Early Years Foundation Stage Risk Assessment
Hazards identified: / 1.Boundaries and Gates & Safe Dismissal2.Water hazards
3.Hazardous substances and equipment
4.Hazardous plants
5.Pets and other animals
6.Electricity and gas
7.Doors, windows and glass
8.Floors and stairs
9.Food preparation and hot appliances
10.Hygiene, cleanliness and minimising the risk of infection.
11.Outings and trips
12.Fire safety
13.Condition of spaces, furniture, equipment and toys
14. Sandpits and their protection from contamination
15. Clothing
16.First Aid, Medical and Dietary Needs
17.Monitoring children who are sleeping
Control measures required to manage Health and Safety:
1. / Children are supervised at all times. Staff work on a rota basis at the front entrance as children arrive each morning to ensure no children leave the premises following arrival each morning. Playground gates are locked after the morning bell. All visitors report to the office and sign in with the school secretary and wear visitor badges.
The Early Years play area outside of the classroom is fenced and used once the Teaching Assistant (Teaching Assistant – each session prior to use) has ensured the gates are closed. Furthermore, it is continued to be overseen whilst children are learning outside.
Reception children are handed over to named parents/carers (name and relationship to the child) at the end of the day by a member of staff (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant - daily).
All staff aware of ‘Missing Child’ procedure and ‘Uncollected Child’ procedure. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant, Lunchtime Supervisor – missing child only).
2. / There are two ponds on site. One pond (located near the ICT suite) is securely fenced with a locked gate. The other pond (located at the far end of the field) is fenced. When children are using the Early Years play area or the school field they are always supervised by an adult (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant, Lunchtime Supervisor).
3. / Staff have received health and safety training in respect of hazardous substances and equipment. Some staff have had Health and Safety training (Autumn 2013 – YC, SL). Approved disinfectant is located out of children’s reach and cleaning products are locked away in a cupboard accessed only by the cleaning staff and caretaker.
Medication is kept in secure storage away from children’s reach. (See point 16).
4. / Any planting activities planned to be carried out with children are checked to ensure they are not deemed to be hazardous. Children are closely monitored to ensure hands are washed following hanLunchtime Supervisoring of plants/planting materials and hands are kept away from mouth and eyes. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant – as necessary)
When using the wooLunchtime Supervisorand area, children are closely monitored to ensure hands are washed following activities and hands are kept away from mouth and eyes. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant, Lunchtime Supervisor – when accessed at lunchtimes: as used)
5. / Children’s access to creatures is always supervised by an adult, for example, observing butterflies, frogspawn, animal visitors. In the event of children touching animals, staff ensure hands are kept away from mouth and eyes and washed. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant – as necessary)
6. / Any electrical items used are PAT tested. Children are not allowed to touch sockets or switches, and the dangers are fully explained to children. Plug protectors are used in empty sockets. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant – daily checks)
7. / Doors are closed with the exception of children freely accessing the outdoor area, overseen by an adult as mentioned in point 1. Safety glass is in both windows and doors. Windows have safety catches. The door leading to the outdoor area has a keypad on the outside to prevent it being opened from the outside without the code.
8. / Any spillages are cleaned up immediately to prevent potential accidents, appropriate signage is used. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant)
Children encouraged to report these, using ‘red flag’ system.
9. / Any food preparation activities planned are fully supervised by someone with an appropriate Food Hygiene certificate (Samantha Lewis 20.9.13 due to be updated September 2016). Both children and adults will wash their hands thoroughly prior to any food preparation activities. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant – as necessary). Hot appliances are only used by an adult and children are fully supervised.
10. / Children wash hands before lunch and after visiting the toilet. Children encouraged to flush the toilet. Good hygiene habits always encouraged, such as putting a hand over one’s mouth when coughing. Where possible the school nurse is involved in delivering hand hygiene learning. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant - daily)
When children are ill at school, they are cared for appropriately and parents are informed so that they can be collected as soon as possible (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant – as necessary)
In the event of a child needing to be changed independence will be encouraged. The staff member will wear gloves and an apron and waste will be disposed of appropriately. Children will be changed in the toilets off the classroom (not in a public place or near food or drink) where they are provided with privacy. The member of staff will ensure another member of staff is in the vicinity and aware of the task being undertaken.
(Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant, Lunchtime Supervisor)
11. / See whole school risk assessment for local walks in the village and visits to church. For specified education visits see detailed individual risk assessments and ‘Information for Helpers’. (Class Teacher as Group Leader)
Written parental consent is also obtained prior to taking children on educational visits/participating in educational visitor sessions.
Children involved in risk assessment for educational visitors/outings through discussion and conveying how they will keep themselves safe, though appropriate ways, such as sketching ideas with partners. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant – prior to events and discussion during educational visits/visitors)
12. / Whole school policy and procedure for Fire Evacuation. Fire exits are always kept clear.
Matches used for class assemblies are always stored up high out of children’s reach. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant)
13. / All spaces, furniture, equipment and toys are checked, as used. Spaces are checked prior to children’s access. Any defects in furniture, equipment or toys are immediately put out of children’s reach (either to be disposed of, or where possible safely mended). (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant - daily as used. Lunchtime Supervisor – daily checks for lunchtime use)
Children are involved in regular discussion about, and encouraged to consider, how to safely use equipment such as scissors and split pins (as introduced). (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant – as used)
Children involved in daily risk assessment through appropriate checklist with pictures (space indoors and outdoors, furniture, toys, gate, clean/no spillages) and red flags to indicate danger and areas/items to avoid. (Daily, supported by Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant)
Children involved in PE risk assessment through use of photographs assessing the area, equipment and appropriate dress including long hair and jewellery. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant)
The outdoor toys in the Early Years shed are checked by the designated member of staff in charge, prior to children using them. The balance equipment on the Early Years Play Area is checked prior to use to ensure safety dependent on weather conditions. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant - as used. Lunchtime Supervisor – daily checks for lunchtime use)
Toys and equipment are cleaned as needed. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant)
14. / The sandpits inside and outside have lids. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant)
15. / Clean clothing is available in the Reception toilet in the event of a child needing to be changed. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant)
16. / Two Foundation Stage Practitioners are Paediatric First Aid trained (YC – February 2016, SL – March 2016, AP – April 2016). There is an accessible First Aid kit with appropriate content located in the Reception Classroom. A written record is kept of accidents/injuries and treatment and parents/carers are informed of any accident/injury and any first aid treatment given on the same day and letters are sent in the event of a head injury. Parents/carers are contacted immediately if it is deemed that the child requires additional medical attention.
Medical needs such as asthma and allergies are recorded prior to children starting and a list (with child’s photograph) is displayed in Foundation Stage store cupboard, staffroom (for staff who do not work in Foundation Stage but may encounter children, for example, at playtime) and the lunchtime supervisor is made aware. A copy of medical needs is also available in ‘Data Collection’ files in the school office. (YC/AP – on entry and updated as necessary).
Care Plans are put in place, as needed in consultation with parents and the school nurse. (SENCO) (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant , Lunchtime Supervisor aware)
Children’s dietary needs are recorded on the medical list mentioned above, all lunchtime staff are made aware and a copy is displayed in the school kitchen. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant – on entry and updated as necessary).
Staff medication is stored securely out of children’s reach at all times. This is also explained to any voluntary parent helpers, voluntary helpers or students who may have medication in their possession. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant – as voluntary parent helpers, voluntary helpers or students start).
The school procedure for administering medicine is followed where written parental permission is obtained (medicines containing Aspirin only given if prescribed by a doctor). A record of prescription medicines administered is kept. (Regular medicines that remain in school recorded in individual record books and occasional medication recorded on proforma in the school office). (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant, Lunchtime Supervisor – as administered)
17. / Although children do not usually sleep when at school, there may be occasions where they are ill and parents are in the process of collecting. Children will be placed in a comfortable quiet area in sight of an adult and frequently checked. (Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant, Lunchtime Supervisor – as necessary)
Risk Assessment adapted from: Staffordshire Council – Education Department
September 2016