Miller School of Medicine Faculty Council

Dean’s Meeting

June 19th, 2014 – 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Batchelor Building- 139 Baxter Conference Room

Members Present: / Others Present:
Altman, Norman, M.D.
Andrews, David, M.D
Armstrong, Daniel, M.D.
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy, M.D.
Ciancio, Gaetano, M.D.
Deutscher, Murray, Ph.D.
Durso, Anthony, M.D.
Falcone, Steve, M.D.
Goldschmidt, Pascal, M.D.
Jimenez, Joaquin, M.D.
Larsson, Hans P, M.D.
Lokeshwar, Bal, Ph.D.
Marcos, Jacques, M.D.
Panos, Anthony, M.D.
Potter, Jonell, Ph.D., ARNP
Schulman, Carl, M.D.
Van Schail, JoAnne, M.L.S.
Vasiliu- Feltes, Ingrid, Ph.D. / Eckman, Charles, Ph.D., Dean of the Libraries
Narayanan, Govindarajan, M.D., Chief- Vascular & Interventional Radiology
Perez, Roxane, Secretary- Faculty Council
Quencer, Robert, M.D. Chair of Radiology

Meeting commenced at 5:05 pm by Dr. Anthony Panos, Vice-Speaker for the council.

Dean’s Report

·  Dr. Roy Weiss has been appointed as the new chair of Medicine. He started with the school of Medicine on Tuesday, June 17th.

·  There are four candidates for the recruitment search for the chair of Pediatrics. One out of the four is really good and they are pursing him. A decision will be made in one month.

·  There are three candidates for the Genetics search. This is still in discussion.

·  The recruitment efforts for a new chair for the department of Physical Therapy has begun.

·  The search will start for the Calder Library before the end of the summer.

·  The finances are not in yet.

·  Jackson Health System is expanding and is creating a new rehabilitation hospital. It will cost $117 million, containing 94 beds.

·  University of Miami is going to start a new ambulatory care center on the Coral Gables campus.

·  The Miami Transplant Institute building will be near the back of the trauma center. This new building will be big improvements probably the first in the country. Dr. Ciancio mentioned that UM is number one for the first quarter for the abdominal organs in the country.

Suggestions: The Dean recommended for Dr. Steve Falcone to speak regarding the MTL project in a future meeting.

New Dean of Libraries

Dr. Charles D. Eckman began his new role as the dean of the libraries for the University of Miami December1, 2013. He was previously the dean of library services and university librarian at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada. Eckman earned a Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Arts degree in politics from Princeton University. He also holds a Master of library and information studies from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Indiana University, Bloomington.

While Dr. Eckman was the university librarian at Simon Fraser, he led a strategic planning process that resulted in a five year plan for the library’s engagement within the university and with external communities. He also spearheaded a sustainability planning process for the Public Knowledge Project.

Strategic Direction of the Libraries

There’s a paradigm shift in the libraries, the nature of the content is shifting from print to digital. This process has been completed for the medical campus. The modes of dissemination have changed in the nature of Information needs and potential. Moving from a model of collection building and services to the emerging model to digitizing collections, preserve research publications and data. Client services that relate to specific client needs, not generalized, but very specific around the needs. Services in libraries will be centered with lots of collaborators and targeted audiences. More virtual and physical interaction. New ways of measuring success are being developed.

Libraries Initiatives

Learning Commons

There are new things going on in the libraries. Started a Learning Commons to promote core library research skills by creating learning centers that involve bibliographic management, resource discoveries, and critical analysis of sources. Enhance learner success by helping students with their writing and presentation skills. The focus will be on both the undergraduate and graduate students. The partners that have been identified are: The Writing Center (CAS), Academic Resource Center (Undergraduate Education), and the Academic Technology (IT). The project should take place in a couple of years, and the space has been identified.

