfrom diabetes often exhale propanonevapour in theirbreath. Explainwhythismightgive a false positive resultforthepresence of alcohol?
Wouldalsogive CH peak
- Describe howacifiedpotassiumdichromateisused to detectethanol in a breathalyser.
Ethanoloxidised/dichromatereduced; Colourchangefromorange to green Cr3+
- Theenvironmentalimpact of thesynthesis, isolation and administration of medications are important to consider. Stateoneproblemsassociatedwitheach of thefollowing:
- High-level nuclear waste
Largeamount of ionizingradiationforlong time
- The use of antibiotics in animal feed
- The anti-cancerdrug “Taxol” wasoriginallyisolatedfromthebark of Pacificyewtreeswhichtake 200 years to grow and are onlyfound in someparts of the US.
- Onecurrentmethodbeingresearched to synthesizethisdrugifthroughfermentationreactionsbysomefungi. Explainhowthiscurrentresearchisrelated to theprinciples of “greenchemistry”.
Green chemistry more environmentallyfriendly; Lesstreesharvested; fermentationprocesslessdamage; OWTTE
- Themostcommonmethod of production of Taxolisnowenantioselectivesynthesisusing a chiralauxillary. Brieflyexplainwhat a “chiralauxillary” is and whyitisneeded in thissynthesis. ThestructureforTaxolisfound in the data booklet.
Isitselfanenantiomer; needed to make a chiralproduct; preventsformation of unwantedenantiomerproduct (ANY 2)