Wednesday, April7,20161:00-2:30PM
Superior Room CCHD
Mission Statement
To improve the quality of life for all ChippewaCounty residents by preventing and/or reducing the health problems associated with tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke.
In attendance:Steve Carey, CCHD;Colin Welker, Sault Tribe Community Health; Cara LaFaver, Great Start Parent Coalition; Brenda Brinning, Bay Mills Indian Community
Agenda Item / Update / Action RequiredWelcome & Review of Minutes /
- Meeting minutes were reviewed. Meeting minutes will still be distributed to the group.
- Minutes will be posted on
- Coalition recruitment
Review of Health Events/Activities
- Teen Health Fair
- LSSU Health Fair
- Kick Butts Day
- Colin, Brenda, and Steve were at the teen health fair in Brimley.
- CCHD attended a small health fair at LSSU with Tobacco Cessation info
- WOWjr held a Kick Butts Day event
- No action required
- Upcoming
- Community Baby Shower April11th
- Earth Day
- Earth Day: BMIC talked about putting red flags on cigarette butts on the grounds around BMHC to promote commercial tobacco free grounds.
- Colin will be presenting on Tobacco Policy in New Orleans
- Sault Tribe and CCHD will be at the Community Baby Shower on April 11th
- CCHD is asking students from Malcolm to paint business windows for Prevention Week. Other schools may do a social media campaign
- Cara discussed the Drug Exposed Youth conference being planned for Fall
- For more information on National Prevention Week
- Connie and Brenda will work on a Red Flag Event at BMHC
- Cara will deliver smoke free kits to Steve for the Comm. Baby Shower
- Reduce outlets selling tobacco
- Tobacco/nicotine 21
- Increase tobacco tax
- Tobacco 21 includes: San Francisco, Boston, New York, and Hawaii
Restricting Places You Can Smoke
- Tobacco Free Outdoor Recreation areas
- Smoke Free casinos
- Increase restrictions on smoking around children
- National TF college campus
- Colin gave an update on the status of the smoke-free section of the Sault’s Casino
- Sault Tribe will be resending the tobacco survey to communities without tobacco free parks policies across their service area
- Colin will keep the coalition posted on the date of smoke free casino.
Policy Enforcement
- Implement/enforce policies
- Synar Tobacco Checks
- Representative Lee Chatfield and Senator Wayne Schmidt
- Synar season is coming up for education March 21-April 16. Synar checks will be year around for extra education.
- Steve met with Wayne Schmidt during his coffee hours and discussed tax increase and tobacco 21
- Steve will be looking for assistance on the Synar checks.
- Bay Mills Indian Community
- Sault Tribe
- No updates at this time
- No action required
Other Updates/Announcements/Reminders /
- No other updates
- No action required
Next Meeting Date: / Wednesday,May2, 2016 1:00-2:30pm Superior Cafe
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead