PhD RESEARCH STUDENTSHIP APPLICATION (Start date in accordance with advertisement)
Please read the Guidance Notes at the end of this form, before completing the form. If completing by hand, please write in block capitals, in black ink and returnONLY by e-mail to. Please enclose a full CV with this application.
Research Administrator
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Oxford Brookes University
Title (e.g. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss etc) / Country of birth:
Surname/Family Name: / Nationality:
First Name(s): / Country of Domicile/Area of Permanent residence:
Previous surname: / Applicants not born in the European Union please state:
Day / Month / Year
Date of first entry to the EU:
Date of most recent entry to the EU:
Date from which you have been granted permanent residence in the EU:
Male Female
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
Passport Number:
Visa classification:
UK Address for correspondence (if applicable):
Telephone Numbers (include area code)
Evening (if different):
Postcode: / Email:
Home/permanent address (if different from above):
Telephone Numbers (include country and city codes)
Post/zip code: / Evening (if different):
Email: / Fax:
Dates (from-to) (mm/yy – mm-yy) / Institution (Include location) / Subject (s) / Result (e.g. BA Hons, 2:1)
Dates (from-to) (mm/yy – mm-yy) / Brief Details (e.g. job title, company name, main responsibilities etc.)
(Continue on separate sheet, if necessary)
If your main language is not English, the University requires evidence of your level of ability in spoken and written English
The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences current entry requirements for a research degree programme
are IELTS test score certificate or an undergraduate of masters degree awarded by a UK university within the last two years.
IELTS test certificate score- minimum 6 in each of the four areas of reading,writing,listening and speaking with overall minimum score of 7. Test certificate must be valid not older than 2 years.
6. Names and Addresses of TWO Academic Referees:
(Please just provide name, address and contact details of TWO academic referees. It is not necessary to enclose references with this application)
Referee 1 / Referee 2
Name / Name
Address: / Address:
Telephone: / Telephone:
Email: / Email:
Fax: / Fax:
This is an important section. You should explain why you are applying for a place on the research degree programme, what you expect to achieve from it, and how it relates to your academic and career development.
(Continue on separate sheet, if necessary)
Do you have any Criminal convictions? (see notes)YesNo
9. How did you hear about this studentship? (Tick as appropriate)
University Careers Office / Oxford Brookes website /
Other (please specify)
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is correct and complete
Signature: / Date:
If you have a disability, special needs or a medical condition, which might affect your studies please give details below, and indicate the disability category in the box (see notes)
I have a registered disability or special educational needs
Please give details below:
Please note that this information is only used for statistical purposes and will not be made available to Postgraduate Research Tutors for selection purposes.
You need only complete this section only if your area of permanent residence is in the U.K.
Please tick:
11 / White - British
12 / White – Irish
19 / Other White Background
21 / Black or Black British-Caribbean
22 / Black or Black British-African
29 / Other Black Background
31 / Asian or Asian British-Indian
32 / Asian or Asian British-Pakistani
33 / Asian or Asian British-Bangladeshi
34 / Chinese or other ethnic background-Chinese
39 / Other Asian background
41 / Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
42 / Mixed – White and Black African
43 / Mixed – White and Asian
49 / Other Mixed background
80 / Other ethnic background
98 / Information Refused
Guidance notes are overleaf
APPLICATIONS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED BY E-MAIL to the e-mail address given at the top of the application form
1Studentship Project Title
- Please ensure that you have entered the project title.
2Personal Details
- You must complete all relevant sections, this is particularly important for all international candidates. You must include nationality, country of domicile and passport number and details of the visa classification recorded in your passport and both your home and UK (if applicable) address.
3Your Education (including Professional Qualifications and Training Courses)
- Give the names and locations of educational institutions which you have attended (school/college, university, etc.), as well as dates of attendance. Under Subject(s) give brief descriptions of subjects/courses studied. Under Result give qualifications and grades (e.g. BA Hons 2.1). If appropriate, give details of Professional Qualifications, including date when awarded, and details of membership of professional bodies. If appropriate, give information on Training Courses, including length of course, dates, and awards.
- At the initial stage of application applicant’sdo not need to provide a certified copy of degree certificate/s and/or a transcript of academic record to date. If you are selected for interview we will ask for sight of these items at that point.
- You should include details of degree or other qualifications which you expect to obtain before attending the programme at Oxford Brookes University for which you are hereby applying.
4Your Employment/Professional Experience/Unpaid Occupations
- Describe any paid work which you have undertaken and/or professional experience which you have gained, giving dates, names of employers, job title and main responsibilities. If applicable, give details of any unpaid/voluntary work experience and unpaid occupations, e.g. raising a family.
