Application and assessment to use or repair a dredge

Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995 (Part14)
Approval is required from the State mining engineer under regulation 14.3 of the MSIR to use a dredge, and under regulation 14.5 of the MSIR to repair a dredge.
This form assists mine managers or other responsible persons to prepare the application.
List of abbreviations:
MSIRMines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995
r.Regulation (of the MSIR)
rr.Regulations (of the MSIR)

This application only applies to a “dredge” as defined in r. 14(1).

Applicants are requested to complete Parts A to E, and provide comments where necessary and identify the specific location of relevant information within the attached submission. Applicants are required to include relevant documentationin the submission where required or requested. Parts Fand G are to be completedonly if relevant to the proposed dredging operation.

Part A. APPLICANT and Contractor details
Details required / Application details
Company name
Mine name
SRS site operation (SG) reference ID(s)
Contractor’s address
Project contacts – names, phone numbers
Part B. Proposed dredging operation
Type of dredging operation proposed / Use of a dredge Reciprocal approval
Repairs or modifications
Conforms with meaning of dredge [rr. 14.1(a) or 14.1(b)] / Yes No
PART C. Dredge owner’s details
Details required / Application details
Dredge owner’s name(if different to the applicant)
Contact details
Part D. Application consent (if applicant is not the Registered Manager)
Details required / Application details
Registered manager’s name
Registered manager’s company / employer
Relevant authorisation letter from the Registered Manager
Part E. Details of application for mining operation using a dredge [r. 14.4]
Details required / Provide comments and advise location within relevant attachments
Plans showing location of dredging operation and general layout of dredging proposal
Design and construction details of dredge, including:
  • structural details
  • means used to manoeuvre dredge and move from place to place in dredging operation
  • means used to break out and raise product of dredging operation
  • maximum depth below surface of water at which dredging operations to be carried out

Dredge make and model
Dredge name and number
Design details of any moorings or anchoring apparatus to be used
Details of loads used in any design, stability and buoyancy calculations
Details of any ballast requirements/limitations, including:
  • any restrictions on storage of free liquid
  • maximum and minimum draught of dredge

Details of means of access from bank to dredge
Report of qualified naval architect confirming buoyancy and stability of dredge under all operating conditions
Note: This is not required where approval for use of dredge was obtained under other laws
Results of buoyancy or stability tests
Details of emergency management procedure
Part F. Reciprocal approval for use of a dredge IF APPLICABLE
Reciprocal approval is conditional on dredge being identified as the dredge approved for use and is subject to any conditions of approval imposed by the other approving body.
Details required / Provide comments and advise location within relevant attachments
Details of any approvals obtained under other laws
Approval obtained / WA Other State Overseas
Part G. Details of application for repair or modification of a dredge [r. 14.5]
Details required / Provide comments and advise location within relevant attachments
Plans and specifications showing nature and extent of work
Drawings and design calculations showing nature and extent of work

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