CSC Event Outlines

DISCLAIMER: CSC/France Merrick Funds CANNOT be used to support events. Events may only be funded by sources outside of the CSC including but not limited to internal JHU grants(Alumni, SLPG, T-shirt), or external-to-JHU entities.

An event outline must be submitted by your organization at the beginning of each semester. While these events are not funded by the CSC, the CSC serves as the budget managers for your student organization’s account, and needs to know of and approve any events your organization is planning.

This outline should be completed by your organizations as your plans are formulated. When your guide is submitted, it is understood that it is a DRAFT document (and not all questions will need complete answers), but should provide helpful cues to the critical thinking questions that need to be answered during the planning process.

An Event Outline should be submitted for any events that are beyond the scope of your organization’s typical service and volunteering efforts, and/or, if your organization serves and volunteers through events (example: your organization hosts two conferences per year for the community). If you have any questions about Event Outlines, please address them with your advisor during your advising appointment.

Formulating an Event Outline:

  1. Basic Event Logistics:
  2. Primary Point of Contact
  3. Who is the point person for the event? Who are the point people for various aspects of the event?
  4. Date of your Event
  5. Does this date conflict with any major US Holidays, religious observances, or JHU events?
  6. Do you have 2-3 back-up dates?
  7. Desired Location of your Event
  8. Is your event on or off campus?
  9. If on campus, please see the Event Planning Guide at
  10. If off campus, have you devised a transportation plan of either community members (if attending) or JHU students?
  11. Do you have 2-3 back-up locations?
  12. Is your event location accessible? This can mean both accessible in terms of meeting ADA requirements, but also accessible for community members (if attending) and/or children.
  13. Desired Attendance
  14. How many people do you expect at your event?
  15. How many JHU Students, Faculty or Staff, Baltimore Community Members, youth (under 18)?
  16. Who is your target audience?
  17. Purpose of Your Event
  18. Does this event meet a community-identified need (either Baltimore community or JHU community)?
  19. Does this event further the mission and goals of your organization? How?
  20. Is your event a fundraiser? If Yes, please see section 5.
  1. Expenses

Brainstorm potential costs for the following large categories related to most events. The Event Planning Guide has sample costs included, and you can also contact Carolyn Mack regarding previous year’s expenses.

  1. Food
  2. Location Expenses
  3. Rental Fee
  4. Security
  5. Audio/Visual Support
  6. Custodial Services
  7. Table and Chair Rentals
  8. Marketing Costs
  9. T-Shirts or Other Giveaways
  10. CSC T-shirt Policy:
  11. Groups are expected to pay for ½ the cost of any tee shirts ordered for use while volunteers are working on-site. We feel this reflects a level of commitment from the student volunteers. The out-of-pocket costs to them are usually only $5-7.
  12. The cost of any tees used for fundraising purposes must be paid for out of the proceeds. The CSC can front the money, but it must be repaid in full.
  13. Groups’ France Merrick grants will pay ALL of the costs of tees for any youth sports teams being mentored. This request must be in the grant proposal.
  14. Transportation
  15. Are you reserving professional driving services, such as a bus or van?
  16. Please see all CSC van-related policies if using CSC vans.
  17. If using personal vehicles or zip-cars, budget for gas. If using personal vehicles, students accept liability for any accidents.
  18. Honoraria or other VIP related expenses
  19. If you are hosting a speaker, do they have a set speaker fee? This must be approved by the CSC prior to making a commitment to your speaker.
  20. JHU University Gift Policy: There is a strict $25 limit for gift cards or any other gifts given to any individual a group wants to thank in that way. Anything in excess of a $25 value is considered income. We will be required to report this to JHU Payroll, and the recipient will receive a 1099 tax form.
  1. Contracts and Financial Commitments
  2. Only CSC staff members are approved to sign event contracts.
  3. DO NOT make ANY financial commitments regarding your event before submitting your Event Outline with your Budget Proposal and meeting with Carolyn Mack and your assigned CSC Advisor.
  1. Marketing
  2. Please see the Advertising Policies at:
  1. Fundraisers
  2. The charity/organization must be approved by the CSC before proceeding with the fundraiser.
  3. All Event expenses - food, venue rental, AV, security, facilities, etc. -must come out of the proceeds from ticket sales. Groups may do outside fundraising for event expenses, but CSC/France Merrick funds cannot be used for fundraising event expenses.
  4. All donations for international groups must go through a stateside relief organization, i.e., International Red Cross, Rotary, etc.
  5. Paperwork to get the charity/organization into the JHU vendor system (for payment purposes) must be completed before the event.
  6. All money collected at fundraising events must be brought to the CSC for deposit - within 3 business days. Please bundle the money separated by denomination – no large quantities of coins, please. A receipt will be given to the group at that time.

Sample Event Outline

At a minimum, please submit the following information for your Event Outline:

  • Name of the Student Organization:
  • Name of the Event:
  1. Basic Event Logistics:
  2. Point of Contact
  3. Date
  4. Location
  5. Space confirmed?
  6. Total Attendance Estimate (Does not have to be exact)
  7. Purpose of Your Event (1-2 Sentences at most)
  8. Expenses:
  9. What is your total asking budget for this event? (Does not have to be exact)
  10. Where are you seeking external funding?
  11. Contracts:
  12. At this point, do you know of any contracts that you need to secure? (It is okay if your answer is initially “no” and changes in the process of your planning).
  13. Marketing:
  14. Will your marketing be directed on-campus, off-campus, or both?
  15. Fundraising:
  16. Is this event a fundraiser?
  17. CSC Emergency Contact:
  1. Typically, your CSC Staff Advisor


Name of the Student Organization: JHU Service Club
Name of the Event: Halloween Carnival

  1. Basic Event Logistics:
  2. Point of Contact - Johnny Hopkins
  3. Date - October 31st, 2013
  4. Location - Gilman Quad
  5. Space confirmed? No.
  6. Total Attendance Estimate - 100 students, community members, and children.
  7. Purpose - To host a Halloween Carnival for local Baltimore City Public School children.
  8. Expenses
  9. Asking Budget - $2,000.
  10. We are applying for a Student Life Programming Grant and a JHU Alumni Grant
  11. Contracts:
  12. We will need to secure a contract for the face painting booth.
  13. Marketing:
  14. We will market both on-campus and off-campus.
  15. Fundraising:
  16. No
  17. CSC Emergency Contact:
  18. CSC Assistant Director

For Fall 2015, event outlines are due with your Budget Proposal no later than noon on Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Spring 2015 Event Outlines will be due no later than noon on Friday, February 5th.