Standards for Disability Services in Victoria Certification Scheme
Must be completed by SDSV applicants.
Please attach appropriate documents to assist SAI Global to determine the scope of your certification needs. If required use multiple copies of this form or attach a suitable list or matrix to indicate sites, staff numbers, service types & number of service users receiving each service type.
Organization name: / Date:
SDSV Location:
Organization Contact & Phone No.:
List the location of Head Office / Regional Office and additional sites to be certified under the DSP program. / For each site please indicate the service type(s) description. / Number of service users receiving each service type.
EXAMPLE for Illustration only
55 Diamond Street, West Melb. VIC 3300 / · Attendant care/personal care· In-home accommodation Support
· Learning and life skills development
· Flexible respite / · 24
· 12
· 15
· 54
Head Office/ Regional Office/ Operational Site
Staff numbers:
Staff numbers:
Staff numbers:
Staff numbers:
Staff numbers:
Please explain if you have complex issues such as clients across a number of programs or across a number of sites.
What is the primary or predominant disability type(s).
Are there any issues which may be relevant to planning the audit? E.g. communication, health, geographical spread etc. / No Yes – Please provide details.
For a multi-site organization, is the organization centrally managed or do the sites operate autonomously?
Version updated 5 May, 2010
Participation by service users is at all times voluntary and shall be based on the principle of informed consent. Where possible, a service user’s informed consent for interview shall also grant permission for the audit team to review that service user’s file. This consent should be obtained in writing.
Service users should be invited by their disability service provider to both the opening and closing meetings of all audits.
It is suggested that a proposed strategy for sampling service users should be developed by the disability service provider in consultation with relevant stakeholders, and negotiated with the SAI Global audit team so that we can most effectively quote for certification services.
The service provider must advise SAI Global when sites relocate or of the opening or closing of a site.
The process for transferring certification shall be in accordance with IAF MD 2:2007.
Version updated 5 May, 2010