ES480 Medical NutritionTherapy

Course Syllabus

Winter Immersion January2017

Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Location: TBA

Instructor Information: Dr. Tina CloneyPhD, MSPH,RD, CSSD, LDN, CDE

Office: Exercise Science and Sport Pavilion West Towne Square Suite D, D102

Office Number: 217-420-6046

Office Hours: Before Class, during breaks, after class or by appointment

Or by appointment: Office number or Cell 217-413-0321 todiscuss any concerns or to make an appointment

Email Address:

Pre-requisites: ES328 Health-Related Nutrition or approved equivalent

Textbook, Required: Krause's Food and the Nutrition Care Process, Edition: 13

Authors:L.KathleenMahanMSRDCDE,JaniceLRaymondMSRDCD,SylviaEscott-StumpMARDLDN September 7,2011

ISBN-10: 1437722334 / ISBN-13: 978-1437722338

Course Purpose:

Advanced medicalnutritiontherapyisanessentialcomponentofcomprehensiveclient and patientintervention.Individualswitha varietyofconditionsandillnessescanimprovetheirhealthandqualityoflifebyreceivingmedicalnutritiontherapy.This coursewillintroducestudentstoadvanced nutrition conceptsandapplicationof advanced medicalnutritiontherapy concepts inindividualswith life-threatening conditions including diabetes, kidney disease, tube feedings, peripheral parental nutrition, total parental nutrition.Studentswilllearnaboutthemedicalnutritionmanagementofcertainconditionsandhowtoapplythe conceptsofmedicalnutritiontherapythroughtheuseofcasestudiesanddiscussions.

Course Objectives:

  1. To gain knowledge of the different therapeutic diets vital to the management of potentially life threatening diseases or acting as supportive care including cardiovascular disease, upper and lower gastrointestinal disorders, hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders, and cancer.
  2. To explain the justification for specific therapeutic diets in nutrition medical management.
  3. To analyze typical intake and tailor changes conducive to promoting compliance to a medically prescribed therapeutic diet.

Departmental Learning Goal Coherence:

Developing skills, habits, and attitudes that promote health and wellness is strongly recommended for all students. The Department of Exercise Science and Sport prepares professionals to provide care for athletes, direct physical education in a school setting, and lead fitness and sport organizations.

General Attendance

Students are expected to attend class on time. Advance notice of an absence should be provided via e-mail and appropriate arrangements should be suggested at that time.Acceptance of late assignments will be considered only for documented medical reasons or emergency circumstances.Also, because class time is limited and the course is dependent on attendance and participation, students are expected to be punctual to reduce disruptions. If you arrive after the roster call is completed, you will be counted as absent. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with his/her peers to obtain any information or handouts related to the missed class(es); or, to visit the professor during office hours.

Technology Use

Laptops - Laptops are permitted however inappropriate use will result in loss of

privileges for the remainder of the semester.

Cell Phones - Cell phones (text or calls) are not permitted. Cell phones should be placed

on vibrate and left in your backpack, or area that will not distract you or other students.

Student Evaluation

Textbook: Required: Krause's Food and the Nutrition Care Process, Edition: 13

Authors:L.KathleenMahanMSRDCDE,JaniceLRaymondMSRDCD,SylviaEscott-StumpMARDLDN September 7,2011

ISBN-10: 1437722334 / ISBN-13: 978-1437722338

Date / Day / Unit / Readings to have completed for class / Assignment Due
01/03/2017 / Tuesday / Introductions and Discussions
Comprehensive Review:
Screening, Assessment, and
Medical Nutrition Therapy
for various Upper and Lower
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Primary, Secondary, and
Tertiary Prevention
Case Studies and Discussion / Chapter 28/29 / Case Study
Assignment sheets
for specified type
of gastrointestinal
disorder due
01/04/2017 / Wednesday / Introductions and Discussions
Comprehensive Review:
Screening, Assessment, and
Medical Nutrition Therapyfor various
Hepatobiliary andPancreatic Disorders
Case Studies and Discussion / Chapter 30 / Case Study
Assignment sheets
for specified type
of hepatobiliary or
pancreatic disorder
Exam 1 GI Disorders & Diet
01/05/2017 / Thursday / Comprehensive Review: Screening, Assessment, and Medical Nutrition Therapy for various types of Cardiovascular Disease
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention
Case Studies and Discussion / Chapter 34 / Case Study Assignment sheets for specified type of cardiovascular disorder
Exam 2 Hepatic and Biliary & Diet
. / Friday / Comprehensive Review: Screening, Assessment, and Medical Nutrition Therapy forvarioustypesofCancer: Prevent, Treat, andRecovery
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention
Case Studies and Discussion / Chapter 37 / Case Study Assignment sheets for specified type of cancer due
Exam 3 CVD and Diet
1/7/17 / Saturday / Catch Up
Course Review and Discussion / Exam 4 Cancer and Diet

Course Assignments:


Step 1: Log onto and create a “Free Account.”