5Your English Proficiency
- If English is not your main languageoverseas applicants must provide details of English Language qualification/test score certificate. Initially this should be scanned copy(acceptable qualification in English -IELTS test score not order than two years). It is very important that you are able to understand and use English well, so that you can benefit fully from your time at Oxford Brookes University.
- Please note that the Facilty of Health and Life Sciences currently requires an IELTS score ofminimum 6 in each of the four areas of reading,writing,listening and speaking with overall minimum score of 7. Test certificate must be valid not older than 2 years
You will not need to prove your English language level if you are from one of the countries thatthe UKBA considers a majority English speaking country:
- Antigua and Barbuda;
- Australia;
- the Bahamas;
- Barbados;
- Belize;
- Canada;
- Dominica;
- Granada;
- Guyana;
- Jamaica;
- New Zealand;
- St Kitts and Nevis;
- St Lucia;
- St Vincent and the Grenadines;
- Trinidad and Tobago;
- UK;
- USA.
No other country may be considered as being ‘majority English speaking’ for UKBA purposes.
6Names and Addresses of TWO Academic Referees
- Please provide details of two academic referees – name-full postal address-e-mail address and telephone and fax numbers. At this stage it is not necessary for you to enclose any references.
7Personal Statement
It is important that you take time to complete this section fully and explain why you are applying for a place on the research degree
programme and how it relates to your academic and career development. The successful applicant for an advertised studentship’s will be required to undertake teaching activities for up to 6 hours per week during semester s. You should therefore comment on your communication and excel skills. The successful applicant will be required to attend the Associate Teachers in Higher Education course which is run by the University’s Centre for Staff and Learning Development. This course includes optional accreditation.
8 Criminal Convictions
You are asked to say on the application form whether you have any criminal convictions.
You must tick the 'yes' box if you have a conviction, not including:
A motoring conviction for which you received only a fine and/or 3 penalty points; or
A spent sentence (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) (see note below on this act) UNLESS you are applying for a course involving work with children and other vulnerable members of society, including but not necessarily limited to teaching, health or social work courses when you must disclose spent convictions and cautions as well. If you are in doubt as to whether this applies to you, please contact the University directly.
Note: If you are uncertain whether a conviction is a spent conviction or sentence then you can get more advice from your local Citizens Advice Bureau or probation service, or from NACRO (the Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders). You can also contact a solicitor, but you may have to pay for the legal advice.
If you have not been convicted of a criminal offence, you must tick the 'no' box.
If you tick the 'yes' box, you may be asked to provide more details, if so you should send these directly to the Admissions Office.
If you do not tick either the 'yes' or 'no' box, we will not process your application form. We will contact you to ask for information, but this will delay your application and you could miss the deadline.
If you are convicted of a criminal offence after you have applied, you must inform us and you may be required to provide more information, but this will delay your application and you could miss the deadline.
If you are in prison or youth custody
In addition to supplying the information already required in this section, if you are serving a sentence prison or youth custody you must give the prison or youth custody centre as your postal address on page 1 of the form and a senior prison officer/youth custody officer must support your application in addition to your educational referee.
9How did you hear about the Studentship for which you are applying?
It is important for us to know how you heard about the programme for which you are applying, so that we can maintain and improve the level of information which we provide.
Please read the application form carefully. You must sign it or we cannot process your application.
The information which you give on your application form will be used for the following purposes only:
a)To enable your application for entry to be considered
b)To enable the institution to compile statistics, or to assist other organisations or individual research workers to do so, provided that no statistical information which would identify you as a person is published.
c)To enable the institution to create and maintain your student record.
11Disability/Special Needs
- Please enter in the box the code from the list of statements below, which is the most appropriate to you. Describe your condition in the
space provided and where it is not obvious, i.e. with unseen disabilities, indicate whether you have special needs.
Disabilities/Support Required:
0 / You do not have a disability nor are you aware of any additional support requirements in study or accommodation.1 / You have dyslexia.
2 / You are blind/are partially sighted.
3 / You are deaf/have a hearing impairment.
4 / You are a wheelchair user/have mobility difficulties.
5 / You need personal care support.
6 / You have mental health difficulties.
7 / You have an unseen disability, e.g. diabetes, epilepsy or asthma.
8 / You have two or more of the above disabilities/special needs.
9 / You have a disability not listed above.
All Applicants:Please enclosea scanned copy of yourEnglish proficiency test if appropriate. You must also ensure that you read the full advertisement in respect of any advertised studentship and ensure that in all your communications that you refer to the project title.