Mr. Calvillo/Mr. Cox
Classroom Expectations
Our classroom expectations are quite simple. Students should arrive to school prior to the bell. They should be well-equipped with the necessary tools (pencils, paper, etc…), have their homework completed neatly, and be ready to learn. We also expect that all students abide by all school rules, at all times.
Additional Classroom Procedures
Students will learn during the first week of school, the proper procedures for turning in homework and/or research projects. Every piece of homework is due promptly at 8:45 am. If the student is still working on his/her homework when the bell rings, it will be considered incomplete and therefore the student will only receive partial credit when it is completed on the student’s own time (i.e. recess).
Homework is an extension of school learning. It also instills responsibility and organization. The length of time varies according to how a student has used his/her class time and by his/her ability. Our goal is to not assign homework; however, if an assignment is not completed in class, then the student will have to complete it at home. We will also be assigning project-based work that will take two weeks or longer. The student will be responsible for completing some of that work at home.
Students will have any homework listed on the board at the end of each class period and it will also be posted on your child’s 6th grade teacher website and/or Remind. They will be expected to write down their own assignments on their homework log daily, so they won’t forget. Please check this nightly to make sure that nothing is missing and that everything is completed. Ultimately, it’s your child’s responsibility to complete his/her homework log. Please make sure that all homework is completed and turned in on time!!
We will be using a standard grading scale for all quizzes, exams, projects and reports. Reports will be given two grades – one for the oral portion and one for the written portion. Below is the grading scale that will be used for all assessments:
97% - 100% = A+
93% - 96% = A
90% - 92% = A-
87% - 89% = B+
83% - 86% = B
80% - 82% = B-
77% - 79% = C+
73% - 76% = C
70% - 72% = C-
67% - 69% =D+
63%-66% =D
60%-62% =D-
Below 60% =F
Homework, class work, quizzes, exams, and special projects will be collected and used to determine your child’s grades. The percentages will be explained at Parent Information Night.
All quizzes, exams, projects and reports will be sent home with a grade on the top. If either you or we have any concerns as to the quality of work that your child is producing, we would like to set up a conference to see how we can remedy the situation as quickly as possible. We are here to help your child succeed, not fail. So we will do everything in our power to see to it that your child is receiving the extra help that he/she needs. If your child is absent they will be given a make-up exam upon return.
Attendance and Tardiness
Attendance at school is very important and every minute a student is not present, he/she is missing critical educational opportunities. If your child has a fever, or needs to rest and recover from an illness, please keep him/her home and notify the office first thing in the morning. Otherwise, please help your child to come to school and to be on time. It is helpful for students to arrive a few minutes before school begins to use the restroom before the bell rings.
We realize there comes a time when a doctor’s appointment and/or dentist’s appointment is necessary, but please try to utilize the off-track dates and minimum days throughout the year. If you know that your child will be absent for more than a week of school, please fill out an independent study packet in the office at least two weeks ahead of time (unfortunately, this is a district policy and must be adhered to), and we will prepare a work packet that will mirror the lessons that your child will be missing.
Cell Phones
If students have cell phones, they must be turned off when they come onto school grounds. There are times within the school year that cell phones will be used for educational purposes. In those circumstances, the students must follow the Internet safety guidelines provided by CNUSD. Students may not use cell phones on campus and phones will be confiscated if a teacher sees him/her using one for any other reason than educational purpose. Cell phones may only be turned on after exiting the front gate at the end of the school day for personal use.
Communication with Us
We will be available for parent conferences before or after school to discuss any concerns that you may have. You may email us at our district web addresses to set up a meeting:
We do need at least one to two day’s notice prior to setting up a face-to-face meeting. We would like your child to attend every conference that we hold. We feel that it is necessary for your son/daughter to hear exactly what is being discussed and have input; besides, it more than likely directly involves your child.
Your children will be responsible for fundraising for the 6th grade field trip, as our funds have been drastically cut this year. Please look for more information regarding fundraising on the 6th grade web pages and in notices and emails coming soon.
Suggested Classroom Supplies
This is a supply list that extends the entire year. There are many sales currently going on, so we suggest you take advantage. Please have your child come to school every day with the following supplies; they will need to have all of them by the second week of school:
· Pencils –and large eraser or multiple pencil top erasers
· Small personal pencil sharpener or extra leads
· Flash Drive – preferably 4.0 GB or higher (optional, yet very handy!)
· Backpack
· Scissors
· Three folders (one for each subject provided by school)
· At LEAST 8 Glue sticks (WE USE A LOT OF THESE!!!)
· Crayons (none of the bigger packs please!)
· 1 -2 Packages of Colored Pencils
· 3 Fine point BLACK Sharpies
· 3 Regular tip BLACK Sharpies
· Highlighters (three different colors)
· Clorox wipes
· 2 Boxes of tissues
Make sure your child also has the following items at home:
· Notebook Paper – wide or college ruled
· Extra pencils, etc…
· Stapler
· Ream of white printer paper (any brand is fine)
· And you might want to look into getting an extra ink cartridge for you home printer…they run out at the most inconvenient times! J
· OPTIONAL: We read several novels throughout the year. Many students enjoy having their own copy to follow along. This year we will be reading:
o The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
o Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
o Losing It by Erin Fry (*** This author usually comes in to our classes for an author’s talk and will autograph copies for our children)
Parent Questionnaire
This is greatly appreciated! Please include information on both/all parents. You may use a separate form for separate households. Please return to the teacher ASAP.
1. Name(s ) of parents or guardians ______
2. Siblings: (please include name, sister or brother, age, and teacher if attending Todd… that way we can better schedule parent conferences) ______
3. Best phone number to reach you at and CURRENT email address….
4. Is there anything we should know about your child: custody, allergies, health and temperament issues, restrictions of celebrations or activities, etc.? ______
The following items would greatly be appreciated, but NOT expected:
Tissue boxes (Especially during the FLU season! J)
Clorox wipes (Especially during the FLU season! J)
Glue sticks (I think they eat them still! J)
Colored Sharpies
Black Sharpies
Colored pencils
Post-it Notes (all sizes)
File folders
Reams of copy paper ***