Step 2: Once done registering, Enter the Fit Day 2/Fitday Classic option.

Step 2: Enter as accurately as possible all of your intake for a minimum of two days (Saturday + Sunday).

Do not skip any meals. Log all beverages as well. Try to make this as accurate as possible.

Step3:Onceyouhaveenteredyourfulltwodayintake:Viewandprinttwocopiesofthe“TotalNutrition”page ANDthe“CalorieBreakdown”page.Saveacopyforyou,providemewiththeotheron1/7/14.Thesetwo pagesshouldincludethefollowing:

a.Total caloriesconsumed

b.Total carbohydrateconsumed





g.Total cholesterolconsumed



j.Total Alcoholconsumed


2.Completethetwopagediagnosisreactionsheetsforeachoftheunits(individualdiseasediagnosiswillbe assigned)–4x50pointseach 200points


PartA:Usingthefitday.comassignmentsubmittedon1/7:Analyzeyourintakebasedonthediagnosissheet dietrecommendations.Wereyouoverinanyofthenutrients?Howcanyoualteryourintakesothatyoudonot exceedthediet’srecommendations?

PartB:Followyourspecialdietforthe20hours(5p.m.–1p.m.)priortothecorrespondingclassday.Howdo youfeelaboutthedietforthisdisease?Howcouldyourriskofthisdiseaseimpactyourcurrentdietandlifestyle practices?Writeashortnarrativeonyourexperiencewiththedietincludingdifficultiesrelatedtothediet, varietyandflavorofthediet,etc.Placereflectiononaseparatepage.

4.Exams (4 x 100 points each)400 points

750 points


Case Study Assignment Sheet:

Manypeoplegothroughvariousstageswhenlearningofanewdiagnosis.Thefirststageisoftendenial.Youarein denialwhenyoulearnthatyouhavebeendiagnosedwiththisparticulardisorder:


Have you heard of it before? If yes, how?

What is it - Please describe the disease or condition?

What are some symptoms of this disease?

How is this disease diagnosed?

What does this diagnosis mean to you, your lifestyle, your quality of life and longevity?

What are the risks if you do not manage this health concern with the recommended interventions?

Whatare someofthe typesofmedicationsoftenusedtomanagethiscondition?How doesthemedicine work?





Is physical activity a component of the intervention for this disease? Why?

(Side 1 of 2)

Whatisthenutritioninterventionforthisdisease/illness?HighorLowIntakeofanutrientorseveralnutrients(i.e. Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Dairy, Fiber, Calorie,etc.).

Nutrient / Increase Or Decrease in Consumption? / Food Groups rich in this nutrient / Food Groups low in this nutrient / Food Substitute Available?
↑ or ↓(Circle one)
Amount (Min or Max) recommended
↑ or ↓(Circle one)
Amount (Min or Max) recommended
↑ or ↓(Circle one)
Amount (Min or Max) recommended
↑ or ↓(Circle one)
Amount (Min or Max) recommended
↑ or ↓(Circle one)
Amount (Min or Max) recommended
Is a Nutrition Supplementrecommended?




Nutrient:--Amount:(Choose:Milligrams,Grams,calories,other)Nutrient:--Amount: (Choose:Milligrams,Grams,calories,other)Nutrient: --Amount:_____(Choose:Milligrams,Grams,calories,other)

PartA:Usingthefitday.comassignmentsubmittedon1/9:Analyzeyourintakebasedonthediagnosissheetdiet recommendations.Wereyouoverinanyofthenutrients?Howcanyoualteryourintakesothatyoudonotexceedthe diet’srecommendations?

PartB:Followyourspecialdietforthedinner meal priortothecorrespondingclassday.Howdoyoufeel aboutthedietforthisdisease?Howcouldyourriskofthisdiseaseimpactyourcurrentdietandlifestylepractices?Write ashortnarrativeonyourexperiencewiththedietincludingdifficultiesrelatedtothediet,varietyandflavorofthediet, etc.Placereflectiononaseparatepage. (Side2of2)

Missed Assessments

10% deduction for each day late. Exams must be taken the designated day during class unless otherwise approved by the professor.

