There has been one possible case of Pertussis (whooping cough) at ______School. Pertussis is a serious disease that can be passed easily from person to person. Early symptoms of pertussis are similar to the common cold or bronchitis and may include runny nose, sneezing and low-grade fever. The infection also causes coughing
Pertussis is very serious for babies and can cause them to cough so much that they cannotbreathe. Hundreds of babies are hospitalized each year for pertussis, and some die from it. Pertussis can cause adults or teens to have severe coughing that leads to vomiting or broken ribs. They can be hospitalized for pneumonia and miss weeks of work or school. Even worse, they can spread pertussis to the babies at home.
Ways to help stop the spread of pertussis:
- The best protection against pertussis is vaccination. All family members should be immunized to protect themselves and any babies in the home who are not old enough for the full vaccine series.
An initial vaccination series of four combination doses against Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (DTaP) should begin at 2 months and be completed by 15 months of age. A fifth (booster) dose of DTaP is given before starting kindergarten. DTaP can be given to children through 6 years of age.
Children 10 years of age and older and adults should receive aone-time Tdap booster vaccine to prevent the spread of pertussis from older children and adults. All children age 7 through 9 years of age can now get a Tdap if theyare not fully immunized. Everyone 10 years of age and older, women of childbearing age, and pregnant women in their second and third trimester should get a Tdap booster. If any family members are not fully immunized, please call your physician or the San Luis Obispo Public Health Department @ 781-5500 to schedule an appointment for DTaP or Tdap vaccine.
- If you or your child have or develop symptoms of pertussis, including runny nose, sneezing and low-grade fever, please stay home and contact your physician. Antibiotics can be given to shorten the period of communicability and reduce the spread of this disease. Your child may return to school once they have taken 5 days of an approved antibiotic.
- If you are a household member or close contact to a person with pertussis or if you are immune compromised, please call your physician to discuss receiving antibiotics to prevent the illness. Close contact is described as 1) sharing confined space (closed classroom) for an hour or longer or 2) direct face-to-face contact for any length of time with a symptomatic case.
- Wash your hands and cover your cough.