Indiana Athletic Trainers’ Association (IATA)

Athletic Training Student Scholarship

Scholarship Application Recommendation Form

Please complete the following recommendation checklist and provide specific comments in the space provided (found on page 2) to support your ratings.

·  Please provide specific examples in your supporting comments. Vague and general statements do not hold as much “weight” as specific examples.

·  You may use bullet points.

E-mail the form from your personal or work e-mail account. This will ensure the authenticity of the materials.

Please do not send a separate recommendation letter.

When completed, e-mail to:

Jill Ewing

Student’s Name

Your Name and Title

Addressing: Academics and/or Clinical Education

Please type directly on the form

Outstanding Top 5-10% / Excellent
Top 25% / Good
Top 40% / Unable to Judge
Responsibility/ Reliability
Ability to Work with Others
General Knowledge
Professional Attitude
Ability to Communicate

Supporting Statements

In the spaces provided, please provide examples/support for your ratings in the checklist on the previous page. In addition, space is available for you to provide comments regarding the applicant’s current and potential contribution to the athletic training profession, and general strengths and weaknesses. Please provide specific examples in your supporting comments. Vague and general statements do not hold as much “weight” as specific examples. You may use bullet points.




Ability to Work with Others:


General Knowledge:

Professional Attitude:

Ability to Communicate:

Current and Potential Contribution to Athletic Training:

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Please Complete Next Page