
Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics

Oklahoma State University


Ph.D.Economics, Major: Agricultural Economics, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, May 15, 1982. Advisor: Dr. Earl O. Heady.Fields: Econometrics and Agricultural Production, Finance, and Policy. Dissertation: “Tatonnement Modeling with Linear Programming: Demand and Supply for Some United States Crops in 2000.”86 pp.

M.S.Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, May 12, 1979. Advisor: Dr. J.C. Headley. Thesis: “Economic Analysis of Erosion Limits for Northwest Missouri.”103 pp.

B.S.Agriculture, Honors Scholar, Major in Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, May 14, 1977. Advisor: Dr. J.C. Headley.

Professional Experience

July 1994 - present, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University

May 2006 - Jan 2007, Interim Department Head, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University

Jan 2006 - May 2006, Acting Department Head, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University

Fall 2004 - Spring 2006, Adjunct Graduate Faculty, Department of Zootecnia, University of Chihuahua

July 1988 - June 1994, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University

July 1983 - June 1988, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University

Jan 1983 - July 1983, Post-doctoral Research Associate (100%), Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University

Sept 1982 - Dec 1982, Post-doctoral Research Associate (75%), Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University

Sept 1982 - Dec 1982, Instructor (25 %), Department of Economics, Iowa State University

July 1982 - Aug 1982, Post-doctoral Research Associate (100%), Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University

July 1980 - June 1982, Pre-doctoral Research Associate (100%), Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University

Sept 1978 - June 1980, Graduate Research Assistant (50%), Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University

May 1977 - Aug 1978, Research Analyst, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, Columbia

May 1976 - May 1977, Research Clerk, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, Columbia


Attachment 1: Current Duties...... 3

Attachment 2: Journal Articles and Books...... 5

Attachment 3: Experiment Station Publications...... 6

Attachment 4: Extension Publications...... 8

Attachment 5: Other Publications...... 10

Attachment 6: Papers Presented at Professional Conferences / Meetings...... 12

Attachment 7: Honors and Awards Received...... 16

Attachment 8: Creative Works; Computer Software / Videotapes...... 17

Attachment 9: Grants and Contracts...... 18

Attachment 10: Outside Activities...... 20

Attachment 11: University and Professional Service...... 21

Attachment 12: International Program Activities...... 24

Attachment 13: Extension Program Activities...... 25

Attachment 14: Teaching Program Activities...... 30

Attachment 15: Research Program Activities...... 37

Attachment 16: Most Important Works...... 38

Attachment 17: Professional Memberships, Interest Areas and Family Information...... 39

Attachment 1: Current Duties

My faculty appointment has changed since my initial appointment in 1983 of 75 percent research and 25 percent teaching. Over the years, I have developed an integrated teaching, research, and professional service program; however, the last fifteen years my commitment to the teaching program has been substantial resulting in a major reduction in my research program. My appointment for the last several years has been approximately 15 percent research and 85 percent teaching.

Teaching and Advising Program

My participation in the teaching program of the Department of Agricultural Economics has been substantial for several years. I have provided curriculum and advisement leadership as the department continues its history of graduating outstanding students who are highly desired in the work force. I have provided leadership as the department has changed to develop and maintain an agribusiness focus while conserving its strong reputation in agricultural economics at the undergraduate level.

For the calendar year 2012, I taught AGEC 4403 and 5403 in the spring and 1114 and 3403 in the fall. It was the first time I had taught AGEC 1114. I also worked with Ph.D. students teaching AGEC 3213 both spring and fall semester. I also helped with AGEC 3101 in the fall. I serve as co-chairman of the Curriculum and Assessment committee for the Department of Agricultural Economics and serve as chairman of the Awards sub-committee of the Undergraduate Awards and Recruitment committee. My duties, as co-chairman, include being Undergraduate Curriculum Coordinator, Undergraduate Advisor Coordinator, and Outcome Assessment Coordinator for the department.

I advise undergraduates and I have served on eighty-two graduate students’ committees. I currently advise undergraduates who major in agricultural economics and agribusiness. In the past, I have also advised undergraduates majoring in environmental science. The number of official undergraduates varies each semester. However, I have had the largest number of advisees in the department for several years - between 20 and 33 percent of our undergraduate majors. (In the fall of 2012, the number was 112 of 358.)

