Agriculture 2 2015-2016

“Agriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds - it's the production of food and fiber from the world's land and waters. Without agriculture it is not possible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable economy.”- Alan Savory

The overall objective of this course is to introduce you to agriculture, food, and natural resources through classroom instruction, supervised agricultural experiences, and personal growth. We will explore FFA, Animal Science, Plant Science, Agricultural Mechanics, and Agricultural Issues. Your agricultural education will provide you with academic and practical experiences necessary for career success.

Teacher – Jemma Morrow, B.S.Room # 4

Google Classroom - Check your school email () to see if you have a google classroom invitation from Ms. Morrow. If you do not, go to Using the plus (+) symbol in the top right-hand corner select join class. Ag 2 class code is: emgsyp.

Contact Information

266-3455 (High School Office)

Online Grades/Attendance: Infinite Campus. The link to check grades is on the school website.

Classroom Supplies: You will need to have the following supplies for class each day.

* 3-ring Ag Binder with lined paper or spiral notebook

* Pencil or a blue or black pen (no funky colors, gel pens, etc.)

Helpful, but not required: colored pencils, simple calculator

General Outline of Topics

  • Introduction to Montana Agriculture
  • FFA
  • SAE
  • Animal Science
  • Plant Science
  • Shop skills and projects
  • Agricultural Sales

Overview of Skills

  • Communicating importance of agriculture in everyday life
  • Reading and summarizing information
  • General lab safety and procedures
  • Operate machinery

Grading Policies

By Quarter

Formative Assessment (class work, homework, labs, notebook, etc.)30%

Summative Assessment (tests, quizzes, projects, performance tasks)50%


FFAExtra Credit


Each quarter45%

Semester assessment10%

Formative Assessments: The purpose of formative assessments (homework, class work, labs, agriculture notebook, and activities) is to provide you with the opportunity to practice skills and knowledge before you’re tested over them. Your agriculturebinder is a record of what you’ve been doing in class and what you’re learning. It’s also an important tool when you’re reviewing for tests and quizzes. You need to keep your notebook organized chronologically (in order by date), and it should include all notes, handouts, returned papers, etc. Make sure to date everything!Keeping a binder isnot optional!

Late and Incomplete Assignments: Late and incomplete assignments are not acceptable. However, I realize that sometimes “life happens” and you may not be able to complete an assignment on time. You will be able to hand the completed assignment in, one day late, without penalty, if you attach a “Life Happens” coupon. If you don’t have any Life Happens coupons left, or the assignment is handed in more than one day late, you will be docked 20% for one day late and 50% after that. I will only accept late/missing assignments from the first half of each quarter until midterm for each quarter. Late/missing assignments from the second half of each quarter will only be accepted until the end of each quarter. Assignments not handed in by the late deadline will automatically become a zero. Remember, by not completing work on time, you are losing your opportunity to “practice” and it will interfere with your understanding of the big picture. Students with chronic missing or late assignments will be referred for academic counseling. You will be given 3 “Life Happens”coupons per quarter. You may use these coupons to hand in a completed assignment one day late, without penalty. Any unused “Life Happens” coupons can be redeemed at the end of each quarter for 5 points extra credit per coupon. If you are absent, it is up to you to schedule time to find out what you missed and make up any work, labs, or activities. Work missed because of school sponsored activities also needs to be made up. Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for more information about making up work.

Summative Assessments:

Tests, quizzes, and projects are worth 50% of your quarter grade. They are VERY important. Your agriculture binder is a valuable study tool, so it’s important to keep your notes and assignments organized and complete.

Supervised Agricultural Experience (aka: SAEs):

Each student will be required to plan and execute a SAE program. Through your involvement in your SAE program, you are able to consider multiple careers and occupations. You will learn expected workplace behavior, develop specific skills within an industry, and are given opportunities to apply academic and occupational skills in the workplace or a simulated workplace environment. Through these strategies, students learn how to apply what they are learning in the classroom as they prepare to transition into the world of college and career opportunities. You are required but not limited to do 20 hours of SAE work each semester making a total of 40 hours throughout the year. This project is large, but will benefit you in more ways than can be expressed.

Ag 2 - Morrow
