TITAN 2000



All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written consent of Seagull Software cc - Cape Town (© 2006).

The information contained in these notes is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in compiling this guide, Seagull Software cc shall have no liability to any person nor entity with respect to liability, loss, or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained herein.

This material was produced by Stephanie Terblanche cc. - Producers of Computer Systems/User Documentation.

17 Skyliner Avenue


Cape Town,


Tel. (OH)082 773 4014



2global changes......

Alternate Sequence Reports......



3Systems Utilities - (SU)......

SU30 - Installation Maintenance......

SU31 - Descriptions File Maintenance......

SU35 - Customised Form Maintenance......

SU37 - Formula Maintenance......

SU38 - System Password Maintenance......

SU351 – Customised Terminology......

SU41 - Reference File Maintenance......

SU42 - Common Category Input/Maintenance......

SU44 – Customised File Layout Maintenance......

SU45 - General Cross Reference Maintenance

SU55 - General Cross Reference Enquiry

SU60 - Report Management System......

4General Ledger - (GL)......

GL10 - Journal Entry/Review......

GL15 - Batch Entry Update......

GL30 - Masterfile Maintenance......

GL47H – Load Cashbook Transactions Into GL......

GL93 - Year - End Cleardown......

GL98 - Budget File Global Update......

5Accounts RECEIVABLE - (AR)......

AR00 - System record Maintenance......

AR10 - Invoice/Credit Note Input......

AR11 - Payment Input......

AR20 - Batch Input......

AR301 – Transaction Amendment......

AR31 - Tax Category Maintenance......

AR32 - Category File Maintenance......

AR33 - Alternate Sequence - user Defined......

AR40 - Batch Input Into AR from Flatfile......

AR421 - Batch Masterfile Update From Flatfile - Short......

AR49 – Auto CLM/ADJ Reconciliation by Supplier Reference......

AR50 - Customer File Enquiry/Print......

AR60 - Consolidated Payment Matching To BL Deposits......

AR65 – From and To Journal Entry Input......

AR71 - Customer File Changes Print......

AR73 - Customer Label Print......

AR77 - Age Analysis......

AR78 - Credit Control Report......

AR802 – Duplicate Transactions Report......

AR82 - Salesman Commission Report......

AR89 - Customer Invoice Print......

AR91 - Form Print......

AR92 - Monthend Update......

6Accounts payable - (AP)......

AP00 - System record Maintenance......

AP10 - Invoice/Credit Note Input......

AP11 - Manual Payment/Discount Input......

AP13 - Journal/Debit Note Input......

AP15 - Claims Input......

AP151 – Invoice Adjustment Input......

AP30 - Vendor File Maintenance......

AP32 - Tax Category Maintenance......

AP33 - Bank File Maintenance......

AP34 - Purchase Analysis Maintenance......

AP36 - Alternate Sequence File Maintenance......

AP43 - Discount/Payment Date Amendment......

AP45 - Automatic Payment Selection......

AP47 - Claim Reconciliation......

AP471 – Invoice Adjustment Reconciliation......

AP481 – Invoice Adjustment Reversal......

AP49 – Auto Clm/Adj Reconciliation By Supp Ref......

AP54 – Transaction Enquiry By Document......

AP72 - Vendor File Changes......

AP76 - Marked Invoices Report......

AP80 - Audit Trail......

AP81 - Remittance & Cheque Update......

AP82 - Remittance & Bank Transfer......

AP83 - Open Item Report......

AP84 - Unpaid Invoices Report......

AP86 - Cheque Print......

AP90 - Monthend Update......

AP92 – Change Action Date......

AP95 - Cheque Update after Monthend......

AP96 – Delete Stale Vendors......

Flat Files......

7Sales Order processing - (SP)......


SP00 - System record Maintenance......

SP10 - Order Entry

SP11 - Order Review

SP13 - Input Picked Details

SP14 - Order Release

SP17 - Credit Note Entry

SP20 - Branch Order Entry......

SP30 – Invoice Maintenance

SP38 - Standing Order Print

SP57 - Invoice Enquiry

SP70 - Invoice Form Print......

SP82 – Label and Manifest

SP91 - Interface to AR and SA......

8Inventory - (IV)......

IV00 - System record Maintenance......

IV10 - Issues/Receipts/Adjustments/Transfers......

IV302 – Product Field Maintenance......

IV32 - Category and Stock Control Maintenance......

IV33 - Branch Inventory Maintenance......

IV331 – Customers Reallocation on PO Orders......

IV421 - Stock Takeon from Flatfile (Short Version)......

IV50 - Enquiries......

IV64 - Inventory Control Detail Report......

IV65 – Customer Allocation Report......