I have received seven teaching awards and eight advising awards. In 2012, I received one of the Oklahoma State University Award of Excellence for Advisement and the CASNR Award for Excellence in Student Advising and Mentoring. The Aggie-X Club voted me the Aggie-X Outstanding Professor in 1989-90 and again in 2003-04. Aggie-X is the agricultural economics undergraduate club. I received the university’s Merrick Foundation Teaching Award in 1998. The Aggie-X Club voted me the Aggie-X Outstanding Advisor in 1997-98, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, and 2009-2010. The Agriculture Ambassadors, an organization within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, named me the Outstanding Advisor in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources for 2003-04. The Ag Alumni Association has named me a CASNR Exemplary Faculty in 2004, 2008, and 2010, the only three times they have presentedthe award. The Ag Alumni Association present the Exemplary Faculty Awards based on results of a bi-annual survey where CASNR asksalumni to identify a faculty member who made a significant contribution to their personal, professional, and academic growth. I received the Gamma Sigma Delta Experienced Teacher Award of Merit awarded by the Oklahoma State University Chapter, in the spring of 2009.

Research Program

My interdisciplinary research program has emphasized economic issues associated with horticultural crop production in Oklahoma. I have participated in several experiment station projects. I have trained several graduate students to do economic research on these projects. I have actively participated in a regional research project that examines the economics of fruit and vegetable production and marketing in the United States. Using these projects, I have developed an area of expertise in farm management issues critical to the success of the individual horticultural producer. I have analyzed issues in marketing and finance at the farm and processing level. I have cooperated and continue to cooperate on research projects and grants with the faculty from the Departments of Horticulture, Entomology and Plant Pathology, and Animal Science at Oklahoma State University.

My current program focuses on the following areas: (a) perennial crop analysis, (b) production, and marketing of horticultural crops for food, and (c) alternative uses of horticultural crops. With my reduced research appointment the last fifteen years, I have not started any large projects. I continue to answer questions related to horticultural production and to work with graduate students working on economic issues related to horticultural crops.

I have participated in grants and contracts directly related to my approved Oklahoma State University Agricultural Experiment Station projects. Each grant or contract has required the consideration of the economic feasibility of production or a specific production practice for one or more horticultural crops in Oklahoma. Since joining the OSU faculty, I have cooperated with other Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources faculty to obtain more than $1.7 million in grants and special project funds to support research and extension efforts related to horticultural crop production in Oklahoma.

Extension Program

While I have had no appointment in the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, I have made many extension presentations and cooperated on several extension publications. The “Achievement Award” I received from the Oklahoma Vegetable Association in 1991 and the extension publication awards I received, with others, in 1986, 1996, and 2003 from the Southern Region American Society of Horticultural Science shows the quality of my efforts in these areas. I have established an ongoing transfer of research results to the public that has provided a significant contribution to the extension programs of the faculty in horticultural crop production.

Service Program

I have contributed to professional organizations, the university, college, and department. Over the years, I have refereed articles for many journals. I also have served as a reviewer of selected papers for the American and Southern Agricultural Economics Association.

I have served on many committees as listed later in my vita. Group IV (Social Sciences) of the Graduate Faculty elected me as their chairman for a two-year term, from 1992 to 1994. The faculty of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources elected me as their representative to a three-year term on the University General Education Committee in the fall semester of 1993 and reelected me to an additional three-year term in the fall semester of 1996. I declined being on the ballet for a third term in 1999. I agreed to serve again beginning in spring 2011 to finish a term and to serve an additional three year term.I served as a University President’s appointee on the Faculty Council’s Academic Standards and Policy Committee from July 1992 to June 1995. In the fall semesters of 1994 and 2008, members of the Department of Agricultural Economics elected me to a two-year term on the Agriculture Faculty Council. I served as a University President’s appointee on the Athletic Council from July 1995 through June 1999 and served as chairman of the Athletic Council’s Academic Integrity committee from 1995 through 1998. During the Fall Semester 1998, Associate Dean Hummer appointed me to fulfill the remaining two years of a term on the University Assessment Council to represent the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. In 2000, I began a full three-year term and then served a second three-year term. While serving on the University Assessment Council, the Provost appointed me to an ad hoc university committee to develop procedures to complete assessment of the general education committee. I drafted the procedures that OSU is currently using to assess the general education program at Oklahoma State University. I served on one of the subcommittees that prepared materials for the university’s North Central Accreditation review conducted in the fall of 2005.In the fall of 2011, the Provost appointed me to the General Education Task Force to examine the future of general education at OSU.

