RISK ASSESSMENT OF: Basketball/Netball LOCATION(campus/room): Indoor/Outdoor
ASSESSED BY: ………………………………………..DATE: ………………… AGREED BY: ………………………………..…………… DATE:…………………
What are the hazards? / Who mightbe harmed and how? / Current control -what are we already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by whom? / Action by when? / Done
Contact injuries / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: twists, breaking of limbs, cuts and bruises / Wear correct footwear and clothing as appropriate.
Students giving instruction and training and briefed on acceptable behaviour whilst taking part in activities
Referee/Tutor to stop game is student(s) are behaving in an unsafe manner
Any students with injuries to be excused from taking part in sports / Ensure that all equipment is checked regularly
Injuries caused by foul play / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: twists, breaking of limbs, cuts and bruises / Students giving instruction and training and briefed on acceptable behaviour whilst taking part in activities
Referee/Tutor to stop game if student(s) are behaving in an unsafe manner
Injury caused by contact with posts or other equipment. / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: twists, breaking of limbs, cuts and bruises / Wear suitable clothing and foot wear
Teachers / Officials keep close control of the game.
Posts clearly painted or marked with coloured tape.
Coach to Inspect playing area to ensure that it is safe
Slips and trip injuries. / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: twists, breaking of limbs, cuts and bruises / Posts should be secure and stable, use plastic boundary markers.
Wear suitable clothing and foot wear
Teacher should modify game to suit conditions to ensure safe environment.
Courtis inspected by the coach prior to playing to ensure that it is safe to play on
What are the hazards? / Who mightbe harmed and how? / Current control -
what are we already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by whom? / Action by when? / Done
Injuries sustained by inadequate warm up or cool down / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: pulled muscles, strains and strains / Students to take part in warm up activities prior to the match
Students arriving late to take part in warm up before they join in the match
All students to take place in cool down after match
Students with injuries or illnesses to be excused from taking part in sports