Author: The instructions that follow apply to ALL tables and figures.
Please format all tables according to the following styles:
· No vertical lines
· Horizontal lines only (a) above and below the header row and (b) at the very bottom of the table.
· All columns should have a heading
· If the unit of measure is (or can be) identified in the first column, no need to repeat it across the row.
· If the unit of measure is (or can be) identified in the column heading, no need to repeat it in the table itself.
· Units of measure are placed in parentheses following the entry to which they apply. In column headings, they are not bolded.
· Parenthetical material in figure captions and table titles is not bolded.
· All columnar material is centered except for in the first column, in which the row identifiers are flush left.
· All hyphens should be changed to em dashes (—), and the significance of the em dashes should be explained in a footnote to the table (e.g., could be “not applicable,” “not available,” “no data,” etc.)
· Blank cells should be explained in a footnote (see bullet directly above)
· Remove titles from the top of the figure when I’ve incorporated them into the figure caption.
· Always abbreviate kW with a small k and a large W (i.e., kW). Same for MWh (small h).
· Please use a font and font size that is easier to read and doesn’t appear “squished.”
Author: Figure- and table-specific changes are typed BELOW each figure or table. The comment feature is used for content questions and readability suggestions.
Figure 34:5-1. NERC reliability regions and control areas
Figure 35:5-2. NERC Interconnected interconnected Operations operations Servicesservices
Author: In figure is “black” the correct word in System Black Start Capability? Seems like it should maybe be “block” (or something else)? If it is Black, should we explain, or will your intended reader understand?
Table 27:5-1. 2006 CPS2 Bounds for some a Sampling of Western Interconnection Control Areas
Author: (1) Please spell out Estimated Peak Demand and Frequency Bias in column headings. (2) Unbold the parenthetical material in column headings. (3) Write the second column heading like this: (MW/0.1 Hz). (4) Use en dashes instead of hyphens for minus signs, table body. (5) Take the hyphen out of PacifiCorp East and West
Figure 36:5-3. NERC CPS2 equations
Table 28:5-2. Contingency Reserve Requirements by Operation Region and Scenario for 2024
Region / Contingency Reserve Requirement: –Reference Case / Contingency Reserve Requirement: –
Scenarios 1- through 4
ISO-NE / 1,158 MW / 2,250 MW
NYISO / 1,200 MW / 2,250 MW
PJM / 3,350 MW / 2,250 MW
SPP / 1,539 MW / 2,250 MW
MISO / 2,271 MW / 2,250 MW
TVA / 1,750 MW / 2,250 MW
SERC (partial) / 1,140 MW / 2,250 MW
Figure 37:5-4. Depiction of regulation and load following characteristics of demand.
Author: Please (1) write axis label like this: Demand (MW) and (2) use sentence-style caps for figure elements (Load Following and Regulation)
Figure 38:5-5. Illustration of short-term (next 10-minute interval) forecasts of load and wind generation.
Author: (1) It’s a bit difficult to differentiate between the lines in Figure 5-5. Suggest using lines with stronger contrast. (2) Please move MW to the left along the vertical axis so it doesn’t bump up against the letters. (3) Place commas in numbers along horizontal axis.
Figure 39:5-6. Errors in short-term forecasts of load and wind generation; load error is assumed to be zero in the mathematical procedure.
Author: In Figure 5-6, (1) Please write horizontal axis label like this: 10-Minute Interval over 24-Hour Period. (2) Place commas in numbers along vertical axis. (3) Use en dashes instead of hyphens for minus signs.
Figure 40:5-7. Short-term wind generation forecast errors as a function of average hourly production.
Author: (1) Please use headline-style capitalization for Standard Deviation in Decile and Average Hourly Production (MW). (2) Place periods like this: Std. Dev. (3) Place commas in numbers along horizontal axis.
Figure 41:5-8. Normalized 10-minute variability for five different groups of wind generation. The 500- MW scenario is part of the 5,000, which is part of the 15,000…, and so on.
Author: Please (1) Lowercase “on” in horizontal axis label. (2) Insert commas in numbers in legends.
Figure 42:5-9. Standard deviation of 1-hour persistence forecast error for PJM in the Reference Case
Author: Please (1) Use headline-style capitalization for axis labels; (2) Don’t bold (MW). (3) Place periods in Std. Dev., 2 times in legend. (4) Insert commas in numerals four digits and up.
Figure 43:5-10. Distributions of hourly regulating reserve requirements for PJM – Scenario 3, for load only (ideal wind generation) and load net of wind generation.
Table 29:5-3. Regulating Reserve Requirements for the Reference Case
Author: (1) Please bold column headings and row identifiers. (2) Insert commas in 4-digit numerals. These formatting instructions apply to all the tables from this point forward.
Table 30:5-4. Regulating Reserve Requirements for Scenario 1
Table 31:5-5. Regulating Reserve Requirements for Scenario 2
Table 32:5-6. Regulating Reserve Requirements for Scenario 3
Table 33:5-7. Regulating Reserve Requirements for Scenario 4