In addition to the departmental committees supporting the teaching program, I have served on many other departmental committees. In 1991, the Farm Management Work Group in the department elected me as their representative to the CSRS Program Review Planning committee. I was the only member of the committee who was not at the professor rank. In the spring semester of 1996, the faculty in the department elected me as one of four members of a new Faculty Advisory Committee within the department. The Faculty Advisory Committee served as a liaison between the faculty and the department head. In the fall semester of 1998, the faculty in the department elected me to a five-year term on the Departmental Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure committee, and I served as chairman during my last year, 2002-2003.

Attachment 2: Journal Articles and Books

Journal Articles

  1. Brandon T. Varner, Francis M. Epplin, Damona G. Doye, R. Joe Schatzer, and Jeffrey T. Edwards. “Pasture Rental Rates for Fall-Winter Grazing of Winter Wheat.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Vol. 75(2012):112-123.
  2. Brian A. Kahn, John P. Damicone, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. “Alternatives to Benomyl for Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot on Turnip Greens.” HortScience 40(5):1324-1326, 2005.
  3. Shida Rastegari Henneberry, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Yousif El Beheisi. “Comparative Static Analysis of Oklahoma’s Vegetable Industry.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 28, No. 1, July 1996, pp. 159-171
  4. Daniel J. Bernardo, Larry D. Sanders, Raymond J. Schatzer, and James N. Trapp. “Teaching “Experience” with Simulation Gaming: An Application of “Green Revolution/Exaction.”” NACTA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2, June 1993, pp. 28-31.
  5. Brian A. Kahn and Raymond Joe Schatzer. “Economic and Horticultural Evaluation of Chemical and Mechanical Weed Control Strategies for Cowpea.” Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Vol. 117, No. 2, March 1992, pp. 255259.
  6. Julie A. Stanley, James R. Nelson, and Raymond J. Schatzer. “An Economic Analysis of Groundwater Irrigation of Vegetables in Southeastern Oklahoma.” Journal of Production Agriculture, Vol. 4, No. 4, October December 1991, pp. 449452.
  7. V. M. Russo, B. W. Roberts, and R. J. Schatzer. “Feasibility of Trellised Cucumber Production.” HortScience, Vol. 26, No. 9, September 1991, pp. 11561158.
  8. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Daniel S. Tilley, and Douglas Moesel. “Consumer Expenditures at Direct Produce Markets.” Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 21, No. 1, July 1989, pp. 131138.
  9. Jeffrey F. Dale, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and James R. Nelson. “Development of Surface Water Resources for Supplemental Irrigation of Vegetable Crop Production.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Vol. 52, No. 2, October 1988, pp. 8993.
  10. Constance L. Falk, Daniel S. Tilley, and R. Joe Schatzer. “The Packing Simulation Model.” Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 19, No. 2, December 1987, pp. 211215.
  11. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Daniel S. Tilley, and Michael C. Wickwire. “Adding Vegetable Enterprises to Maximize Profits on Limited Resource Farms.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Vol. 50, No. 2, October 1986, pp. 5660.
  12. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Burton C. English, and Earl O. Heady. “Future Crop Prices and Quantities: Influence of Alternative Crop Yields.” North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 7, No. 2, July 1985, pp. 5164. CARD Series Paper 83-8.
  13. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Roland K. Roberts, and Earl O. Heady. “A Simulation of Alternative Futures in U.S. Farm Size.” North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1983, pp. 17.

Book Chapters

  1. George K. Criner, Thomas G. Allen, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. “Compost Economics: Production and Utilization in Agriculture.” Chapter 11, pages 241-262, in Compost Utilization in Horticultural Cropping Systems, edited by Peter J. Stoffella and Brian A. Kahn. Lewis Publishers an imprint of CRC Press LLC, 2001.
  2. Roland K. Roberts, Daryll E. Ray, Donald O. Mitchell, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. “Agricultural Sector Simulation Modeling.” Chapter 3, pp. 29-51, in Earl O. Heady: His Impact on Agricultural Economics, edited by James Langley, Gary Vocke, and Larry Whiting.Iowa State University Press, 1994, 197 pp.

