Section II: Improvement Plan Information
Directions: This section should be completed by the school or district.
Additional Information about the School
Comprehensive Review and Selected Grant HistoryRelated Grant Awards / Has the school received a grant that supports the school’s improvement efforts? When was the grant awarded?
School Support Team or Expedited Review / Has (or will) the school participated in anSST review or Expedited Review? When?
External Evaluator / Has the school partnered with an external evaluator to provide comprehensive evaluation? Indicate the year and the name of the provider/tool used.
Improvement Plan Information
The school is submitting this improvement plan to satisfy requirements for (check all that apply):
State Accountability Title IA (Targeted Assistance or Schoolwide)Title 1 Focus School Tiered Intervention Grant (TIG)
Implementation Support Partnership Grant (ISP) or Title 1 School Improvement Grant Other: ______
School Contact Information (Additional contacts may be added, if needed)1 / Name and Title
Mailing Address
2 / Name and Title
Mailing Address
CDE Improvement Planning Template for Schools (Version 3.1 -- Last updated: April29, 2012)1
Section III: Narrative on Data Analysis and Root Cause Identification
This section corresponds with the “evaluate” portion of the continuous improvement cycle. In the text box at the end of this section, provide a narrative that describes the process and results of the analysis of the data for your school. Two worksheets have been provided to help organize your data analysis for your narrative. This analysis section includes: identifying where the school did not at least meet minimum state and federal accountability expectations, describing progress toward targets for the prior school year, describing what performance data were used in the analysis of trends, identifying trends and priority performance challenges (negative trends), describing how performance challenges were prioritized, identifying the root causes of performance challenges, describing how the root causes were identified and verified (with more than one data source) and what data were used, and describing stakeholder involvement in the analysis. Additional guidance on how to engage in the data analysis process is provided in Unified Improvement Planning Handbook.
Worksheet: Progress Monitoring of Prior Year’s Performance Targets
Directions: This chart supports analysis of progress made towards performance targets set for the 2011-12 school year (last year’s plan). While this worksheet should be included in your UIP, the main intent is to record your school’s reflections to help build your data narrative.
Type in target from prior year UIP School Target Setting Worksheet. Make sure to include your data source either in the chart or below it.
Targets for 2011-12 school year(Targets set in last year’s plan) / Performance in 2011-12? / Observation. Was the target met? How close was school to meeting the target?
Academic Achievement and Growth for All Students
Academic and Growth for Student Subgroups
Post -Secondary Readiness
Explore, PLAN, or Colorado ACT Performance, Graduation Rate
Data Narrative for School
Directions: Building on the data organized in Worksheet #1 describe the process and results of the data analysis for the school, including review of prior years’ targets, descriptions of trends (including data), and ending with the priority performance challenges and root cause analysis worksheet. This narrative should address each aspect of the descriptions below. The narrative should not take more than 5-8 pages.
Description of School Setting and Process for Data Analysis: Provide a very brief description of the school to set the context for readers (e.g., demographics). Include the general process for developing the UIP and participants (e.g., SAC). / Review Current Performance: Review the SPF and documentany areas where the school did not meet state/ federal expectations. Consider the previous year’s progress toward the school’s targets. Identify the overall magnitude of the school’s performance challenges. / Trend Analysis: Provide a description of the trend analysis that includes at least three years of data (state and local data). Trend statements should be provided in the four indicator areas and by disaggregated groups. Trend statements should include the direction of the trend and a comparison (e.g., state expectations, district average) to indicate why the trend is notable. / Priority Performance Challenges: Identify notable trends (or a combination of trends) that are the highest priority to address (priority performance challenges). No more than 3-4 are recommended. Provide a rationale for why these challenges have been selected and takes into consideration the magnitude of the school’s over-all performance challenges. / Root Cause Analysis Identify at least one root cause for every priority performance challenge. Root causes should address adult actions, be under the control of the school, and address the priority performance challenge(s). Provide evidence that the root cause was verified through the use of additional data.Principal’s Message About the School (required; brief description of your school)-can paste from your website:
The following team participated in the data inquiry process in order to identify priority needs, goal focus areas, and root causes:
Suggestions: Principal, assistant principal, core content department chairs, SAC members, instructional coaches, primary data users, _____?s.
Identify/list ways in which stakeholders were involved in data inquiry for the school
We examined the following results reports in our analysis:
Reports from CDE:
SPF, School Growth Summary (3-year growth summary); 2011 Graduation Rates and disaggregated Graduation rates (from SPF)
District-generated Reports: choose those that apply, delete the remainder
TCAP/CSAP Performance: CSAP historical performance summaries and ethnic summaries (5-year summary), disaggregated summaries for student subgroups, standards/subcontent area summaries, and assessment frameworks summaries
TCAP/CSAP Growth: TCAP/CSAP growth summaries by grade and by ethnic grouping
College Readiness high school: Explore Grade 9, Plan Grade 10, Colorado ACT all schools summaries, historical performance summaries, distributions across College Readiness Standards by grade and ethnic
Interim Assessment Results: (identify reports)
Overall percent of SPF points earned was XX%, resulting in the following plan assignment from CDE (Check one):
_____ Performance Plan_____ Improvement Plan_____ Priority Improvement Plan_____ Turnaround Plan
List of SPF indicators on which State expectations were NOT met (Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, Academic Growth Gaps, and Postsecondary Readiness).You may include sub indicator areas by content if you choose.
