ONLINE MEETING of Souls 30.03.2016 (English language)

WELCOME dear friends to our new online meeting of souls in March 30 in 2016

Here we are now after the Easter festivities and after celebrating the Resurrection of Christ. I hope you all have felt the new energy is coming and the spirit of purification has started to wave over the world.

Our great friend Bruno Groening did not say much to religious festivals except for Christmas that we celebrate. He embraced all religious paths to that extent that the path to God is not decisive for the individual soul, but the most critical factor is finally to reach God.

However, a time witness of Bruno Gröning told us about these festivals such as Easter or Pentecost we should take them seriously and that they also have their destiny that way.

I asked myself and also asked God what Easter really means to me and at all why we are constantly reminded of this event to Jesus Christ, the crucifixion and resurrection? What does Easter really mean spiritually? I don't want to speak about the crucifixion and suffering of Jesus, because this was such a cruel and terrible event and for me just a sign of how far people go in their brutality and what they are capable to do in their blindness and evil delusion in which they do not stop in front of a human body. We see indeed very clear and precise in these days and age, in which we also weren't spared here in Europe and Middle East conflicts from terror, violence and hatred. And so on in many places of the world.

Bruno Groening said:"The cross is the sin of the world, and the biggest FRIEND OF MANKIND was killed with it!"

When Bruno Groening was in Lourdes, he has walked there, where the grounds feature spectacular hillside Stations of the Cross path. He stopped reverently before each of the fourteen stations, standing there and taking in the whole scene. Finally, after the last station he said: "Now I have witnessed it all over again!"

Jesus Christ and Bruno Groening were persecuted and prohibited because they were telling the truth and both felt an allegiance to the truth until the bitter end and didn’t allow themselvesto deviate. So they showed us–to people of past and present times - that there is more than matter, more than suffering and drudgery, more than pain and despair, that there is rescue for us, there is a spiritual kingdom, which we call HEAVEN, in which we will all go back and be, sooner or later. And that there is a big loving Spirit of Father/Mother – God - who loves us all and can lead us, if we allow it, to our purpose of life

By the free will that God has bestowed on us, HE mostly doesn’t interfere with the madness, but all that leads us to that point, so that we can see it and recognize it ourselves and avoid bad deeds in future.

Step by step and time by time more and more human beings will wake up and recognize the truth of life and love, dear friends, the more likely it will be an end to all terror and violence that we still need to see at time. Therefore, we must work to ensure, dear friends that people wake up to realize what it really is, why we are here on earth. We have to get up the butt", as we say here in Germany, and bring ourselves into order, so that we are able to apply the force which is needed at first to master our own lives and situations and then to be able to help other people who are in need and who no longer know which way to turn.

Easter is about the resurrection. It is about the victory of the soul over the physical death. It is about the eternal living life, it is about awakening, dear friends. May all people awake to love and life.

Recently I watched the documentary movie about the life message of the Indian Yogi ParamahansaYogananda, the title is “Awake” and I can really recommend this DVD to you . 1920 Yoganandaji travelled to America, alone, without anybody at his side except his deep belief and his experiences, to bring the science of Yoga to the materialistic world. As we know Yoga neither a method to train the body nor a cure to get slight and slim, but a science of the great masters and a practical method to prepare the body before meditation for the life force flowing through it.

AWAKE – yes, that’s the point, dear friends. We should all wake up, and find out that we are not just a body, but we are spirit out of God’s loving spirit, and everybody is a shining diamond, that someday make it’s way to experience life and recognize the way back to God.

“Resurrect yourself!” said Yogananda. “As Christ resurrected his consciousness from the sepulchre of mortal limitations, so must you learn to resurrect your mind by meditation from the tomb of material desires and body confinement to the consciousness of omnipresence.

Resurrect your calmness from beneath the soil of restlessness, resurrect your wisdom from the enshrouding earthliness and ignorance; resurrect your love from beneath the sod of mundane human attachment – with its limited love for family, society, and country – to DIVINE LOVE FOR ALL.

As Jesus withdrew his mind from the body by ecstasy and united it with all pervading Spirit, so through the consciousness of Christ developed within yourself by constant meditation unite your soul with omniscient Spirit, your life with Eternal Life.”(The Return of Christ Consciousness, Vol II, Page 1557)

As you see, the life and teaching of Jesus Christ tells us very much, dear friends. Let us invite the spirit of Christ therefore tonight, dear friends. He promised that He is there where two or three are gathered in his name. He is in our midst. Open your mind and your heart and open your hands, feel the strength and love, flowing through your bodies.