Attachment 3: Experiment Station Publications

Current Farm Economics

  1. Raymond Joe Schatzer, B. Dean McCraw, Ahmed Al-Abdulkader and Harry P. Mapp. “The Economics of Bag Culture Greenhouse Tomatoes in Oklahoma.” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 67, No. 4, December 1994, pp. 29-40.
  2. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Abdulhamid A. Elmagsabi. “Influence of Temperature Variability on the Profitability of Tomato Processing.” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 65, No. 4, December 1992, pp. 1222.
  3. James R. Nelson, Raymond J. Schatzer, and Julie A. Stanley. “Alternative Small Plot Vegetable Irrigation Systems: A Tomato and Fall Broccoli Rotation Example.” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 63, No. 2, June 1990, pp. 3138.
  4. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Michael W. Smith. “Investment Analysis of Establishing and Operating an Improved Pecan Orchard.” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 63, No. 1, March 1990, pp. 311.
  5. Jeffrey Dale, James R. Nelson, and Raymond J. Schatzer. “Supplementing Incomes of Limited Resource Farmers with Irrigated Vegetable Enterprises.” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 61, No. 14, December 1988, pp.1420.
  6. James R. Nelson, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Raleigh Jobes. “An Analysis of Irrigator Demand for Natural Gas in the Central High Plains (Ogallala Aquifer) Area.” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 60, No. 1, March 1987, pp. 2631.
  7. Daniel S. Tilley, Constance Falk, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. “Wholesalers’ Interest in Oklahoma Produce.” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 59, No. 2, June 1986, pp. 1725.

Research Bulletins or Reports:

  1. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Abdulhamid A. Elmagsabi, and Daniel S. Tilley. “Feasibility of a Tomato Processing Firm in Southeastern Oklahoma.” Research Bulletin B804. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, December 1992, 52 pp.
  2. Janet C. Henderson and Raymond Joe Schatzer. “Oklahoma's Wholesale Nursery Industry: Production Practices and Trade Flows.” Research Bulletin B794. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, January 1991, 28 pp.
  3. Julie A. Stanley, James R. Nelson, and Raymond J. Schatzer. “Economic Feasibility of Ground Water Irrigated Fresh Market Vegetable Production in Southeast Oklahoma.” Research Bulletin B787. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, November 1989, 35 pp.
  4. Barbara B. Dayvault, Daniel S. Tilley, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Constance Falk. “Business Development Planning for Fresh Market Vegetable Packing Facilities: A Case Study of Three Rivers Produce.” Research Report P899. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, April 1988, 46 pp.
  5. Jeffrey F. Dale, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and James R. Nelson. “Economic Analysis of Surface Water Development for Vegetable Crop Irrigation in Southeastern Oklahoma.” Research Bulletin B785. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, December 1987, 25 pp.
  6. Daniel S. Tilley, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Steve Campbell. “Oklahoma Horticultural Industry: Vegetables, Fruits, and Christmas Trees.” Research Report P886, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, December 1986, 13 pp.
  7. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Michael C. Wickwire, Daniel S. Tilley, and James E. Motes. “Costs and Returns for Selected Fresh Market Vegetables in Oklahoma for Small Scale Producers.” Research Report P875, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, April 1986, 43 pp.
  8. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Michael C. Wickwire, and Daniel S. Tilley. “Supplemental Vegetable Enterprises for a Cowcalf and Grain Farmer in Southeastern Oklahoma.” Research Report P874, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, April 1986, 35 pp.
  9. Burton C. English, Raymond Joe Schatzer, George Oamek, and Earl O. Heady. “Natural Gas Pricing: Its Impacts on the Agricultural Production Sector.” CARD Report 125, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, February 1984, 61 pp.
  10. David R. Krog, Burton C. English, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Earl O. Heady. “Economics of Terracing in Iowa.” CARD Report 123, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, January 1984, 163 pp.
  11. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Earl O. Heady. “National Results for Demand and Supply Equilibrium for Some United States Crops in 2000: Theory and Application of Tatonnement Modeling.” CARD Report 106, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, June 1982, 85 pp.
  12. Douglas A. Christensen, Raymond Joe Schatzer, Earl O. Heady, and Burton C. English. “The Effects of Increased Energy Prices on U.S. Agriculture: An Econometric Approach.” CARD Report 104, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, September 1981, 147 pp.
  13. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Roland K. Roberts, Earl O. Heady, and Kisan R. Gunjal. “An Econometric Simulation Model to Estimate Input Stocks and Expenses, Supply Response, and Resource Demand for Several U.S. Agricultural Commodities.” CARD Report 102T, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, July 1981, 104 pp.
  14. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Roland K. Roberts, and Earl O. Heady. “Alternative Futures in U.S. Farm Size Structure, Productivity, Exports, and Income: A Simulation.” CARD Report 99, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, April 1981, 118 pp.
  15. Burton C. English, Raymond Joe Schatzer, Roland K. Roberts, and Earl O. Heady. “Potential Longterm Agricultural Impacts of the Russian Grain Embargo.” CARD Report 97, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, April 1981, 100 pp.

Attachment 4: Extension Publications