IV72 - Price List......

IV74 - Excess/Obsolete/Negative Inventory......

IV77 - Movements Report......

IV84 - Inventory Count Variance Update......

IV90 - Monthend Update......

9Purchase Orders - (PO)......


PO00 - System record Maintenance......

PO10 - Order Input......

PO11 - Order Amendment......

PO13 - Input Of Goods Received......

PO14 - Invoice For Goods Received......

PO15 - Input Of Goods And Invoice......

PO16 - Purchase Order Adjustments......

PO26 – Internal Requisition Completion......

PO31 - Alternate Sequence File Maintenance......

PO46 - Create Internal Requisitions......

PO47 - Standing/Recomm/Temp/Requisition Maintenance......

PO50 - Purchase Order Enquiry......

PO70 - Outstanding/Overdue Purchase Orders......

PO71 - Recommended/Standing Purchase Orders......

PO80 - Purchase Orders Form......

PO90 - Deletion of Purchase Orders......

PO92 - Interface to Accounts Payable......

PO951 – Delete Non-Balanced PO Suspense Records......

PO96 - Clear Standing, Recomm. I.R File......


SA00 - System Record Maintenance......

SA70 - Report Print......

11Weekly Payroll - (WP)......


WP30 - Masterfile Maintenance......

WP31 - Earnings/Deductions File Maintenance......

WP33 - Earnings/Deductions Param File......

12Monthly Payroll - (MP)......


MP33 - Earnings/Deductions Param File......

MP74 - Payroll Analysis Report......

13Fixed Assets - (FA)......

FA00 - System Parameter Maintenance......

FA30 - Asset File Maintenance......

FA78 - Asset Movement Report......

FA90 - Depreciation Update......

FA92 - Monthend Update......

14Job Costing - (JC)......


JC00 – System Record Maintenance......

JC10 - Job Cost Input......

JC22 - Job Cost Input - Fast Materials Input......

15Bill of Materials - (BM)......

BM10 - Production Input......

BM33 - Explode a Bill......

16Instalment Sales - (IS)......

IS00 - System record Maintenance......

IS11 - Payment Input......

IS32 - Invoice File Maintenance......

IS52 - Invoice File Enquiry......

17Cashbook - (CB)......

CB00 - System record Maintenance......

CB11 - Interbank Transfers......

CB30 - Bank Master File Maintenance......

CB311 – Bank Transaction File Maintenance......

CB62 - Automatic Reconciliation Utility......

CB621 - Automatic Un-Reconciliation Utility......

CB63 – BL Deposit Reconciliation Print......

CB92 - Monthend Update......

18BANKLINK - (BL)......

BL10 - Bank Link Interface to Cashbook

BL23 - Payment Upload from Accounts Payable

BL30 - Payment Upload Parameters

BL33 - Maintain AP Supplier Banking Details

19Report Writer......


RW50 - Report Enquiry......

RW71 - Create Disk File......

20Point-of sale......

PS201 - Extract Stock Files for Remote Branches

PS28 - Extract Accounts Receivable......

PS29 – Extract Debtors Batches......

PS48 - Import Accounts Receivable from Remote Brs......


22Dealer Utilities - (DU)......
















This document has been prepared to give you an overview of the changes made to TITAN since release 10.

All of these changes are fully documented in the Release 1.0 User Manuals.

Your dealer’s support staff will help you do the required conversions and train your staff where necessary to ensure that you get the very best out of the system and its enhancements.

Please note that this release requires ACUCOBOL 5 or greater.

2global changes

Alternate Sequence Reports

In all cases where alternate sequences have been defined, and saved with the latest programs, will the report screens that use them show an abbreviated description for each part of the code when the code is selected.


The mail file suffix is user definable. In the CBLCONFIG file set TITAN-MAIL-SUFFIX, for example TITAN-MAIL-SUFFIX EML will create a file like 001800.eml (the default is .txt). This relates to both Unix and DOS clients.


The default SUSCRN entry for the soft terminology is now OFF. The entry has also changed from SUSCRN to TITAN-SUSCRN.
The entry to switch logging off altogether, no longer applies (i.e. logging 9).
The entry is now LOGGING 0, or LOGGING 1. ) = OFF and 1 = ON. The default is 1.

3Systems Utilities - (SU)

SU30 - Installation Maintenance

This program now allows programs to be called with a default CO/BR/WH. There is a CALL AS ENTRY field, which much be entered if the program which is being simulated is already a synonym of another. E.g. PO46 is a synonym of PO10. SO:, PO4610 may be set as a synonym of PO10, CALL AS PO46, Default CO/BR/WH 01/01/01
The user group which is now the first 4 characters of the description in SU38 may be used to allow access to reports generated by a specific program, by all members of that group.

