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The ______Association of Health Underwriters

New Member Orientation




Chapter Calendar………………………………………………………………………………..2

Listing of Board Members…………………………….……………………………………….3

Chapter Meetings ……………………………………………………………………………….4

Association “Jargon”…………………………………………………………………………..5 - 6

Chapter Mission Statement……………………………………………………………………7

NAHU Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Code of Ethics …………………….8

NAHU Benefits of Membership………………………………………………………………9 - 10

Chapter Benefits of Membership……………………………………………………………11 - 13

Legislative Update …………………14

Storming the Hill ………………….15

What is HUPAC? ………………………………………………………………………………..16

Symposiums – National, State, and Local………………………………………………….17

Professional Designations ………………….18


Membership Application……………………………………………………………………….20

Bank Draft Authorization………………………………………………………………………21


We appreciate your interest in the ______Association of Health Underwriters and encourage you to take advantage of our association to enhance your professionalism and increase your knowledge.

There is no better time to join _AHU. With the current market environment, it is crucial to be on the front lines in regards to legislative issues. By joining _AHU, you will be kept abreast of the current happenings on both the state and national levels. ‘Operation Shout’ will notify you when we need your help to get your Congressmen and/or Senators’ attention on certain issues.

Our local association has one clear mission: To support the efforts of each member to best serve the needs of our clients and our industry. We are here to help our members reach their professional goals with integrity and knowledge. As a member, you are invited to use our resources freely. Comb the local, state and national websites for updates on legislative issues and for tools to use in developing your business. Utilize our continuing education courses to fulfill the state requirements. We are here for you; let us help you reach and exceed your goals!

We appreciate your interest in the ______Association of Health Underwriters and encourage you to take advantage of our association to enhance your professionalism and increase your knowledge.

There is no better time to join _AHU. With the current market environment, it is crucial to be on the front lines in regards to legislative issues. By joining _AHU, you will be kept abreast of the current happenings on both the state and national levels. ‘Operation Shout’ will notify you when we need your help to get your Congressmen and/or Senators’ attention on certain issues.

Our local association has one clear mission: To support the efforts of each member to best serve the needs of our clients and our industry. We are here to help our members reach their professional goals with integrity and knowledge. As a member, you are invited to use our resources freely. Comb the local, state and national websites for updates on legislative issues and for tools to use in developing your business. Utilize our continuing education courses to fulfill the state requirements. We are here for you; let us help you reach and exceed your goals!



______AHU Board Members

______is one of NAHU’s most prestigious chapters. During recent years the _____ Chapter has been awarded various National awards, including Landmark, President’s Citation, Website, Media Relations, Gain, and National Membership Champion awards. We encourage the participation of our new members and invite you to let us know if you are interested in being involved with any of the following board positions:

______Association of Health Underwriters


EXECUTIVE BOARD: / (List Name and Contact Information for Each Board Member)
Immediate Past President:
Awards Chair:
Education Chair:
Legislation Chair:
Membership Chair:
Membership Retention Chair:
Newsletter Chair:
Media Relations Chair:
Public Service Chair:
Technology Chair:

Meeting Site

_AHU meetings are held at ______

Date of Meetings

We meet the (day, i.e. third, fourth, etc.) (day of the week) of the month, 12 months a year.

Duration of Meetings

Our meetings begin at 11:30 a.m. and end promptly at 1:00 PM.

Meal Cost

The cost for the buffet meal, including dessert is $______for non-members, $______for members.

Making Reservations

Information regarding our speaker and his/her subject can be found at our Website or in our monthly Newsletter.

To make a reservation, please contact ______at email address or phone number. You must make your reservation by the day prior to the luncheon.


(This is an example from the San Antonio, Texas Chapter -

Revise to fit your Chapter)

