School Safety Week
September 11TH-15TH
Good morning Geist Elementary. This week we are going to designate as School Safety Week. Each day during the announcements we are going to cover a fewresponsibilities we have as a school to keep Geist safe. Then during your class time your teacher will talk with you more about those responsibilities. The topics we are going to cover today are the following: (GO TO LIST and begin sharing)
(perhaps during community circle time please cover the following information)
Monday: Do you want to attend a school that is safe and drug free? I hope all of you do! Hamilton Southeastern Schools and the State of Indiana have put into place some responsibilities, safeguards and laws that help keep us safe when we are at school. What are some of the responsibilities and safeguards we have at schools?
-we wear name tags
-we have installed surveillance cameras
-we have a safety plan
-we practice drills
But have you ever wondered what the most important safeguard that we have is?
- The single most important thing that keeps students safe at school is the students themselves. That’s right; students are the greatest safeguard we have to keeping drugs and weapons out of our schools. The staff at GES want students to feel comfortable reporting information so that we can take the appropriate action to keep everyone safe.
So what are your responsibilities as a student when it comes to keeping our school safe?
EACH DAY there after:
(Teachers follow up on theresponsibilities discussed that day on the announcements.)
#1. Do not open doors for strangers! The doors to our building are locked from the time school starts until school is dismissed.
#2. Report strangers you see to school personnel. You may ask, how do I know if someone is a stranger to our school. We define a stranger as anyone who is not wearing a school ID badge. It is not the responsibility of students to approach someone who is not wearing an ID badge, but you are responsible to report it to the nearest adult staff member. If a stranger approaches you and asks you for information, do not provide them with information. Direct the person to the office, and notify a staff member.
#3. Becareful and look both ways before boarding a bus. Be sure to check for on- coming traffic before getting on or off the bus. Also, report any strangers you may see to the bus driver or school personnel. For your safety, please make sure you go directly home when you get off the bus.
#4. Report contraband (items that do not belong in school)to school personnel. Contraband includes things such as drugs, weapons( like a knife), alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, and anything else you know does not belong at school. When you report information, you are telling an adult something to keep others safe. That is different than tattling.
#5. Report any harassment, bullying, rumors of fights or anything else you know of that threatensthe safety of staff and students in our school. This goes for behavior on a bus as well. If you know something is not right or it makes you uncomfortable, please tell an adult immediately.
Wednesday: TORNADO DRILL INTO FIRE DRILL at 1:40 following 4th grade lunch
#6. Do not block any exterior doors open at any time. If you see a door propped open, report it to the nearest adult. Remember from Monday, we do not open the door for strangers and even adults we know. We want to make sure that adults follow proper procedures and sign in at the office. By going to the office, they will receive a badge.
#7. Always report anything that looks out of place to you, anything that makes you thinksomething isn’t quite right here. It might be something you notice when you look outside through a classroom window, or notice on your bus ride home. Even if you think it might be nothing, be sure to bring it to an adult’s attention.
#8. Remember there is to be no student talking during fire drills, tornado drills, and lockdown drills. We need to be able to hear the adult in charge.
#9. Always follow the instructions of your teacher or the adult in charge. The adults in our building our trained to keep you safe and they know what is best for you if an emergency were to occur.
#10. Do not carry or use a cell phone during the school day. Cell phones are not to be used at school at anytime. Use of cell phones during an emergency can limit the ability of our school staff to keep us all safe due to misinformation that may be provided by a student using a cell phone. In addition, we do not bring toys, trading cards, DS machines or IPODS to school.
#11. Be careful of the personal information you provide to others (on-line) Don’t give private information to strangers. If you provide information about your name and the school you attend to someone on-line and that person turns out to be someone completely different than what they lead you to believe, you may have attracted a dangerous person to our school or to you. Never give out personal information about yourself on the internet to someone you have only met on-line!
Monday through Friday- Teacher driven- Please review this list of eleven student responsibilities.
Thank you for helping to keep Geist Elementary a safe environment!