Digital Scholarships

There are different activities in the digital scholarships. Research data management, GIS service, and digital humanities. Research data management is an area of interest for the libraries in collaboration with IT services and the Center for Computational Sciences. A postdoctoral fellow will start work in the library in August 2014 for two years, under the supervision of CCS and the library. GIS Service was established one year ago located on the first floor of the Richter Library. There’s recruitment efforts taking place for a GIS librarian and a technician. There’s an expansion in the area of digital humanities. There’s a couple of resource discovery initiatives. One uses automated tools to generate records regarding special collections and Wikipedia entries. Received the Society of American Archivists Coker Innovation Award. Currently working very closely with the Calder Library, Law Library, and IT services to integrate three separate UM library catalogs. It’s scheduled to have an RFP development by October 2014, and the proposals in January 2015.

Facilities Projects

Richter Library Renovation

·  1st floor Learning Commons (anticipated 2015-2016)

·  2nd floor Graduate Reading Room enhancements (currently underway)

·  3rd floor Faculty Exploratory “one button studio” (currently underway)

·  3rd floor faculty and staff work area renovations (currently underway)

RSMAS Library

·  Create a 21st century marine and atmospheric sciences library (anticipated 2015-2017)

Special Collections and University Archives

·  Moving from the 8th floor of the Calder Library to the 1st floor (anticipated 2016-2017)

Organizational Renewal

Currently recruiting for an Associate Dean for Digital Strategies and an Associate Dean for Learning & Research Services. On campus interviews anticipated for October/September. Strategic planning process anticipated to start fall 2014. There’s a faculty recruitment for three new digital scholarship positions and two staff.


The context leads to some discussions regarding the main challenges. Both facilities have been visited and both have met with staff. There’s an advisory group (Lanny Gardner, Sally Wise, and Dr. Eckman) operations group (JoAnn Van Schaik, Cheryl Gowing, and seven faculty and staff from Calder and UM Libraries), and a budget group (five faculty staff from Calder and UM Libraries). Recommendations to the advisory group are due in August. The recommendations will then be vetted through the Medical Library Committee, School of Medicine Faculty Council and Dean Goldschmidt. Those recommendations will then be sent to the Provost.

The power point presentation can be found on the Medical Faculty Council website.


Dr. Bhattacharya mentioned two issues with textbook access. One problem is that it is sometimes difficult to find and access textbooks. It’s not just a unique problem with just the Medical campus, it’s all over the country. The second problem is with the system changes, journals are not opened or compatible.

Dr. Eckman responded that textbooks are a challenge because of cost reasons and significant work going on in open access. He is not aware of the specifics of the situation at the Calder Library regarding textbook access.

JoAnn Van Schail mentioned that there are more electronic textbook subscriptions in the last eight months. They have not been purchasing textbooks for a couple of years because of the increase of cost in journals, and journals is the focus.

Dr. Gaetano asked if there was a library application for the iPhone. Dr. Eckman responded that there isn’t an application, but the Richter Library does reformat to the device. With the new content management system there should be a way to flow into the device that you are using.

There’s an issue with single sign on that IT Services is looking into. The goal is to enable that so your personality is recognized.

Suggestions: Dr. Bhattacharya suggested that once the Associate Dean is onboard and the project is finalized, to give a presentation and invite the council members to be updated.

Trauma Relationship

Dr. Schulman recapped on his visit to Brazil. Over the last year, the division of trauma in Miami has been training in Rio de Janeiro. Dr. Schulman and his team worked on their trauma system and development. In result, two trauma centers have opened in the state of Rio. Sometimes two trauma surgeons from UM visit Brazil. The trauma surgeons work five to seven days a week, twelve hour shifts. The surgeons not only teach, but they are also present for the trauma cases. They guide the trauma team through the process of taking care of the patient. There has not been a perceived increase in the number of trauma cases due to the world cup.

Interventional Radiology Department Proposal

Dr. Narayanan gave an update on the proposal. Since the last meeting, several letters have been secured from Dean Goldschmidt, Dr. Falcone, Joe Natoli, and Dr. Nimer. In addition to the letters of support received from Dr. Parekh, Dr. Goodwin, Dr. Jones, and Dr. Quencer. The budget for the new department was created for the next three years and it was presented to Dr. Falcone who reviewed. It was approved by both Dr. Falcone and Joe Natoli. The budget for Interventional Radiology has been separate from Diagnostic Radiology over the last three years. Since the budget has been separate, there is no negative impact on Diagnostic Radiology. There is no additional significant expenses with the new department. Interventional Radiology is different from Diagnostic Radiology. They currently see patients in a clinic at least three days a week. This is going to change to a five day a week set up. The construction should start taking place soon.

