McCallums Hill Primary School
Minutes of P&C Meeting
Friday 26th August 2011
START: 1.30pm
Tracey moved and Mrs Glover seconded the minutes from July meeting.
New Uniform Committee – A meeting was held on the 17th August. Sports shorts are to be made so that PSSA players representing the school in Rugby League, Softball, Soccer and T-Ball must wear these on Friday. A sample of the style, colour and fabric of the shorts is to be provided. A cap and scarf for winter will also be part of the uniform. A competition will be open for students to come up with the logo design for the hat and scarf. It was noted that the current school shirt loses colour and stickers, paint and dirt marks leave a stain.
2010 P&C Financial Records Audit – Is not complete at this stage.
Disabled Parking/Lollipop man – The council has replied about our request and said that the RTA is responsible for road crossing supervisor and 40 speed zones around the school. A letter has been sent to RTA but no reply as yet.
Quote for PA System – A quote has been received for the new PA system of $1800 excluding the CD player. To have a CD player the cost is an additional $350. All in attendance agreed to donate $2150 for this.
Ballroom Dance costumes – Dr Lambert has kindly donated $500 towards Dancesport costumes. This money will be used to update the boys cumber bands and bow ties, and the girls belts. The finalist costumes will have glitter. The jazz group who will perform at the School Fete and Musical require costumes. These cost $927 and Mrs Mitropolos has raised $336 for these through Mufti Day. P&C have agreed to pay $531 for these costumes (balance less GST). These 18 costumes will remain property of the school.
Change of bank account to Bank west – In process
CORRESPONDENCE: IN – Various Fundraising and School photo companies
OUT – Nil
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT - Tabled and attached.
TREASURER’S REPORT - Tabled and attached
School Disco –Term 3 on Thursday 22nd September in the school hall. Flyer to be sent next Thursday. Payment of $8 required beforehand and the student will be marked off on arrival. P&C looking at ways K - 2 can have fun and not be too shy to dance.
Father’s Day Stall – Will be held on Thurs 1 Sep 10am-3.15pm (note date change) & Fri 2nd Sep 8.30-10am. Volunteers are required to set up and sell on the days. Flyer has been sent out.
Spring Fete – Sunday October 16th 2011. Next meeting will be Wednesday 7 September at 7pm in the staffroom. Briefly: Teachers availability times on the day. Pre purchased amusement ride sales have been lower than expected. If 390 not sold before fete then amusement ride company may not bring all rides. Banner to be put up on school fence.
Calendars/Cards/Diaries – Flyer will be sent in Term 3 week 8 and then completed artwork to be sent to company by week 10.
◊ Landscaping has started which will be paid for from 1 million 5 cent coins donation collected so far.
◊ A suggestion has come in from a parent asking for a mini bus to be hired when a small number of students need to go to debating (or other educational activities) outside the school. Currently parents are relied upon to take their children, but the bus would mean that all the kids could be together and it’s easier for working parents.
◊ The number 2 from 1952 on brick fence outside school is missing. Rhonda (or Tracey) to check at hardware store if similar number in font and size is available to buy.
◊ A concrete path from gate at front of school to front office is necessary as grass not safe for wheelchair access. Rhonda to ask brother if concrete available for this.
◊ At front of school on grass area it would be lovely if Year 6 were able to eat their lunch there every now and then.
◊ A request for P&C to purchase a small fridge for each class to allow their drinks to stay cold in summer.
◊ School will explore other photo companies for 2012 School Photos.
NEXT MEETING: The next P&C meeting will be Wednesday 21 September 2011 at 7pm in the staffroom.
CLOSE: The meeting closed at 2.55pm.
7pm Wednesday 21 September 2011
1. Opening
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the previous meeting Friday 26 August 2011
4. Business Arising from the previous meeting:
Ø School Uniform Committee
Ø 2010 Audit of Financial Records
Ø Lollipop man/40 Zone on Moorefields Road
Ø Change Bank to Bank west
Ø 5 cent donation Landscaping
Ø Concreting and missing number 2
Ø 2012 School photos
5. Correspondence
Ø In
Ø Out
6. Reports
Ø Principal’s report
Ø Treasurer’s Report
7. Fundraising
Ø Father’s Day
Ø School Disco
Ø Spring Fete
Ø Calendars/Cards/Diaries
8. General Business – anyone at the meeting can raise things they want to discuss.
9. Next Meeting – The next P&C meeting will be held on Friday 28 October at 1.30pm in the Staffroom.
10. Close