Music: Anima Christi

Just as Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday humbly on a donkey riding under triumphant Hosanna calls, so let him move into our hearts with the difference that there he may govern still and forever. Don’t let him be rejected, as the chief priests of selfishness rejected him and the scribes of doubt, who sought then to destroy him because in their eyes he grubbed them off the water, even from jealousy and envy it happened, and because he brought something new.

We probably never will be able to understand the mystery of the Passion of Christ to the full extent, we can only sensing and let it give us from God, what happened then and why it happened. There has been written so much about it during the last 2000 years and all the different interpretations shouldn’t be discussed here tonight. No. We want to focuson the essence of the whole, on the CORE, the essence of the good news, the tidings of joy, and that, what Bruno Groening mediates with his life and sufferings to us.

In the movie "Awake" was told that the true teaching of Christwas largely lost, lost as well as the venerable wisdom of the Hindu's and fell into oblivion. Both should be replaced as anhighway to infinity. Jesus said: "Just as I am you are as well! You are able to open yourselves to God's mystery in a manner you would never thought to be possible. Jesus is worshiped in India. Most people do not know this, but He is considered there as incarnation of God. Everyone has the ability to understand who he is. What applies toJesus, is also true for all of us. It's not at all about religion or who here is right. It's about meditation. It is about the tuning in, or EINSTELLEN, like Bruno said, it is about the way inside, dear friends. Man, recognize yourself, was a word by Bruno Groening too.

At this topic, I would like to read from a lecture by Freddy Hosp. I have made a transcript from a tape in the last few days and it fits perfectly in our community hour. As you know, Alfred Hosp, a witness of Bruno Groening, who was disabled after an accident immediately after his birth, when the midwife dropped him.From then on he suffered from spastic paralysis by the injuries on his head. He has got a lot of help and healing through Bruno Groening. Even if he never came completely out of the wheelchair, he has left us an extensive written and spoken material. He wrote 3 books and gave several lectures, in which he reports on the insights and experiences, he learnedduring the time, when Bruno Groening was still alive.

Let us listen to an interesting lecture of Freddy.

A. Hosp, lecture: Detect the path to yourself:

Dear friends, I welcome you all warmly and would like to serve you a memory of Bruno Groening.

First, he has asked: "Must it always be the evil that works for good?" He asked that, because people always have come him, tormented by evil, by the disease and bymany other problems. So they came to Bruno Groening and have believed or hoped that he can free them from suffer and pain. Indeed, he did. But in reality it’s also true, that Bruno and all other great masters can only show the way, the path to themselves.

When a person recognizes the divine within and feels it, gets involved with the Divine, then he receive the strength to overcome all difficulties, to provide and see all that is necessary in order to make his life meaningful. And it is always a matter of recognizing the meaning of life. Namely, that we have been given a body by God, not to do nonsense with it, not to move away from God, not uphold to unbelief, but we have got the body by God to use it as an instrument for knowledge.

So what does this mean: instrument for knowledge? That’s very simple. If we do something wrong, then we’ll get to feel it in our bodies. If we think something wrong, when we feel something wrong, we charge up the body with uneasiness and sooner or later we have to realize that the body no longer cooperates, as we would like to. However, you have to imagine so, that the body is a very tough matter. Indeed, Man can make daily wrong actions on his body without becoming sick episodes later.

We must know that we - every one of us - brought with us a certain kind of Karma. It need not to be a fault, it can also be something positive. In Karma both the positives and the negatives actions will be stored. And a human being at his birth always is given that kind of body in resonance to his Karma, and he gets the surrounding and those human souls around to dissolve the stored. It's always about the resolving part what oppresses us.

That, what causes us difficulties, that should not to be fight, my dear friends - fight always generates counter fight, violence generates violence - but one is supposed to reduce this by a lot of patience and especially through our daily meditation practice orEinstellen. Reducing means, we should dissolve it by knowledge, by humility, by confidence and faith


This is the most important of our tasks. And so we come in life along with situations that are not always well, which are not always pleasant. We get partners with whom there are frictions. And since I want the following to say: When people come together for some reason, need to work together, need to live together, or even are allowed to live together, so they have the task of improving their mutual karma. A way to walk together, I think, is a very nice job, especially when we know that ALL THAT is not in vain, what we can do or have to endure. If we say yes, when we keep serenity about the difficulties we might have, so we have a great opportunity to overcome and to be free of them.

