Committee meeting agenda

22 November 2016, 7.30pm

New Energy Sports Hall, HinchingbrookeSchool

Alice Noyes
Chirag Godhania
David Newton
Gilles Corby
Kate Ruddock / Pippa Burns
Rachel Miller
Sabrina Crothall
Sarah Watts
Mike Gullis / Excused
Alan Hannibal
Jo Loosley
Govinda French
Melanie Fowler
Michelle Caspersz
Richard Davies

Order of the day

-Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence

-Action point register (Gilles)

-Officers report (all)

-Agenda items

-AOB, next meeting

Agenda items

  • Purchase of Strength & Conditioning equipment (David)
  • Coaching and Leadership Recruitment (David)
  • EA Affiliate and club rules re: registering and racing as club members (David)
  • BRJ participation in Cambs AA X-country champs (Mike)
  • 2017 Celebrating success event (Mike)
  • New Junior award (Mike)
  • Swimming pool fees (Pippa)
  • Splitting of Triathlon Representative Role (Pippa)
  • Coaches retirement - Gillian PECK and Jackie WREN(Pippa)

Agenda items classification

  • For Action
  • BRJ participation in Cambs AA X-country champs (Mike)
  • 2017 Celebrating success event (Mike)
  • For Decision
  • Purchase of Strength & Conditioning equipment (David)
  • Coaching and Leadership Recruitment (David)
  • New Junior award (Mike)
  • Swimming pool fees (Pippa)
  • Splitting of Triathlon Representative Role (Pippa)
  • Coaches retirement - Gillian Peck and Jackie Wren(Pippa)
  • For Information/discussion
  • BRJ race report (Alice)
  • EA Affiliate and club rules re: registering and racing as club members (David)

Action points register (closed APs in the archive)