SU31 - Descriptions File Maintenance

To cater for rounding down of cash payments to the nearest 5 cents, the PM type must have .05 for each cash type code.
Type PM now allows you to take on a type for EFT and enter an [M] for manual. When SP10 asks for an EFT amount, the operator can enter it. Any difference between the EFT amount and the total of the invoice will be posted ‘ON ACCOUNT’.
WH now has the option whether to allow the allocation of stock to customers
If you use Sizes but do not wish to have a heading with all sizes, but only those sold, then enter a description with no other values. The print program will print headings only for those sizes sold.
There is a new description type PR which is for pre-fixes. This links to a specified number type as defined in SU32 - Numbers File Maintenance. At present it is used in the Purchase Ordering system where a prefix may be specified in PO00 - System Record Maintenance for Internal Requisitions and the system will then use the numbering sequence associated with that prefix.
In order to make SU41 codes mandatory in SP10, add the type, e.g. XW to SU31 with a code of "_MAN". In AR30 and add this type and code via [F7] to mark a debtor as having to have this mandatory code. SP10 checks if the “_MAN” code exists for this debtor if a blank code is entered.
Type BI for ABSA now needs specification for the Bank Reference –either Category (position 266) or Function (position 270)
There is a new type ‘RE’ for Reason Code to be used by SP17 - Credit Note Entry.

SU35 - Customised Form Maintenance

There is a new column ‘T#)‘. This allows you to specify that a certain title should only be printed when there is a value. You enter the Title number next to the value field.
Form type IV has a new field on the trailer, namely CALCULATED DISCOUNT %

SU37 - Formula Maintenance

You may now use a “what if” scenario by using the “<” to indicate lowest and “>” to indicate highest value. For instance, set A=average cost and B=standard cost. Set the formula to A<B. The calculation will be the lowest of A or B.

SU38 - System Password Maintenance

A program may now be marked as restricted access and will require a supervisor password before it can be used.
The fisrt 4 characters of the description now denotes a user group. This user group may then be used in SU30 where a user group may be set which is allowed access to reports generated by a specific program, for example, in SU30 option 6 set the group as ‘BUY’ for program PO46 so that all buyers can view requisitions.
In SU60 the user that generated the report and all users in that user group will be able to view/print reports.

SU351 – Customised Terminology

This is a new maintenance program that allows you to translate or change screen prompts either globally, or per user, or per program or per user globally or pre program for all users.
A new feature has been added in order to limit entries to valid values or to disallow invalid values. In the attributes section, an internal field may have attributes 2 and 3, 2 being for valid values and 3 for invalid values. These entries are held in a new file SUVALID

SU41 - Reference File Maintenance

You may now add an account number to SUREF codes to limit them to a specific debtor. A blank will relate to all debtors.

SU42 - Common Category Input/Maintenance

There is now an [F6] option which allows all categories on file to be updated to selected systems.

SU44 – Customised File Layout Maintenance

This program allows you to define any input file and then to convert it to a new file which one of the standard TITAN input programs such as CV03M can read and use to update files.

SU45 - General Cross Reference Maintenance

This new program allows you to create general cross references which bear no relation to any TITAN programs

SU55 - General Cross Reference Enquiry

This new program allows you to view the cross references created in SU45 - General Cross Reference Maintenance.

SU60 - Report Management System

You can now export reports to external packages. To do soyou need to complete the following for each external system in the cblconfig file.
These TITAN-DEST parameters start at 6. Look at the example below:
TITAN-DEST6-NAME Word This contains an optional Name, here we used Word
TITAN-DEST6-"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE"This is the command that executes the external package
TITAN-DEST6-SUFFIX .txtThis is optional and is the extension given to the temporary print file. If this is omitted, the extension will be .prn
TITAN-DEST6-DELETE NIf you retain the default as N (no) then the temporary files will not be deleted on exiting the command. If you change this to Y, then the temporary file will be deleted and you ill have to save the file in the normal manner if you wish to retain this.
When re-directing a print to a flat file, an extension may be entered. Any files which use HTML as the extension, will have HTML embedded in the printout.
There is a new option to print only odd or even pages or both.
‘Mail’ may now be used for all operating systems, not only WINDOWS.

4General Ledger - (GL)

GL10 - Journal Entry/Review

The YEAR/MM for which you are capturing is displayed.

GL15 - Batch Entry Update

The CO/BR of the source branch on IBT batch records created for the post branch are retained and details are stored on the GL transaction record.

