Gender Dialogue Monitoring Tool


  • To identify emerging trends and leanings from the gender

dialogue sessions

  • To track activity outputs and participation of impact group

members, spouses, and other session participants

  • To allow supervisors to monitor facilitators during observations

Part I. Facilitation Questions

  1. How many people attended this session (fill out


a) □ Harmony in the home / f) □ Acting Like a Man
b) □ Affirmations and Commitments / g) □ Affirmations and commitments
c) □ Daily Clock / h) □ Persons and Things
d) Agricultural Group Case Study
d1.) □ Land and input access
d2.) □ Nutritional decision making
d3.) □ Distribution of tasks
d4.) □ Financial decision making
d5.) □ Engaging men in household tasks / i) □ Cash-Flow Tree
j) □ Joint budgeting
k) □ Envisioning Empowerment
l) □ Others (specify):
e) □ Learning to Listen
a) Impact group (IG) members:
b) Male partners of IG members:
c) Female partners of IG members:
d) Community leaders:
e) Others (specify):
f) Total number of participants:
  1. How long (in minutes) was the session? ______
  1. Have you discussed gender dialogues with this group before?

□ Yes □ No

  1. a) Did all participants stay until the end of the session? □Yes □No

b) If no, how many participants left? ____

c) If no, why did they leave?

Part 2. Gender Dialogue Monitoring Tool

  1. What are three key ideas that participants discussed during this session?




What were some questions that participants asked?

  1. Were there any issues that the participants disagreed on amongst themselves? Describe up to three:




  1. What are some things participants said they would like to see done differently in their households/communities?
  1. What are some of the participants’ obstacles to making changes in their own lives?
  1. What actions did the participants commit to try in their own homes?
  1. Are there any gender risks, concerns, or opportunities that need to be communicated to the rest of the team? If so, please list:

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