Now my dear friends, there is not only a single Karma, there is also a family karma, there is also a country Karma and there is also an enfolding Karma for our entire world. And I must say, there are signs of change today. People have got the opportunity to work together to try the good and work together to realize the good.

BG: "Then comes a world government"

Yes, it’s do or die now: It's the fight in the world. Evil against good, and if we all stand together, we will succeed. And another thing reminded me of the story Bruno said. At the moment when all the most friends declared their solidarity, I remembered a sentence of Bruno Groening, when he said: "Yes, yes, first there is a united Europe, and then comes a world government, as he said literally, will come a world government, where the task forces, a joint task force, as Bruno said, will ensure that peace will be established over the whole world. Hmmm…this he told us at that time, 40 years ago, incredible. Until now, I thought, well, a united Europe is already in progress, but a world Government? Unimaginable. So now, so to speak, violence has struck and has shook up all people of goodwill. You have to imagine this. Also, all the different religions are shocked and pull on the same string. So mankind always has the choice between good and evil. Everyone has a choice. You can use a situation for the better and you can use a situation for evil.

“As the will so the thought is” Bruno Groening explained to us.

And if you have seen, what follows by evil thoughts, evil ideas, where it has been thought that is impossible, what do we learn from this? We learn that good thoughts and good ideas, that trust and faith is stronger than everything.

We will only go so far, that we take this as a sign for the opportunity for Mankind to hold together tightly. And we should do something more, dear friends. We should be convinced that Mankind could make it! We should be convinced that God guides us so that violence does not win. Let us believe, that nonviolence will prevail. It is also up to us - to us little souls, it's up to us to pacify the world.

How can we understand that? We are children of God. And if we want the best, then we are with God, with the Divine, in connection with the divine energy. And when we connect with this energy, in deep faith, in deep conviction, in deep humility, then this belief is a trigger for the force of a strong Divine power field. The divine field is so strong – you can hardly believe how strong the divine field is. But it also needs people who believe that goodness in the world is happening.

We are just tools in this way, instruments of God, if we say yes to it and if we are firmly convinced if we have no doubt, if we don’t let put ourselves into fear and terror by false images. When we say, aha, and now we want more and more people who really want the good, really want the big reversal, as Bruno Groening said. Unfortunately it's mostly been the case that persons, who follow the divine path, have got immense difficulties. Hmm (laughs) and Goethe (the German poet and philosopher) let the “Mephistopheles” speak already in his tragic play “Faust”:

"I'm always a part of this kind of might, which always wants evil, but yet creates light!"

He, the evil one knows very well that he will ultimately lose, but he is trying again and again with temptation to test the free will of people and put them into trial.

God needs strong people in goodness, God needs people convinced in good. This must be borne in mind. And then Jesus said to the people: "Oh, but if you only were hot or cold! But because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out!” That means, with half-hearted people you can’t do anything with! And why should one be hot or cold? Because we know,the worst enemy could become the most convincing advocate. Just don’t forget, the Apostle Paul was a great persecutor of Jesus Christ: And then suddenly the light appeared to him, a very bright light. And Jesus has spoken out from this light: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" And the great reversal happened to him. He was temporarily blind by the light, and then he took stock of himself, looked inside and asked himself: Yes, why do I persecute those, who wantthe good? And then he converted. And Saul has become Paul. And then he stood up for the good as before he fought for evil. When he would have been tepid, he’d only said: What do I care? I am neither advocate nor follower. And therefore it's important that you realize that by being lukewarm you burden yourself with guilt, because you don’t do what you’ve promised before birth.

Bruno once said that anyone has promised something before birth. And when a baby is born, it grow up, the brain will be programmed externally from the outside world, from external impressions and then also from inside. And the inner guidance, the quiet inner voice knocking softly at the door of the heart will be pushed away. ”Oh, stupid imagination!” you will think then,“nothing than stupid daydreams!” And so some people miss their goal, many people don’t recognize the meaning and sense of their lives. Bruno Gröning said: they’ve spent their lives with senseless stuff, they didn’t experience anything. And when the time has passed, when they’ll lose that body which is called their own, at that moment standing at the threshold from here to beyond, there will be the judgement day for them, for everybody.