GL30 - Masterfile Maintenance

User code 3 has been changed from 2 to 5 digits. Run CV0010 for phase 2.
There is a new 30 character reference field. It will be printed on GL70 - Masterfile Form Print and any changes to it will be reported on GL76 - Ledger Account Changes Print. It is also available via RW on the NLMAST file.

GL47H – Load Cashbook Transactions Into GL

This program is used to extract data from a flat file produced by Cash Controller, which is not a Titan module, in order to post CASHBOOK transactions to the Titan General Ledger. It replaces DU16GL

GL93 - Year - End Cleardown

There is now an [F7] All branches option.

GL98 - Budget File Global Update

There is a new option to calculate the budget from 1 – BUDGET, 2 – LAST YR ACTUALS, 3 – CURRENT YR ACTUAL, if the current budget records do not exist they will be created.
This allows 0% with supervisor password. This will create zero budgets.

5Accounts RECEIVABLE - (AR)

AR00 - System record Maintenance

There is an option to enable you to post a range of batches in AR40 - Batch Input Into AR from Flatfile. You can also specify whether to post all companies(C) in the range or all branches (B) within a selected company.
Batches in AR40 - Batch Input Into AR from Flatfile may be posted automatically if [A] is entered in the POST BATCH prompt without waiting for confirmation.
Some users interface transactions posted to Accounts Receivable via AR40 - Batch Input Into AR from Flatfile externally. In this case these transactions should not be posted again via GL42 - Interface from Accounts Receivable. A [N] in the new prompt in this program will ensure that AR40 marks the batch as an ‘AR40’ batch, that AR21 - Batch Update marks the transactions as posted to GL and does not update the interface screen in AR00 - System Record Maintenance, but does however update the month-end screen in AR00. AR21 also does not update the ARTAX interface totals if transactions are already posted to GL.
There is an option to validate duplicate combination of Customer ref/Category.
New option to select which SU32 Reference to use for all AR11 Receipt no’s.
There is now a default for printing category lines.

AR10 - Invoice/Credit Note Input

There s now the ability to auto calculate the invoice value at the end of the invoice. Enter zero for the invoice value and respond [Y] to the CALCULATE TOTALS question.

AR11 - Payment Input

Discount available is calculated for partial payments.
The audit trail now shows the ageing

AR20 - Batch Input

F8- CANCEL has been changed to F8-DELETE

AR301 – Transaction Amendment

This is a new program which allows access to transactions in order to change references and narratives.

AR31 - Tax Category Maintenance

You can now have settlement discount posted to a separate GL #.

AR32 - Category File Maintenance

The DETAIL/SUMMARY field may now contain an [N]. This indicates that the category is a stopped one, and AR10,20 and 21 will not be able to post to such a category.
There is a Year to date sales figure on the screen

AR33 - Alternate Sequence - user Defined

This program has been amended to add H/O BR and H/O ACC to the 2nd screen.

AR40 - Batch Input Into AR from Flatfile

If a batch has no header, an error message is given and that batch will further be ignored by the system.
Document numbers in a batch may all be zeroes. The docno is then calculated from a starting number on the header record adding 1 at each change of account number.
An option has been added to enter a template from which to get standard [F6] Narratives and [F7] Codes. Or you can use 2 flat files to enter codes or narratives.

AR421 - Batch Masterfile Update From Flatfile - Short

The account number may not be spaces
Tax # has been added to the end of the file
An option has been added to enter a template from which to get standard [F6] Narratives and [F7] Codes.

AR49 – Auto CLM/ADJ Reconciliation by Supplier Reference

An option has been added to match against document numbers which are right justified and zero filled.

AR50 - Customer File Enquiry/Print

A Security level has been added to AR26 which may limit access to balances in AR50 to users who do not have a higher access.

AR60 - Consolidated Payment Matching To BL Deposits

Deposits are downloaded from the bank via BL10 - Bank Link Interface to Cashbook and written to the CBRECON file. This new program reads that file and picks up all deposits created by BL10. These are then matched to Debtors transactions and payments are created and marked as posted to CB where relevant.
As deposits may be for more than one customer, a field has been added for CBRECON to cater for the amount reconciled in this program. If entries are only partially reconciled, they are marked with a ‘K’. If the option is set in CB00 - System Record Maintenance, then CB92 - Monthend Update will retail all such partially reconciled entries.
The scan shows the full narrative over 2 lines
Access is available for reconciliation records from all periods. For partial scans the period needs to be entered.

AR65 – From and To Journal Entry Input

This is a new program which caters for a from and to journal between to different customer accounts. The ‘TO’ customer may be in another branch than the “FROM” customer. Only one side is captured, and when [F3] is pressed the system updates both the from and two customers and generates the correct journal transactions.

AR71 - Customer File Changes Print