NAHU / National Association of Health Underwriters. A portion of your dues is allocated to support NAHU. By being a member of SAAHU, you are automatically a member in NAHU. All the local chapters’ efforts combine to support NAHU’s mission.
TAHU / Texas Association of Health Underwriters. All the Texas chapters combine to make up TAHU. A portion of your dues is paid to TAHU to support state legislative efforts, provide local training, etc.
SAAHU / San Antonio Association of Health Underwriters. Your local chapter and the place you will see most activity come from. SAAHU keeps members updated on TAHU and NAHU activities, provides CE for members, does Charity functions, and provides local networking opportunities.
TAHU CAFÉ` / An informative State internet forum where agents can ask questions or silently observe questions and answers given by other agents to just about anything related to healthcare or insurance. To subscribe to the café, go to One note: the café will generate 5-25 emails a day, so set up a separate folder for them to go into or just be prepared for the volume.
TAHUPAC / Texas Political Action Committee. Donations to the fund can only be made by individuals, not associations. Funds are given to candidates running for state offices, usually state representative and state senators to the Texas Legislature, but can be given to any candidate for a Texas state office. The TAHUPAC board members make decisions as to whom is given the funds, any TAHU member can nominate a worthy recipient, either an incumbent or new candidate for office.
LEG FUND / Funds salaries and expenses for TAHU Lobbying efforts. Donations to the fund can be made by individuals and Association chapters, as this is NOT a PAC. Since dues were raised in 2002, and a certain portion of these dues were earmarked for lobbying efforts, TAHU recommends that individuals now designate the PAC funds for their donations. However, it is still retained for donations that may be given by chapters, as chapters cannot donate to PACs.
HUPAC / Health Underwriters Political Action Committee. Donations to the fund can only be made by individuals, not associations. Funds are given to candidates running for Federal offices, usually federal representatives to the U.S. House of Representatives, federal senators to the United States Senate, and the President. The HUPAC board members make decisions as to whom is given the funds, any NAHU member can nominate a worthy recipient, either an incumbent or new candidate for office.
HIU Magazine / Health Insurance Underwriter Magazine. Published by NAHU, this magazine has tremendous industry articles, legislative actions, and current events information as it pertains to our organization. This magazine is included for free in your dues.
Capitol Conference / Each year NAHU members gather in Washington, DC to discuss legislative goals and meet with members of Congress. Powerful speakers from our government, and informative sessions regarding our industry and federal impact. All members are encouraged to attend.
Day at the Capitol / Once a year, TAHU hosts a “Day at the Capitol” with our legislators in Austin (every other year) and around the state on off-legislature years for our members in January or February. The meeting held in the off-year is held to discuss and brainstorm issues and potential bills that TAHU may write, co-write, or sponsor, and noteworthy speakers come to discuss these issues with our members. During the year the Legislature is in session, members meet with legislators to discuss any bills that have been filed that pertain to our industry. The morning session outlines these bills, and talking points on the bills are available for help with these personal meetings. TAHU’s impact on the state legislature and our industry starts here.
Regional Leadership
Conference / We are part of Region VI. Each year the regions host a meeting at one of the chapter’s locations to provide training for your association leaders and board members. All members are welcome to attend.
State Convention / Texas has a convention or symposium every year somewhere in Texas. There are usually numerous hours of CE given, and lots of time to meet with exhibitors (carriers) who have booths, and receive training for board members. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
National Convention / Every year NAHU has their convention. Similar in nature to the state convention, except on a much grander scale. Here is also where the individual, chapter, state and regional awards are handed out, and also where assigned delegates from each chapter conduct NAHU business and pass resolutions.
Triple Crown / A new award that everyone can and should strive to achieve. It shows an overall involvement in your association and to win you need to recruit 2 new members, do 3 Operation Shout’s of different subjects, and support HUPAC with a donation of at least $10 / month for 12 mos.(10x12) or $150 donation.
Operation Shout / This is an online opportunity for members to connect with your public officials online and advocate your industry’s concerns. You can register on and once you are registered, you receive timed emails when a critical vote is coming up and the program automatically selects YOUR officials and sends a preprinted post to them on your behalf. Of course, if you prefer to write in your own words, or if you have a different position than the one provided by NAHU, you have all the flexibility to change the message to be what you want to say. Completing an operation shout takes less than a minute or two and does tremendous good things – since your legislators only know what they hear from their constituents and lobbyists.
YODA / Your On-Line Database Access. YODA is where you update your contact information for NAHU, and where your leadership team keeps track of membership additions, deletions, changes, renewals, etc.
SAAHU Symposium / Every year, SAAHU hosts an education day or symposium. This is an all day CE event, with breaks to visit numerous exhibitors’ booths. Usually the programs are designed to appeal to your clients so if you want to invite them, it benefits both of you. We typically hold this event in February.
SAAHU Casino Night / Casino Night is one of our Charity events. One evening we gather to gamble (chips) with real tables and dealers, there is a silent auction, prizes, food and it’s a ton of fun. usually held in May, it attracts members, spouses, and friends alike. All proceeds support a charity, selected by the board each year.
Tournament / This is our biggest charity event. Usually held in September or October, this tournament is one of the biggest in the city. There is lunch, a golf scramble, dinner, and a silent auction. All proceeds benefit a charity and you don’t have to be a “golfer” to play.


NAHU's Mission Statement

NAHU will improve its members' ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Americans through education, advocacy and professional development.

NAHU's Vision Statement

Every American will have access to private sector solutions for health, financial and retirement security and the services of insurance professionals.

NAHU's Code of Ethics

To hold the selling, service and distribution of disability insurance and health insurance plans as a professional and a public trust and to do all in my power to maintain its prestige.

To keep paramount the needs of those whom I serve.

To respect my client’s trust in me and to never do anything which would betray their trust or confidence.

To give all service possible when service is needed.

To present policies factually and accurately, providing all information necessary for the issuance of insurance coverage to the public I serve.

To use no advertising that may be false or misleading.

To consider the sale of disability and health insurance plans as a career, to know and abide by the insurance laws of my state and seek to constantly increase my knowledge and improve my ability to meet the needs of my clients.

To be fair and just to my competitors and to engage in no practices that may reflect unfavorably on my industry or myself.

To treat prospects, clients and companies fairly by submitting applications which reveal all available information pertinent to underwriting a policy.

To extend honest and professional conduct to my clients, associates, fellow agents and brokers, and the company or companies whose products I represent.

National AHU Membership Benefits

Top-Quality Representation
Each year, NAHU spends over $1,000,000 to present your interests before Congress and regulatory agencies. NAHU employs an outstanding team of experienced professionals to ensure that your needs come first.

When NAHU Talks, Congress Listens
Do you talk to Congress? If you're not a NAHU member, chances are, you're not being heard. By joining NAHU, you join 20,000+ health insurance professionals, making you part of the most effective voice in the industry.

Information Straight from the Source
By joining NAHU, you guarantee your access to the most valuable resources available to health insurance professionals. The representation and information your NAHU membership provides keep you on the cutting edge, making your business easier to manage.

Health Insurance Underwriter magazine
Our monthly magazine offers timely articles and information about industry news and developments, plus monthly columns that provide news and analysis of legislative developments at the national and state level.

Washington Update
In addition to being posted on the web site, this weekly legislative update is sent to NAHU's key contacts in congressional districts across the country, and gives our most active supporters the information they need to be effective representatives of NAHU's positions on critical issues.