5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM
Week #1 Mary Kay Kelly Bill Schawe Gary Orzali
Steve Schaber Norm Braunwart Gayle Gerhardt
Week #2 Marty Wilshire Bill Schawe Tom Duncan
Kenny Wilshire Norm Braunwart Sue Duncan
(Janice Wilshire)
Week #3 Terry Kentrup Bill Schawe Mark Groeschen
Justin Kentrup Norm Braunwart Michael Groeschen
(Michelle Groeschen)
Week #4 Pat Lenihan Bill Schawe Tom Scheper
Volunteer Needed Norm Braunwart Tom Ewing
Week # 5 Pat Lenihan Bill Schawe Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed Norm Braunwart Volunteer Needed
More greeters are needed for the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass and 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass.
To volunteer, please notify Fr. Matt Cushing at 431-1773 or .
Greeters are scheduled according to what date of the month Sunday falls on.
Example: If a Saturday falls on the 30th or 31st of the month and Sunday would
be the 1st, that weekend would be considered the first weekend of the month.