North Andrews Gardens Elementary School of the Arts

Clarice Duhart, Principal

Craig Lehrhaupt, Intern Principal

School Advisory Council/Title 1 Meeting

September 20, 2017

In Attendance:

Susan Boruch-Birsic Yesenia Sanchez

Tara Dukanauskas Kimberly McGill

Clarice Duhart Marie Francis

Tracy Hildebrandt Ralph Cunningham

Michael HorowitzDiana Horowitz

Cherise Gonzales

The following topics were discussed, allowing for community input:

Approval of Minutes: Motion made Mrs. Horowitz to accept May minutes. Seconded Gonzalez, Approved.

FSA Results/School Grade

ELA, Math, and Science results were discussed as well as learning gains. School grade up from a C to a B.

Title 1

Letters and website notice were disseminated to inform parents in a language they understand how to access SPAR, FSA/FCAT 2.0 and LEA Report Card (School Grades) and other assessment information Letters were distributed during SAC meeting and were sent home via backpack.

Letter notice were disseminated informing parents and community, in a language they understand, how to locate and review the 2017-2018 School Improvement Plan with Title I Plan (Addendum)

Letters in multiple languages, were provided to parents notifying of the location of District/LEA Parental Engagement Plan.

SAC Committee:

Due to the leaving of Kelly Marrero and Geidy Garcia …

SAF will be Mr. Horowitz

Innovation Zone: Mr. Cunningham

Gifted Parent Rep: Mr. Horowitz

ESOL: pending

ESE: Mrs. Horowitz

BTU: McGill

Secretary: Dukanauskas

Chair: Boruch-Birsic

Non-Instructional: Gonzalez

Community: Naylor


Reviewed and discussed SAC Bylaws. Officers will be elected for ONE year terms.

Officers of this committee will consist of a Chairperson and Secretary.

The officers shall be elected annually at the September meeting.

Installation of new officers will be held at the FIRST meeting of the school year.

Motion made to approve by Sanchez. Seconded by Duhart. Motion Passed.

Amended Calendar: We met Wednesday Sept 20 and we will meet on last Wednesday of each month as mentioned in May minutes.

Motion made by Ms. Horowitz and seconded by Mr. Cunningham. Motion passed.

Health/Fitness Education

Media teacher is leaving. Instead of hiring another Media teacherthere will be a para (McElveen) in Media. Teachers will be able to go to the Media Center and check out books and work on research and projects. Teachers will have to stay with their students during Media. We can add another PE teacher.

Mr. Cunningham made a motion to hire another PE teacher and to have Media with a para. Seconded by Mr. Horowitz. Motion passed.

Mr. Cunningham asked about Dance and it was explained that a dance teacher retired and we have a new dance teacher who taught here previously. He asked about the portables and was told that work is underway.

PTA- Will have a fundraiser starting soon. Assemblies will be held.

Mr. Horowitz asked if we can put SAC meeting dates and timeson marquee. He was told we will do that.

ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn Gonzalez, seconded Horowitz. Approved

Meeting Adjourned at 4:15 pm

(Submitted by: Tara Dukanauskas)