Item / Description / Owner / Status
16BRJ0503 / Meet with Alice to look at database encryption / Sarah / On-going
16BRJ0702 / Cost long-term membership recognition / Alice / Done
16BRJ0704 / Design business card for David / Bren / Void
16BRJ0901 / Provide names of first-aid qualified runners / Richard / Done
16BRJ0902 / Circulate the insurance facts summary / Sarah / Done
16BRJ0903 / Supply nominee for weekly article writer / David / On-going
16BRJ0904 / Supply nominee for weekly article writer / Rachel / On-going
16BRJ0905 / Supply nominee for weekly article writer / Pippa / On-going
16BRJ0906 / Include Strength & Conditioning in dev plan / Rachel / On-going
16BRJ0907 / Kick off race director sub-committee / Alice / Done
16BRJ0908 / Take charge of winter workshops / Chirag / Done
16BRJ0909 / Check alternative flag providers / Alice / Done
16BRJ1101 / Check details and designs for flags / David / New
16BRJ1102 / Organise Cambs XC teams / Richard / New
16BRJ1103 / Seek more details from Simon on award / Mike / New
16BRJ1104 / Finalise tri-suit design for visibility / Kate / New
16BRJ1105 / Recruit volunteers for swimming sessions / Pippa / New
16BRJ1106 / Contact graphic designer / Pippa / New
16BRJ1107 / Review spinning sessions ad wording / Sarah / New
16BRJ1108 / Set up team for 2017 OVW marathon / Alice / New
16BRJ1109 / Circulate draft of template / Sarah / New
Minutes / Action point
Welcome to Sabrina and thanks to Claire for standing in for Sabrina during her pregnancy.
Best wishes for a prompt recovery to Jo Loosley following surgery.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as accurate, proposed by Alice and seconded by Mike.
Action points register
Chirag has a list of First Aid qualified runners and Gilles will keep the register with the date of expiry that will be shared with the committee.
Writers of reports from each section of the club to present to Sabrina for publication not yet identified. Nominations are still on-going.
Alice convened a meeting of race directors as requested by the committee. Those who could not attend made helpful submissions in writing. The sub group drafted a proposal to apply a consistent plan including a budget and responsibilities to all of the club events.
The committee approved the proposal.
Andy Matson (AMactiv) has sent information on the Strength and Conditioning workshops he hopes to organise. There will be a follow up next week after which Chirag will be able to advertise the sessions to the membership. Andy will book the hall and take care of the organisation details. Members will apply directly for places on the course.
The quotes for the flags have been collected and a best bidder has been identified. David will check the details and ensure that the design is done.
For data privacy provisions there needs to be a change in the junior form that Sarah will draft and the website will feature a data protection statement. As for the encryption this is a less pressing issue.
For the long-term membership recognition, Alice outlined the costs of the current proposal. There will be an on-going cost that will be variable and a 10-year logo would need to be designed.
The budget for the expenditure related to the recognition needs to be clarified. Alice and Sarah will consider the budgets for the options considered. / 16BRJ1101
Officers reports
Mike Gullis’ Result Officer report
Traditionally the club funds members’ participation to the AA Cambs X-country championships. The committee approved the proposal to carry on doing this. Richard will take over the responsibility to organise the teams and be the club representative on the day.
For the Celebrating Success event Mike found it impossible to find a date before April. David suggested to hold the event on the same morning as the AGM with the proviso that the AGM is managed tightly.
The committee approved the proposal.
The “running” club championship schedule has been revised based on suggestions provided by club members.
Simon Moore has requested the introduction of a Junior Volunteer Award. Rachel explained that the original idea is that the recipient would be designated by the Junior coaches. David would like to have more details, which Mike will seek from Simon and pass on to David.
When the availability of club kit is guaranteed the EEA requirement to wear club colours in official races unless representing a charity.
Kate Ruddock’s Kit officer report
Kate proposes that the grey strip on the running kit be changed to yellow to be consistent with the triathlon kit. The committee approved.
With regards to supply the alternative to do a massive bulk order and build an inventory or directly open the shop with Orca. The committee decided to go with the Orca shop option.
As for the Triathlon kit Gilles mentioned that the current design does not guarantee optimal visibility. Kate and Gilles will work this out
Alice Noyes’ Membership officer report
Figures are healthy, still getting enquiries.
Multi-sport officer report
The fee charged by HinchingbrookeSchool for the swimming pool is set to rise, which is going to require a greater level of subsidy by the club as the fees charged to members do not cover existing costs of hire. Pippa is of the opinion that the position can be turned around if the session is better advertised. Pippa will look at other options.
Pippa has considered the range of responsibilities undertaken by the Tri Rep. In order to meet this challenge, she has propose setting up a sub group which she will chair. She intends to recruit members who will take responsibility for the promotion and organisation of cycling, pool swimming and, open water swimming. The committee endorsed this proposal and hoped it would enable Pippa to find the responsibilities more manageable. Pippa will recruit these volunteers.
Pippa proposed that Jackie and Gillian receive a thank you card. David is keen to maintain a uniform way of recognising the efforts of volunteers like Gillian and Jackie who have devoted considerable time and energy to the club. To that effect David suggested that the committee designs a printed card. Pippa will contact a graphic designer to this effect and send draft to David for approval.
Ricardo Miller requested to publicize the spinning session that is not coached. On principle, the committee approves, Sarah will however want to review the wording to avoid any legal exposure.
Rachel Miller’s Junior officer report
The juniors have had a cracking start to the Frostbite season, the Junior section still has an extensive waiting list.
Chirag Godhania: Training officer’s report
Chirag has organised for 3 teams to enter the Hereward relay. For future events the promotion of the race to set up teams will need to be done earlier to save the Club from having to pay the entry fees upfront.
David Newton’s Chairman’s report
David proposes to write a strategy for the whole club to help with the budgeting.
David would also wish to have an evening event with a personality comparable with Rosie Swale-Pope.
David will draft a proposal for next year’s beginners group. / 16BRJ1102
BRJ running races in 2017
The committee recognised that the Ouse Valley Way Marathon was successful this year. Alice proposed that the club organise the event again in 2017. The committee invited Alice to take responsibility as race director again. There is concern that the District Council will not fund the path clearance next year. Alice will set up a team to structure the activities of the race organisation.
There is still a question mark on the Mayors 5m Charity Race and the Hunts 10k.
As for the Mayor’s charity race, the course is available (subject to confirmation by the local famer). However, there are doubts hosting the Frostbite there some 7 weeks prior to the Mayor’s Race may aid or impede registrations. The committee decided to maintain the race for 2017 and will request Annette Newton to serve as Race Director again next year.
Multi-sport races in 2017
Sarah advised the committee that the Duathlon more than covered its costs this year in spite of a low level of registrations a few weeks prior to the event. David hoped that the event management set out by the Race Directors group would assist in the risk management process inherent in all of these events. A number of options for developing multi-sport events organised by the club were discussed including setting up an event for juniors. The committee agreed to ask Gillian if she were able to serve as race director for the Duathlon for a further year.
The possibility of contracting Nicetri to provide the timing and other services for all three events will be considered and a meeting arranged.
Guidelines for decisions on club expenditures
Sarah wishes to introduce a decision framework showing multiple quotes, total expenditure, reason and benefit and running costs (storage, maintenance). Having these questions answered before a proposal comes to the committee will enable a better governance for decision making by the committee. Sarah will circulate a draft of the template based on the decision framework.
Purchase of Strength and Conditioning equipment
The requests originated from Cy for the Juniors and David checked with Chirag if the Seniors could also benefit from it. In previous year Andy Matson used to use his own equipment for the junior sessions.
There is a budget for acquiring equipment and there are other sorts of funding from EA or Living Sport.
Sarah would like to understand the total investment requested, what supplier selection has been carried out, whether the club has the coaching resources to run the sessions, how the equipment will be stored.
Some of the kit may not be appropriate for outdoor use.
The committee requested to be consulted on the costs and to range and quantity of the kit essential for Strength and Conditioning train for seniors and juniors. / 16BRJ1108
All other business
Next meeting on January 10th.


