Grade 2 French Immersion Fessenden School
Room 12 First Term Newsletter Mme Greve
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as your child’s grade 2 French Immersion teacher. I am very excited to be part of the Fessenden school community and look forward to learning and growing with your child in a wonderful French atmosphere throughout the upcoming school year. It is my intention to work closely with you this year to help your child reach his or her full potential. My door is always open and I will be glad to discuss your child’s progress at any time with you. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
The following is a brief outline of some of what will be taught during the first term:
Literacy– Français
Reading Comprehension Strategies:
Activating prior knowledge, Predicting, Visualizing
Phonetics Review: the a,e,i,o, u, sounds
In our phonetic exploration, we will be learning and reading poems, discovering new vocabulary and writing words, sentences and stories. This will be done though modeled, shared, guided and independent reading and writing every day. Soon, students will be bringing a duo tang home to read with you on weekends what has been done during the week. More to follow...
Journal and creative writing: Students will be participating in activities to promote the development of independent writing skills daily.
Home reading: Soon, students will begin to bring home books to read for their home independent reading.
Literacy– English
This year in grade 2 students will be learning English for the first time. As in Francais, it is important that your child reads daily. Reading can be side by side reading with you, you the parent reading to your child or your child reading independently. I would like to encourage parents to read with their child daily when possible. Your child will be developing word work skills, reading comprehension strategies, writing, media and oral communication skills in English this year.
Math strands: Data Management (Sept), Number Sense and Numeration (Oct.-Nov.), Measurement (Dec.), Patterning and Algebra (Jan).
Social Studies: Traditions and Celebrations Health: Healthy Eating Science: Properties of Liquids and Solids and air and water
Other things to note:
Each student is asked to have an indoor and an outdoor pair of shoes for school. At each recess, students will change into their outdoor shoes to go outside. Please make sure that your child has both these pairs of shoes this week. Also, it is a good idea to send in an extra set of clothing to be kept in your child’s locker in case of emergencies. We will have a light homework program this year. This will consist mainly of reading and word work. Volunteeringin room 12 is more than welcome! I have had volunteers in my classroom all 27 years of my career and see this as invaluable. Please let me know if volunteering in the morning from 8:30 to 9:00 suits you and your schedule. This won’t start until October and can be on a drop in basis (it doesn’t have to be a weekly commitment). Please note that to volunteer you must attend the volunteering orientation session on September 17th at 6:00pm in the library.
Finally, I am very much looking forward to meeting all parents soon. Please feel free to come in and introduce yourself if you have the chance.
Once again, I am very excited about the year I’m about to spend with your child and I look forward to the journey we will have together.
Alisa Greve