John Sullivan President
Martha Brandon V-P
Nancy Silva Sutton Secretary
Steve Tyrrell Treasurer
Steve Sanders Member
The Management Trust
PO Box 1459
Folsom, CA 95763-1459
Phone: 985-3633
Fax: 248-8066
Manager - Mimi Menzies
Ext. 5102
Assistant – Michelle Hawkins
Ext. 5119
Wexford Homeowners Association
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 12 at 6:00 PM in the Clubhouse. Owners are always welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings.
This September marks the 20th year the Wexford Book Group has been meeting. New members are always welcome, and the meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month (except July) at 7:00 PM. Our September 20th meeting will be at the home of Jenevieve Que, 9811 Wexford Circle. If you would like more information about this wonderful group, please contact Eileen Wilson at .
For years, we have been talking about the speeding problems in our community. Warm summer nights are a great time to get outside and enjoy an early evening stroll. It is also a great time to witness drivers speeding and running our stop signs. We all must lead by example while driving in Wexford. Did you know that the speed limit used to be 14 1/2 miles per hour and there were no stop signs? After too many near misses, the stop signs were added and 25 miles per hour limit was adopted. Unfortunately, a huge percent of drivers, both residents and non-residents, fail to adhere to the speed limit. It is now necessary to install speed tables. Your Board of Directors obtained an engineer’s report on what type, and at what locations, the tables should be placed. The school and fire district gave their consent on the location, and within the next few weeks you will see them installed across from the clubhouse driveway and just below Prior Ridge closest to the 4-way stop signs. By the time you read this newsletter, the two areas will be marked with white paint. Signs will be posted near the tables that say “speed table 20 MPH”.
As you know, exterior improvement projects require PRIOR approval from the Architectural Review Committee. This includes landscape upgrades/redesign, exterior building changes, new hardscape, etc. The Architectural Review Committee meets in the clubhouse monthly at 6:00 PM on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Please don’t start your project until you have received the required approval. You risk extra costs if that project does not meet established guidelines.
Are you a regular visitor to the Wexford website? To find everything you need with respect to the Association, check us out at There is a link to access the Granite Bay Golf Club and the Treelake Master websites. Plus, you’ll find a password protected map as well as a forum available only to members. We hope you are making use of this great tool!
As you may have noticed, repairs and patching was done throughout the community due to areas that couldn’t just be sealed as was done to all of Wexford last year. This was a planned 2-year project. The black will fade and the streets will look more uniform than they do now. It is projected that in 2019 the streets will again be sealed.
Your contact for gate remotes is the new Assistant Manager at The Management Trust. Megan Malmgren has been promoted to Community Manager and Michelle Hawkins is our new contact for purchasing and programming remotes. Did you know that you can have your gate remote programmed for the golf gate located on Prior Ridge so you could use the same one for both the entry gate and the golf gate? The remotes for the entry gate must be programmed through The Management Trust. Namreeta Prasad, your gate guard, programs the golf gate. If you need your remote programmed by Namreeta, her shift is over at 4:00 PM and she can help you then.
Once again, we had a fabulous annual barbecue, thanks to Michele Hackett. This is a monumental task every year, and every year Michele is left to handle 98% of it, even though she has a full-time job and a family. This year was no exception. Michele made about five trips to Costco and filled up numerous baskets to make sure everyone had enough to eat and drink. And all the accoutrements that go along with it. There is a budget for social events, but now the annual barbecue will be catered 100% rather than Michele having to spend months preparing; buying; setting up and tearing down. From now on, Michele will be able to enjoy the barbecue along with everyone else. She is to be commended for her dedication and fortitude.
Funds are put aside in reserves every year to continue with curb and gutters in those areas where the asphalt has deteriorated due to water runoff. This year the work will be done along Chelan and around Westbury to connect with the existing curb and gutter. The owners will be notified well in advance so that their water can be turned off. Residents have inquired about areas in the middle of streets that are stained white with water seeping through. Those are not leaks. There are springs all over Wexford, and with the heavy rains we had, it raises the water table and more springs may have sprung up. There is not anything much that can be done about it, but, these areas are reviewed when patching has to be done, to see if they could possibly be corrected.
After much research and meetings with the association’s collection agency, it has been determined that Treelake Village Master Association would be required to collect the Master dues in the case of an owner going to collection for unpaid dues. That means that starting in 2018, you will receive 2 coupons. One will be for the Wexford monthly dues, and the second one for Treelake Village Master. If you have automatic payments, you will need to separate the total amount into two payments. We are aware this is an inconvenience, but it is essential and legally must be done this way. Your assessments right now are $300 a month, so if they don’t change, $254 would be payable to Wexford and $46 would be payable to Treelake Village Master. You will receive explicit instructions and notification since this will affect every person and how your assessments are paid.