Given the amount of tests that they order, they are capable of bringing in revenue to the institution. It was recognized as a clinical specialty by the American Board of Medical Specialties in September 2012. The American Board of Radiology has also recognized IR as a distinct area of Medicine. IR residency to be in place by 2016.

Dr. Quencer spoke in regards to the proposal. He is enthusiastic about this new proposal. IR is having a major impact on the Medical school and patient care. This is going to be groundbreaking, and they are going to be leaders in the country. The timing is appropriate to recognize IR as a separate specialty.

Dr. Bhattacharya spoke referencing the proposal letters. The proposal is not clear and people will be very confused. The powerpoint presentation is much more clear.

Dr. Falcone spoke in response to Dr. Bhattacharya’s concerns. The only growth in expenses will be due to the growth in faculty recruitment. The fastest area of growth in IR is in Interventional Oncology. Dr. Falcone doesn’t see it as a risk. It will be seen as a significant competitive advantage.

The Dean also gave his input. It is the fastest growing area, and interventional oncology is very critical. More and more patients are living with cancer and this area is an essential need. There’s a new residency program coming up.

Dr. Marcos asked about the residency program. Dr. Quencer clarified that the program is structured where the residents have three years of core diagnostic radiology. The students select if they want IR or DR. Dr. Narayanan mentioned that the residents will complete their core diagnostic radiology and then complete two years in the program that they are interested in, IR or DR.

Dr. Quencer asked what the next steps were. Dr. Schulman referenced the faculty manual. First, you have to get the approval of the school, then the approval of the Dean, then the Faculty Senate (general welfare), then to the full Senate for a vote.

Dr. Altman is in favor of the new IR department, however he brought up the question whether or not the faculty members in the department are tenure earning. He is not sure if the senate is going to approve the department if someone in the department is not tenure or tenure earning.

Suggestions: Dr. Bhattacharya suggested making the executive summary more detailed. Dr. Panos and Dr. Schulman will work with Dr. Narayanan on the proposal letter. Dr. Altman suggested to speak to someone on the senate regarding faculty members in the department on being tenure or tenure earning. Dr. Altman and Dr. Schulman will work on this issue.

Motion for Approval: Unanimously Approved

The next step is to submit to the Faculty Senate.

The powerpoint presentation can be found on the Medical Faculty Council website.

Medical Faculty Club

The idea of getting a faculty club on the medical campus is to encourage the collaboration and engagement that goes along with having a meeting place. President Shalala is looking for a donor who will support this project. Dr. Schulman met with the chair of the Faculty Senate and he had been asked by President Shalala to work on this. A member of the committee said that this is a campus that “lacks a heart”. Dr. Schulman, Ron Bogue, Joanna Lombard, and Charlotte Rogers have been working on this project together.

The first option is the Sewell building which is actually the Halisee House. The building is now empty and in disrepair. The problem is the current location, it’s not suitable for getting in and out. It can be refurbished, but it will be expensive because the building might have to be moved to the back of the parking lot. Moving the building can damage it, and it will cost $5 million. The Dean remembers a plan where it cost $5 million just to renovate it. The second option is to put a new building in front of the CRB parking garage which will cost approximately $5-$6 million dollars. The third option is the MTSL building which is easy to renovate, but it has the least appeal. The fourth option is a building in front of the Mailman center. There is no timeline on this project, but President Shalala is making it a priority.

Suggestions: The Dean suggested moving the UMHC valet parking. Dr. Altman suggested to move the entrance of UMHC and to have a faculty reading room.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm by Dr. Carl Schulman, Speaker for the Medical Faculty Council.

Next meeting scheduled to take place on July 8th, 2014.