Dear Parents,

We are eagerly planning for the 8th grade field trip to Savannah, Georgia on February 28th-March 2nd. I am sure the students will have a great time while learning about Georgia history.

In preparing for the medical needs of the students on the trip, I wanted to communicate how medications that may be needed during the trip will be handled. All medications (even over-the-counter medications) need to be brought to the clinic by a parent in their original container and not expired by Tuesday, February 13th. Students cannot bring in medication and will not be allowed to carry medication with their personal belongings on the trip. All medications will be kept with the student’s chaperone with the exception of emergency medications. Emergency medications, such as epipens and inhalers, can be carried by the student with signed physician approval. We will not be collecting medications after Tuesday, February 13th. Medications currently stored at school will not be taken on the trip except epipens and inhalers.

If your child has any medical concerns that need to be addressed, please let me know as soon as possible. If he/she has a history of asthma or food or insect allergies and do not have a current 2017-18 school year action plan on file in the clinic, please call or come by the school to address those issues as soon as possible as some doctor signatures may be required.

Attached you will find a Request for Administration of Medication Form and Medication Documentation Form. Please fill out both sides for each medication provided. Extra forms can be printed from the school website homepage or picked up in the clinic.

Thank you for your help and cooperation in this matter.

Kim Bell, RN

School Nurse

Vickery Creek Middle School

770-667-2580 ext. 230107

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