An examination of our SPF by content area reveals (type your observations here)
(Display relevant results and text to create a “story line” or narrative about significant trends in TCAP/CSAP performance and/or growth for all studentsInclude BOTH data and narrative.)
TCAP/CSAP Performance Status: School Trends Over Time
(If you have tables from last year, you may use those, create your own, or use these. Delete the ones you do not want to use, but you should use some tables in your narrative.)
Percent of Students Proficient or Advanced on TCAP/CSAP by Level: Students in the District 1 Year or More
(required data-BObj 5 Year Performance Summary for school trends.)
Year / Reading / Writing / Math / Science
2008 / % / % / % / %
2009 / % / % / % / %
2010 / % / % / % / %
2011 / % / % / % / %
2012 / % / % / % / %
DISTRICT 2012 / 76% / 61% / 45% / 58%
Write trend statements about the performance status results. Use the trend table in the worksheet to help you develop your trend statements.
TCAP/CSAP Growth Trends by Level: Median Growth Percentiles
(required data-CCSD All Schools “Green and White” Summary Report )
TCAP/CSAP Median Growth Percentiles
Year / Reading / Writing / Math
DISTRICT 2012 / 55 / 53 / 55
STATE 2012 / 50 / 50 / 50
Write trend statements about the growth results. Use the trend table in the worksheet to help you develop your trend statements.
Minority Students: Performance and Growth on TCAP/CSAP
(Display relevant results and text to create a “story line” or narrative about significant trends in TCAP/CSAP performance and/or growth by race/ethnicity and other student subgroups.)
The State categorizes Asian, Black, & Hispanic students as “minority” students, and generates results and reports for this student subgroup. In Cherry Creek, we believe that reporting performance differences in terms of the State’s definition of “minority” can mask or under-state disparities between Asian & White students and students of color (Black, Hispanic, and Native American Indian). Therefore, we specifically investigate performance and growth differences between students of color and Asian & White students.
Percent of Students Proficient or Advanced on TCAP/CSAP by Level: Students in the District 1 Year or More
TCAP/CSAP 5 Year Ethnic Summary
Year / Reading / Writing / Math / Science
Black/Hisp/Nat Am / White/Asn / Black/Hisp/Nat Am / White/Asn / Black/Hisp/Nat Am / White/Asn / Black/Hisp/Nat Am / White/Asn
2008 / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
2009 / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
2010 / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
2011 / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
2012 / % / % / % / % / % / % / % / %
DISTRICT 2012 / 63% / 82% / 44% / 68% / 26% / 54% / 38% / 67%
Present/include data and trend statements about performance and growth on students of color and white/Asian students. Use the trend table in the worksheet to help you develop your trend statements.
Other Student Subgroups: Performance and Growth on TCAP/CSAP
(Display relevant results and text to create a “story line” or narrative about significant trends in TCAP/CSAP performance and/or growth for other student subgroups, e.g., SPED, GT, Below Proficient, or ELL.)
(Display relevant results and text to create a “story line” or narrative about significant trends in Colorado ACT or other college readiness test performance for all students.)
The State holds districts accountable for an overall average Composite score on the Colorado ACT. In Cherry Creek, we also hold schools accountable for the percent of students who meet or exceed special content-area benchmark scores on the Colorado ACT. These benchmarks are the minimum scores needed on ACT subject area tests to indicate about a 75% chance of earning a grade of C or higher, and about a 50% chance of earning of grade of B or higher in a freshman-level college course in that content area. ACT Benchmarks are available on all tests aligned with the ACT scale (Explore, Plan, and ACT).
Colorado ACT Grade 11
Percent of Students At or Above Benchmark on Colorado ACT:Students with Valid Scores
(required data- All Tested Summaries on BObj and initial All Schools 5-Year Summaries or COACT for district and State results)
Year / Reading / Writing / Math / Science
STATE 2012
Colorado ACT Grade 11
Percent of Students At or Above Benchmark on Colorado ACT by Race/Ethnicity: Students with Valid Scores
(required data-COACT All Tested Summaries on BObj)
Year / Reading / English / Math / Science
Black/Hisp/Nat Am / White/Asn / Black/Hisp/Nat Am / White/Asn / Black/Hisp/Nat Am / White/Asn / Black/Hisp/Nat Am / White/Asn
Write trend statements about the results. Use the trend table in the worksheet to help you develop your trend statements.
Include data on graduation rates by Race/Ethnicity
CDE On Time Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity
(Sample of the data you might include – COLE)
Asian / Native Am. Ind. / Black / White / Hispanic / Multi-racial / All Students
Provide synthesis and summary statements about your most notable and consistent trends. Did the actions that you initiated/continued last year impact your results?