-Officer reports :

-Other documents

Action point archive

Item / Description / Owner / Status
15BRJ0301 / Discussion about on-line paying but that was tabled in April / Bren / Closed
15BRJ0302 / Gift aid claiming issue / Frankie / Closed
15BRJ0303 / Cycling code of conduct / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0304 / Increase qualified ride leaders / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0305 / Club photographer credentials/kit / Bren/Annette / Closed
15BRJ0306 / Soliciting members for the Race Organisation Working Group / Andy E/David / Closed
15BRJ0307 / Soliciting for a volunteer to run a coached beginners program / Andy/David / Closed
15BRJ0401 / AGM venue to be in next meeting agenda / David / Closed
15BRJ0402 / investigate payment solution providers / Chirag / void
15BRJ0403 / Enquire other clubs interest for ride leaders / Jacquie / closed
15BRJ0404 / set up the safeguarding session / Annette / closed
15BRJ0405 / check the venue for the Rising Star / Mike / Closed
15BRJ0406 / look into linking the BRJ FB page with the Huntingdon 10k race / Stan / Closed
15BRJ0407 / look for a qualified person to supervise on 17 May / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0408 / organise the bike coached sessions / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0410 / Send Gilles questions for membership survey / All / Closed
15BRJ0602 / Find accountancy & auditing support / David / closed
15BRJ0603 / Accounts auditing to be added in nest meeting agenda / Gilles / closed
15BRJ0604 / Invite Living Sport to present at the next committee meeting / Mairi / closed
15BRJ0605 / Make proposals for the new course of the next Mayor’s Charity Race / Annette / Done
15BRJ0607 / Cancel use of Hinchingbrooke School changing rooms / David / Closed
15BRJ0608 / Send e-mail to the membership regarding Hunts Post Awards nominations / David / Closed
15BRJ0609 / Prepare the Survey Monkey / Gilles / Done
15BRJ0801 / Provide Living Sport the list of events they could attend / David / Done
15BRJ0802 / Book Diploma Suite for Welfare event on Sept 8th / Gilles / Done
15BRJ0803 / Mike to procure centres for trophies / Mike / Done
15BRJ0805 / Take lead for plans for AGM @Parkrun / David / Done
15BRJ1001 / Direct the Junior interested in triathlon to the right email address / Bren / Done
15BRJ1002 / Improve visibility of the Mayor’s charity race on the website / Bren / void
15BRJ1003 / Put the BRJ buffs for sale at £7 per unit / Bren / Done
15BRJ1004 / Structure a proposal for membership fees / Alice / Done
15BRJ0409 / continue looking into coaching framework / David / done
15BRJ0804 / Prepare a project plan for Ouse Valley Marathon / Alice / Done
15BRJ1201 / Organise the preparations for the details of the AGM / David / Done
15BRJ1202 / Check the availability of baseball caps / Bren / done
15BRJ1203 / Draft comms package for membership fees / Alice / done
15BRJ1204 / Launch survey, results at next meeting / Gilles / done
15BRJ1205 / Organise dev plan kick-off session / David / Done
16BRJ0201 / Organise Orca visit at the club / Bren / done
16BRJ0202 / Organise First aid training sessions / Annette / done
16BRJ0203 / Call George Cant committee members votes / Gilles / done
16BRJ0204 / Check catering arrangements for AGM / Mel / done
16BRJ0205 / Get press coverage for Paul Evans @ AGM / Claire / done
16BRJ0206 / Compile 2015 video for AGM / Bren / done
16BRJ0207 / Present membership survey debrief @ AGM / Gilles / void
16BRJ0208 / Contact 401 Marathons / Gilles / Done
16BRJ0301 / Confirm next meeting dates / Gilles / Done
16BRJ0302 / Resolve the attachment scrubbing issue / Bren / Done
16BRJ0303 / Put Mike Gullis agenda items on next meeting / Gilles / Done
16BRJ0501 / Attach minutes of meeting to next agenda / Gilles / done
16BRJ0502 / Provide a formal reply on the championship / Mike / Done
16BRJ0504 / Provide thoughts on long-term membership / Alice / done
16BRJ0505 / Circulate benefit proposal for next meeting / Alice / Done
16BRJ0701 / Ask contact at House of Flags for quotes. / Gilles / Done
16BRJ0703 / Investigate procurement of first aid kits / Govinda / Done

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