RISK ASSESSMENT OF: Basketball/Netball LOCATION(campus/room): Indoor/Outdoor

ASSESSED BY: ………………………………………..DATE: ………………… AGREED BY: ………………………………..…………… DATE:…………………

What are the hazards? / Who mightbe harmed and how? / Current control -
what are we already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by whom? / Action by when? / Done
Contact injuries / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: twists, breaking of limbs, cuts and bruises /  Wear correct footwear and clothing as appropriate.
 Students giving instruction and training and briefed on acceptable behaviour whilst taking part in activities
 Referee/Tutor to stop game is student(s) are behaving in an unsafe manner
 Any students with injuries to be excused from taking part in sports /  Ensure that all equipment is checked regularly
Injuries caused by foul play / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: twists, breaking of limbs, cuts and bruises /  Students giving instruction and training and briefed on acceptable behaviour whilst taking part in activities
 Referee/Tutor to stop game if student(s) are behaving in an unsafe manner
Injury caused by contact with posts or other equipment. / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: twists, breaking of limbs, cuts and bruises /  Wear suitable clothing and foot wear
 Teachers / Officials keep close control of the game.
 Posts clearly painted or marked with coloured tape.
Coach to Inspect playing area to ensure that it is safe
Slips and trip injuries. / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: twists, breaking of limbs, cuts and bruises /  Posts should be secure and stable, use plastic boundary markers.
Wear suitable clothing and foot wear
 Teacher should modify game to suit conditions to ensure safe environment.
 Courtis inspected by the coach prior to playing to ensure that it is safe to play on
What are the hazards? / Who mightbe harmed and how? / Current control -
what are we already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by whom? / Action by when? / Done
Injuries sustained by inadequate warm up or cool down / Who: Students, Staff, Visitors
How: pulled muscles, strains and strains /  Students to take part in warm up activities prior to the match
 Students arriving late to take part in warm up before they join in the match
 All students to take place in cool down after match
 Students with injuries or illnesses to be excused from taking part in sports