Logistics/Final Draft Quality

C / P / N
Lab is fully typed
Lab includes a heading in the upper left-hand corner that includes: your name, the date, your teacher’s name and your class period
The appropriate title of your lab is included as a document title—distinct, centered, and either bold or underlined
Your lab is presented in the correct/logical order
Figures and diagrams for the setup (and any other appropriate diagrams) are each numbered sequentially (i.e. – Figure 1)
The orientation of all pages of the lab report is consistently in the portrait orientation
Hypothesis concerns effect of MV on RV
Hypothesis explanation is valid

Design Aspect 1: Problem and Variables

C / P / N
Detailed and accurate physics background information is included as an introduction to your experiment (essentially, an explanation of why you chose to study this, and what the physics concepts involved are)
An appropriate problem question, related to the prompt given in class is clearly stated with a MV and RV
Manipulated variable correctly identified and discussed completely
An appropriate number of levels of the MV are listed (with units)
A range of MV is selected that is appropriate for the experiment
There is an explanation of how the range of MV levels was selected
Responding variable is correctly identified and discussed completely
Both MV and RV are quantitative (with units)

Design Aspect 2: Control of Variables

C / P / N
MV has appropriate validity measures and they are obviously stated in one location (ideally right after the MV discussion)
There is a clear explanation how all relevant MV validity measures should be/were controlled
There is a clear explanation WHY all relevant MV validity measures should be/were controlled
RV has appropriate validity measuresand they are obviously stated in one location (ideally right after the RV discussion)
There is a clear explanation how all relevant RV validity measures should be/were controlled
There is a clear explanation WHY all relevant RV validity measures should be/were controlled
1st of 3 relevant controlled variables (which are not validity measures) is identified
2nd of 3 relevant controlled variables (which are not validity measures) is identified
3rd of 3 relevant controlled variables (which are not validity measures) is identified
There is a clear explanation how the 1st of 3 relevant controlled variables was controlled
There is a clear explanation how the 2nd of 3 relevant controlled variables was controlled
There is a clear explanation how the 3rd of 3 relevant controlled variables was controlled
There is a clear explanation why the 1st of 3 relevant controlled variables was controlled
There is a clear explanation why the 2nd of 3 relevant controlled variables was controlled
There is a clear explanation why the 3rd of 3 relevant controlled variables was controlled
No obvious variable that should be controlled has been neglected

Design Aspect 3: Method for Collection of Data

C / P / N
The major apparatus used are listed, including size and graduation
There is a descriptively titled and clearly labeled picture or diagram of the set up (“Diagram” or “set up”are not good titles)
Procedure describes how the MV was varied
Procedure describes how the MV was measured (with tool listed)
An appropriate number of trials for the MV have been included in the instructions
Steps are specified in order to clearly keep controlled variables constant
Procedure describes what data is collected in order to show the control of controlled variables
Specific directions about how to collect RV data (with tool listed)
Reasonable safety precautions are provided