PARTNER Application Instructions:

Welcome to the User Friendly Consulting (UFC) Partner Program!

STEP 1: Answer all of the questions on the partner application.

STEP 2: Complete the credit application.

STEP 3: Save, print and sign the partner and credit applications and send them as a scanned file by e-mail to:


Mail them to:

James Hill, Business Development Manager

1104 Kings Highway. – Suite 100

Winona Lake, IN 46590

STEP 4: A decision will be made within two weeks. If accepted, a partner agreement will be sent to you such that you have obtained a fully executed agreement before our relationship can begin.

Please answer all questions on the application. We appreciate your consideration of UFC!

Everyone at UFC is looking forward to the beginning of a mutually successful relationship!

UFC is a registered trademark of User Friendly Consulting, Inc. User Friendly Consulting, Inc does not discriminate against a business based on size, age or current sales revenue. By completing this application you are merely expressing interest and it does not imply any legal or binding agreement. All of your answers on this application are held as confidential information. User Friendly Consulting, Inc. does not participate in selling, giving, or sharing your information with other companies without your permission.

section 1: Company information


Company Name:


City: State: Zip:

Telephone: Fax:

Web Site Address: Year Company Founded:

Dun & Bradstreet #:

Type of Company (Please Check One)

Proprietor Partnership / LLC C-Corporation S-Corporation

section 2: employees

Total Number of Employees:

Number of Full Time Employees in each job title:

Sales: Customer Service / Maintenance:

Application Development: Marketing:

Professional Services / Consulting:

Approximate Number of Employees Dedicated to Document Imaging and Workflow:

section 3: company revenue

Annual Gross Revenue $ How much of this is for sale and support of Document Imaging, or Document Management / Workflow products? %

% Software: % Support:

% Hardware: %Application Development:

% Integration: % Other:

section 4: company description:

Describe your company’s general business background. Provide an overview of your growth from inception to the present time, and your web site address. Or, attach company brochures and/or web URL’s to provide this information.

Designated Contact Information:

Primary Designated Contact: Position:

Phone: E-Mail:

Alternative Contact: Position:

Phone: E-Mail:

Principals & Officers:

Name: Position:

Phone: E-Mail:

Name: Position:

Phone: E-Mail:

Name: Position:

Phone: E-Mail:


Please give us some information about products you are currently an authorized reseller for. Attach brochures and additional sheets as necessary.

Manufacturer Name: Product Name:

Number of Years as a reseller:

Manufacturer Name: Product Name:

Number of Years as a reseller:

Manufacturer Name: Product Name:

Number of Years as a reseller:

Manufacturer Name: Product Name:

Number of Years as a reseller:

Vertical markets your company is currently actively targeting:

Financial Services Insurance Education Manufacturing Government

Health Care Distribution Publishing Communications Pharmaceutical

Legal Retail Other (specify)

List your company’s internally developed products (if any) that are currently being marketed and sold:

Product Name: Year Released:

Product Name: Year Released:

Product Name: Year Released:


Signature: ______

Title: ______Date: ______

Privacy Policy

All information supplied will be held in strict confidence. By signing above, Company agrees that any information supplied by User Friendly Consulting, Inc. will be held in strict confidence and will be used only for the purpose of performing its obligations under this application. Company further agrees that it shall use at least the same degree of care to maintain the secrecy of the information as it uses in maintaining the secrecy of its own proprietary, confidential and trade secret information.

For User Friendly Consulting, Inc. Internal use only:

Accepted By: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______

Tel: (248) 447-0100 67200 51st. Street 4

Fax: (269) 674-3301 Lawrence, MI 49064