Priority Performance Challenges
Bulleted achievement areas to develop into goals. / Root Causes
Bulleted causes for the noted priority performance challenges.
Root causes describe factors under our control that can be addressed with Major Improvement Strategies.
1. / .
What was your process for prioritizing (include a brief description of the process and stakeholders involved)
Verification of Root Cause:
Process that you used, who was involved?
Section IV: Action Plan(s)
This section addresses the “plan” portion of the continuous improvement cycle. First, you will identify your annual performance targets and the interim measures. This will be documented in the required School Target Setting Form below. Then you will move into action planning, which should be captured in the Action Planning Form.
School Target SettingForm
Directions: Complete the worksheet below. While schools may set targets for all performance indicators, at a minimum, they must set targets for those priority performance challenges identified in Section III (e.g., by disaggregated student groups, grade levels, subject areas).
Schools are expected to set their own annual targets for academic achievement, academic growth, academic growth gaps and postsecondary and workforce readiness. At a minimum, schools should set targets for each of the performance indicators where state expectations are not met – in each area where a priority performance challenge was identified; targets should also be connected to prioritized performance challenges. Consider last year’s targets (see Worksheet #1) and whether adjustments need to be made. For each annual performance target, identify interim measures that will be used to monitor progress toward the annual targets at least quarterly during the school year.
School Target SettingWorksheet
In Cherry Creek Schools, we specify a set of “Excellence” targets that focus on or impact overall student performance and/or growth, a set of “Equity” targets that focus on or impact student performance and/or growth for students of color and other student subgroups, and at high school, a set of “Post Secondary Readiness” targets. Cherry Creek Schools must create at least one Excellence goal and at least one Equity goal. School goals must also address any SPF indicators in which State expectations were NOT met.
Delete any rows that you do not need
Indicator Areas Addressed / Content Areas / Measures/ Metrics / Priority Performance Challenges / Annual Targets / Interim Measures for2012-13 / Major Improvement Strategies
2012-13 / 2013-14
CCSD EXCELLENCE / Academic Achievement (Status)
Academic Growth
CCSD EQUITY / Academic Achievement Gaps (Status)
Academic Growth Gaps
Action Planning Form
Directions: Identify the major improvement strategy(s) that will address the root causes determined in Section III. For each major improvement strategy,identify the root cause(s) that the action steps will help to dissolve. Then, indicate which accountability provision or grant opportunity it will address. In the chart below, provide details about key action steps necessary to implement the major improvement strategy. Details should include the action steps that will be taken to implement the major improvement strategy, a general timeline, resources that will be used to implement the actions, and implementation benchmarks. Add rows in the chart, as needed. While space has been provided for three major improvement strategies, the school may add other major strategies, as needed.
Major Improvement Strategy #1: _Copy from target setting worksheet______
Root Cause(s) Addressed: _Copy from PPC worksheet______
Accountability Provisions or Grant Opportunities Addressed by this Major Improvement Strategy(check all that apply):
School Plan under State Accountability Title I schoolwide or targeted assistance plan requirements Title I Focus School Plan requirements
Application for a Tiered Intervention Grant (TIG)Improvement Support Partnership (ISP) School Improvement Grant
Description of Action Steps to Implementthe Major Improvement Strategy / Timeline
(2012-12 and 2013-14) / Key Personnel* / Resources
(Amount and Source: federal, state, and/or local) / Implementation Benchmarks / Status of Action Step* (e.g., completed, in progress, not begun)
* Note: These two columns are not required to meetstate or federal accountability requirements, although are completion is recommended. “Status of Action Step” may be required for certain grants (e.g., Tiered Intervention Grant).
Major Improvement Strategy #2: Copy from target setting worksheet______
Root Cause(s) Addressed: _Copy from PPC worksheet______
Accountability Provisions or Grant Opportunities Addressed by this Major Improvement Strategy(check all that apply):
School Plan under State Accountability Title I schoolwide or targeted assistance plan requirements Title I Focus School Plan requirements
Application for a Tiered Intervention Grant (TIG) Improvement Support Partnership (ISP) School Improvement Grant
Description of Action Steps to Implementthe Major Improvement Strategy / Timeline / Key Personnel* / Resources
(Amount and Source: federal, state, and/or local) / Implementation Benchmarks / Status of Action Step* (e.g., completed, in progress, not begun)
Major Improvement Strategy #3: Copy from target setting worksheet______
Root Cause(s) Addressed: _Copy from PPC worksheet______
Accountability Provisions or Grant Opportunities Addressed by this Major Improvement Strategy(check all that apply):
School Plan under State Accountability Title I schoolwide or targeted assistance plan requirements Title I Focus School Plan requirements
Application for a Tiered Intervention Grant (TIG) Improvement Support Partnership (ISP) School Improvement Grant
Description of Action Steps to Implementthe Major Improvement Strategy / Timeline / Key Personnel* / Resources
(Amount and Source: federal, state, and/or local) / Implementation Benchmarks / Status of Action Step* (e.g., completed, in progress, not begun)
CDE Improvement Planning Template for Schools (Version 3.1 -- Last updated: April29, 2012)1