South Brunswick Township Transportation Policies

South Brunswick Township provides transportation Monday through Friday to anyone registered with the Senior Center. Our buses are wheelchair accessible and provide transportation from the home of senior residents 55 years and older or disabled adults.

Our service is only available to residents who have no other means of transportation.

Riders are to complete the membership form obtained from the Senior Center. They will be issued an ID card and must purchase a bus pass. Questions on how to join the Senior Center can call 732-329-4000 x7670.

A BUS PASS is required for all riders. Bus passes can be purchased at the Senior Center in the amounts of $10 $20 or $30 (each trip is $.50). All riders must have a pass when boarding the bus. Passes need to be replaced before the existing card runs out. Bus passes can also be ordered by mail. Forms are available through the Senior Center by calling 732-329-4000 x7670. If you are ordering by mail please refer to the Fee Order Form and mail it to:

South Brunswick Senior Center/Bus Pass.

540 Ridge Road

Monmouth Jct. NJ 08852


Reservations must be made by 4:00 PM the day prior to pick up by calling 732-329-4000 x7363. If you need to cancel a ride you can call and leave a message on the above mentioned phone number. There is voice mail 24 hours a day for messages.

The following routes are available.

Monday - Friday - Morning Pick Ups

To the Senior Center

Exercise-pickup–the bus arrives at the Senior Center by 9:15 am (for those in classes prior to 10:30 am only).

Cheers Run-the bus arrives to the Senior Center by 10:45 am

Afternoon Buses Home-Depart Center 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm

Food shopping:

·  Monday - 10:30 am - Dayton Stop and Shop for homes south of Rt. 1.

·  Tuesdays - 10:30 am -Residents of Oakwoods and 10:45 Charleston Place residents only.

·  Fridays10:30 am - Stop and Shop on Rt. 27 for homes North of Rt 1.

·  First and third Mondays of Month - Apna Market

Special Trips Wednesday - 10:30 am - various locations, (see the Senior Center Webpage for exact locations).

Errand Runs Thursday - 10:30 am. Stopping at banks, pharmacies, and shops along Rt 27 from Henderson Road to the Kingston Market.

South Brunswick’s Medical Transportation is now using a separate extension number for scheduling.

(732) 329-4000 ext. 7361.

·  Our Medical service is for senior residents needing transportation to and from their medical appointments. Only those residents with no other means of transportation should apply.

·  Residents must be able to get in and out of Doctors’ offices without assistance. Our drivers cannot assist you. We cannot be responsible to have you released to our care after a medical procedure. If necessary you may have an aide assist you.

·  If you have an aide they may ride with you. Seatbelts must be worn at all times.


·  Appointments can be made by calling between the hours of 10:00 am and noon, or 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

·  Have your doctor’s name, address and phone number ready. Your doctor’s appointments should be made for no earlier than 9:00 am and no later than 2:00 pm.

·  Be aware we have a limited travel distance and we may not be able to accommodate your appointment if the location is out of our driving area. Please check with our transportation office to see if your doctor is in our transportation area.

·  Schedule your appointment at least two weeks in advance..

·  All late day appointments must be over by 3:30 pm.

·  If your appointment runs past 3:30 PM you will have to make other arrangements for a ride home.

If South Brunswick cannot accommodate you with medical transportation try NJ transit’s MCAT system. MCAT is Middlesex County’s medical transport system. Their number is: 1-800-221-3520.

Winter Alert
Duringthe wintermonths the bus service may be interrupted periodically due to snow and ice. Our transportation follows the South Brunswick school closings. Please listen carefully to the radio stations and check your local Cable Channel for the South Brunswick School closings. When schools are closed we will not provide seniortransportation. For more info you may call theTransportation extension x7363 after 8:30 a.m. for weather message.