Absence Policy: Students are expected to attend class on time. Excused absences will be considered only for documented medical reasons or emergency circumstances.Advance notice of an absence should be provided via e-mail.Due to the nature of this course, Students are expected to be punctual to reduce disruptions. If you arrive after the roster call is completed, you will be counted as absent.

Disability Accommodation Policy:

Please address any special needs or special accommodations with me at the beginning of the semester or as soon as you become aware of your needs. If you are seeking classroom accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you should submit your documentation to the Office of Student Success at Millikin University, currently located in Staley Library 014.

Distance Delivery Components:

Millikin University is committed to providing support for students using technology resources in pursuit of academic success. The Department of Information Technology resides in Shilling Hall and offers walk-in support.Please visit link, resources, and additional information that aid in the use of technology in distance/hybrid delivery and technology policies.

University Commitment to Student Success:

Millikin University is committed to the success of all students. As such, the University provides a wealth of services devoted to academic support. The Office of Student Success serves as the hub for these services. The Office of Student Success is located on the lower level of Staley Library. Services include:

  • Tutoring
  • Supplemental Instruction
  • Study Skill Assistance
  • One on One Advising
  • Major Change Assistance
  • Development of Personalized Academic Growth and Success Plans
  • Support of Exploratory Studies majors
  • Support for students on Academic Probation or Progress Warning
  • Accommodations for Students with special learning needs
  • Online Resource Library

In addition to the Office of Student Success, the University Writing and Math Centers (both located in Staley Library) offer students intensive support in these subject areas. Students who are in need of additional academic assistance are also assigned a Student Development Advisor. These advisors work with academic advisors to ensure students receive the attention they need in all aspects of their University experience.

Academic Integrity Standards:

The intellectual and moral integrity of an academic community depends upon an uncompromising commitment to honesty which guides the actions of all its members. Any disregard for this threatens the unrestricted and honest exchange of knowledge. The Faculty has the right and the responsibility to hold students to high ethical standards in conduct and in works performed, as befits a scholar at the university. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to:

  • Cheating
  • Collusion
  • Electronic Dishonesty
  • Grade Falsification
  • Plagiarism

Faculty members have the responsibility to investigate all suspected breaches of academic integrity that arise in their courses and shall have the authority to decide whether the student(s) has violated the Academic Integrity Policy. If it is determined that the violation occurred, the faculty member will decide the consequences, taking into account the severity and circumstances surrounding the violation, and will inform the student in writing, forwarding a copy of the letter to the Registrar and to the Dean of Student Development.

Consequences to an academic integrity violation include, but are not limited to:

  • A letter in the student’s academic file
  • Failure on assignment(s)
  • Failure in the course
  • Issuance of an XF for the course
  • Conduct hearing with Student Development

If a student received an XF, this remains as a permanent grade and cannot be removed from the official transcript. Some programs and majors have more explicit ethical standards, which supersede this Policy, and violation of which may result in dismissal from some programs or majors within the University.

The complete policy may be found at

Disruptive Behavior Policy:

Students who exhibit behaviors that are considered to obstruct or disrupt the course goals or learning environment are subject to student conduct action per the University Standards of Conduct. Behaviors that are considered disruptive include, but are not limited to: tardiness, sleeping, inappropriate use of mobile or electronic devices, use of language that is offensive or discriminatory, excessive interruption, and/or repeated violation of faculty or classroom expectations which are stated in the course syllabus. Students who exhibit such behavior may be dismissed from the class on a temporary basis and referred to Student Development.

Dropping a Course and the University Withdrawal Policy:

There is an add/drop deadline for each academic term. During the allowed period, students may elect to add or drop courses by completing the proper form and requesting signature from the instructor or department chair as required. (Forms are available in Registrar's Office). Faculty members reserve the right to permit dropping or adding courses after the set deadline. Courses dropped during the appropriate period result in a W on the student transcript. Courses dropped after this period will result in the earned grade at the time of drop.

Students who leave the University during or at the end of the semester must report to the Registrar’s Office to complete the necessary procedures and forms. Students who withdraw from the University will receive a refund of charges assessed by the University through the refund schedule posted in the Academic Bulletin. After week six of any given semester, there is no refund. Students may also be involuntarily withdrawn if they engage or threaten to engage in behavior which poses a danger of causing physical harm to self or others. The Involuntary Withdrawal Policy may be found in the Student Handbook.

Course Evaluations:

Millikin University utilizes online course evaluations which are available beginning in the last week of each course term. Students may log into their MyMillikin portal to complete course evaluations. Evaluations are considered an important part of the teaching environment and students should feel comfortable giving thoughtful, honest feedback without fear of retaliation.