Fostering philanthropy for the lasting good of the community
To: Prospective Applicants
From Jennie Stephens, Senior Program Director and Danica Doe, Program Assistant
Date: July 12, 2004
I would like to take this time to introduce you to The Community Foundation Serving Coastal SC (TCF) and one of our grantmaking programs. TCF is a public grantmaking Foundation that responds to the needs and opportunities of people who live in the coastal region of South Carolina. TCF’s ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life here—Georgetown, Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester, Colleton, Hampton, Beaufort, Allendale, and Jasper Counties.
In 2001, The Winthrop Family created The Winthrop Family Allendale/Hampton Fund (The Fund) to provide grants for charitable purposes primarily in Allendale and Hampton Counties in South Carolina. The Fund’s grants benefit nonprofit organizations that serve Allendale and Hampton counties. This Fund’s permanently endowed grantmaking focuses primarily on charitable purposes in the areas education, health, and conservation/preservation of the built and the natural environment, as long as it benefits citizens who reside in the Allendale/Hampton area. The maximum grant is $10,000 and the deadline is Friday, September 3rd. Last year The Fund granted $32,935 to 10 nonprofits serving Allendale and Hampton counties.
Please read the application instructions before you decide to apply for grant support. All of the instructions are important, but we’d like to bring one point in particular to your attention: Grants may be awarded only to organizations that can send us a copy of a letter from the IRS certifying that the organization is either a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization or a recognized governmental entity. Nonprofit recognition from the state of South Carolina is not sufficient. Applicants must either be a governmental office, a house of worship, or have their own 501(c)(3) recognition (or have another group which is 501(c)(3) agree to serve as fiscal agent for the proposed project).
I am here to help you if you have any questions about whether you are qualified to apply to this Fund, or if you would like any help in submitting an application. Please feel free to call me any time at (843) 723-5736 x. 107, or my assistant, Danica, at x. 122.
The Community Foundation Serving Coastal South Carolina
Fostering philanthropy for the lasting good of the community
90 Mary Street, Charleston, SC 29403 Telephone (843) 723-3635 Fax (843)577-3671
The Winthrop Family Allendale/Hampton Fund (the Fund) was created in 2001 by the Winthrop Family to provide grants for charitable purposes primarily in Allendale and Hampton Counties in South Carolina. The Winthrop Family Allendale/Hampton Fund is managed by The Community Foundation Serving Coastal S.C.
An organization may receive a grant from The Winthrop Family Allendale/Hampton Fund only if it meets all five of the following eligibility criteria:
§ The applicant addresses education, health, or environmental issues in Allendale and/or Hampton Counties.
§ The applicant is recognized by the I.R.S. as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, a house of worship, or as a governmental office. If the applicant is not a governmental office, a recognized house of worship or recognized by the I.R.S. as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, the applicant must have secured an organization recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit to be its “fiscal sponsor” for the grant.
§ The applicant does not discriminate in providing services or in its hiring practices.
The Fund primarily provides support in three program areas: education, health, and conservation/preservation of the built and the natural environment. However, grant requests are accepted for any charitable area – the arts, education, the environment/conservation, health, human needs, or neighborhood/community development, as long as the proposed program would benefit citizens in the two-county area served by the Fund.
A program is eligible for funding if it provides needed services to people within the two-county area. The Fund gives priority to proposals that include one or more of the following:
§ A program that addresses existing needs in new and imaginative ways;
§ A program that addresses an emerging need;
§ A program which is developed collaboratively by people from various sectors of the community, working together to improve the community;
§ Initiation of a promising pilot program so that it can demonstrate its usefulness to the community;
§ A program with a direct impact on the education or health of residents of Allendale or Hampton counties or the natural or built environment of these counties;
§ A program with a plan to secure other necessary funding so that it can be continued after Winthrop Fund support has ended; and
§ A program designed to improve the management of non-profit agencies—that is, to reduce cost, and increase efficiency.
This Fund will not award grants to private foundations.
Grant Amounts
Generally, the Fund will accept requests for grants in the range of $1,000 - $10,000 each. In rare cases, the Advisors may recommend greater amounts. Grant recipient’s programs are expected to be implemented and grant funds expended by December 31, 2005.
Grants are recommended by the Donor Advisors of The Winthrop Family Allendale/ Hampton Fund in November/December of each year for TCF Board approval in December. Applicants must be sure they have the current instructions, which are available from The Community Foundation by July of each year, with a September 3rd deadline for submission. In most cases, funding recommendations are developed by December, based on the organization’s responses to “Exhibit A” and the Grant Application Form and results of site visits conducted by TCF staff. No grant request will be considered without properly completed application materials.
