Vuemont HOA Monthly Meeting: Meeting Minutes
16 November 2016
Board Members in Attendance:
Claude Nesis, Katie Teplicky, Ann Gonzalez, Kathleen Schneider, Ben Piper
Meeting called to order at 7:37pm
Committee Reports
President’s report:
Minutes for October approved.
- As of Oct. 31, we have $55,085 in the bank. All bills are paid. All dues for 2016 have been collected.
- Expenses through October are on budget. We are over in vegetation management and under in landscaping.
- Insurance policies (liability, including D&O, and umbrella) are being renewed for 2017 for the same coverage and the rates are about the same.
- Annual meeting notices were mailed on 11/10.
- Removed rhododendrons, and replanted with sedge.
- Lights are currently out on both monuments; Anne to investigate. Probably not lightbulbs, might be timers.
Trees/Vegetation Management:
- Planting has been completed in greenbelt. G&H landscaping reports that lots of the cottonwoods have ivy on them, which may choke them. Something to monitor. Katie to call for re-inspection. Will try to do two zones next summer.
- Received response from homeowner regarding mismatched paint; work will commence when weather improves.
- Welcome letter has been translated into Mandarin; will send to Rick Sobie for distribution to new homeowners. Also looking into posting to Vuemont website.
New Business:
- Homeowner contacted board regarding spruce tree in neighbor’s yard. She has sent several communications with no response. Has asked for board to assist.
- Homeowner contacted board complaining that people have been breaking branches on his property. Suggested that he trim branches within specifications of City of Bellevue.
- Annual Meeting: plan to make appeal for more members/consultants, particularly with an eye to make the board more diverse, and more reflective of the neighborhood.
Next Meeting: Annual meeting Nov 30th, 7:30pm, Cougar Ridge
Meeting Adjourned: 8:15PM