Gifted and Talented News –September2015
Mission: Create an environment in which the full potential of the Gifted and Talented Learner isrecognized, encouraged, and nurtured.
Welcome to a new school year. I am looking forward to getting to know our sixth graders and renewing friendships with our seventh and eighth graders. Please be sure to peruse theabbreviated list of co-curricular activities and pick out a few activities that your student would like to participate in. Participation in co-curricular activities greatly enhances academic performance and satisfaction with school.
Put your fingers to the keyboard and participate in the annual V.F.W. Patriot’s Pen Youth EssayContest! You are asked to submit an essay in 300-400 words explaining “What Freedom Means to Me.” See the Gifted Services rack in the Media Center for more information and a submission form. Essays are due to Mrs. Martenson by Tuesday, October 27.
Kellogg Co-curricular Activities
The activities listed below are some that have been offered in the past and are open to ALL students unless otherwise noted. Services are contingent upon student interest and the availability of parent/community mentors to facilitate the activities. Students should watch the Comet Capsule and read the Kellogg Newsletter to stay informed about these activities.
Chess Club is very active at Kellogg. Last year the members met at Century and practiced alongside the high school students. All students are welcome. More information will be coming soon.
Destination Imagination is an international team creative problem solving competition for students in grades K – 12. Each team consists of 5 – 7 members and a parent team manager. The team meets on a weekly basis in order to solve a challenge problem and several instant challenges. Teams are formed in the fall. The regional event is held in Rochester in March and the state event is held in April in the Twin Cities.
History Day gives students an opportunity to research a topic related to an annual theme and present his/her research in the form of a display, media presentation, performance, or paper at a regional competition held in March. The state event is in May.
MATHCOUNTS isa nationwide program that encourages students to pursue mathematics in high school and beyond. Meetings start in October. Regional event: February Sponsored by Community Education.
Math Masters Challenge is an academic competition for 6th grade students designed to promote critical thinking skills in mathematics. Students work in teams of five. Regional event: March.
Young Authors, Young ArtistsConference is an opportunity for students to delve into the art of writing and art by participating in a variety of breakout sessions led by professionals. The conference has been reconfigured and 6th grade students will attend, along with the 7th and 8th grade students, in the Fall rather than in the Spring as in previous years.