The proposed time schedule is as follows:
Proposed Date / ActivityJuly 15, 2004 / TCF mails applications to identified agencies
Sept. 3, 2004 / Applications are due
Oct. 1 – Oct. 31, 2004 / TCF staff conducts site visits to applicants
Dec. 10, 2004 / Recommendations are developed
Dec. 22, 2004 / TCF Board approves recommendations and applicants are notified of the outcome
Sept. 2004 / Request for end-of-year grant reports mailed to prior year’s grantees
For additional information
Call Jennie Stephens at The Community Foundation (843-723-5736 x. 107) with any questions about The Winthrop Family Allendale/Hampton Fund or for assistance or advice in completing this application. You may also reach her by e-mail at .
Please note:
· TCF will not accept applications via e-mail or fax.
· An application consists of the following:
o A completed Grant Application Form,
o A written response to “Exhibit A”: Narrative Instructions,
o A list of board members,
o Resumes of principal staff mentioned in the proposal,
o An organizational budget, and
o A copy of the organization’s audited financial statements, if applicable.
Maximum narrative length = 3 pages (not counting attachments)
Number of copies = 1
Qualifications of the Agency. Give a history of the organization, including a description of services and documentation of past program accomplishments. Provide justification for why the organization is qualified to conduct the proposed program. Include in an Appendix a list of the members of the governing body of the agency, along with the names of the organization or corporation they represent. Please include a brief statement that the agency practices non-discrimination.
Need for the Program. Give a clear and concise statement of why the program is needed. Identify a specific need that is not currently being met in the area served by the Fund. Provide a rationale for how the program is different from existing programs. Using numbers and statistics, describe the persons who have the need for the proposed services.
Program Goal and Objectives. State the goals or a general statement of what the proposed program will do and list specific anticipated outcomes or objectives and list the number of persons to benefit from the program. Remember that each objective must be measurable; that is, each should be able to be tested or seen. It may be helpful to write your objectives in terms of your efforts to change behaviors, attitudes, conditions, knowledge, or status of your program participants.
Methods. Indicate how persons will be selected to participate in the program. Explain the activities to be used to meet the program objectives, including dates that major activities will start and end, and hours per week that services will be provided. Also, include the evaluation plan that will be used to determine whether or not the program has accomplished its objectives. For each objective, tell us the procedures to be used to measure and evaluate success.
Personnel. Give the name of the person responsible for the program and include a list of major responsibilities (with estimated number of hours by each). Also, describe qualifications (both education and experience). Provide this for other key staff members. In the Appendix, include resumes for up to two of the principal people mentioned.
Budget. Give the Organization budget (both income and expenses) for the current year and provide a budget for the proposed Program. The Program budget should be divided into categories such as “Personnel”, “Supplies and Materials”, “Travel”, “Data Processing”, etc. Include in the Appendix a copy of the organization’s annual agency budget and a complete audited financial statement for the most recent fiscal year; absence of audited statements is a negative for grant consideration, but is not a disqualifying item for applicants with modest budgets.
Each program budget category should include detail used to compute the total. For example, if one staff member, paid $12 an hour, will work on the program for 50 hours, the personnel line should read, “1 staff member for 50 hours at $12 an hour = $600.” As a second example, if one textbook costing $10 a piece will be purchased for 30 program participants, the supplies and materials line should read, “1 textbook for 30 participants at $10 each = $300.”
If The Winthrop Family Fund’s grant money will be combined with monies from other sources to cover program costs, the budget must be given in three columns: Winthrop Family Fund, Other Sources (tell each funding source, with amount), and Total for each budget item (example shown below). In such cases, the certainty and timing of such other funding should be addressed and discussed, as well as any contingency plans.
Budget ExplanationLine Item / Winthrop Family Fund / Other Sources / Total
Fringe Benefits
Grant Application Form
The Winthrop Family Allendale/Hampton Fund
90 Mary Street, Charleston, SC 29403
Phone: (843) 723-3635 Fax: (843) 577-3671 Web:
Legal Name: Federal ID#Address: ______
Phone #: ______Fax #:______
E-mail Address: Website address:Executive Director:
Contact Person: Title:
Organizational/Financial Information
Yr. Founded: ______Amount Requested: $
Geographic Area Served: Allendale County Hampton County Other______
For which category is your organization applying? (check the appropriate box)
Education Health/Human Needs Environment Other______
Total Agency Budget $ Total Program Budget: $
Program Start Date: ______Program End Date: ______
Tax Status (select the appropriate box): 501(c)(3) Gov’t Agency Other______
Description of Proposed Program (Do not exceed space below)
(Please give a summary describing the program for which you are requesting funding.)
Signature of Executive Director or Chairperson of Governing Body Typed Name
Title Date
S:\Technology\WEB\Updates temp\Winthrop Guidelines and Memo 2004.DOC 7/11/04