UEL Alumni Network
Membership Application
Note to Cashiers: Payment of £15 to be paid into cost code 9822 B100357
Full name (incl. title):Date of birth:
Graduation year: / Student number:
Qualification & subject:
Full address (incl. post code):
Home telephone: / Mobile telephone:
Current occupation & employer:
Family members who have studied at UEL:
How did you learn about the UEL Alumni Network?
Friend / UEL website / Friends Reunited / Graduation Ceremony / LRCStudent Information Centre / Students’ Union / Facebook / Other:______
Alumni Network Activities – Please select which options interest to you
Lectures / Reunions / Networking Events / Cultural Events Sporting Events / Campus Tours / Other: ______
Volunteering – How would you like to get involved with UEL?
Form an Alumni Network group / Help organise an event Give careers advice to students and alumni / Participate in fundraising activities
Offer paid placements to students/alumni / Offer unpaid work experience to students/alumni
Help out in the Development & Alumni Office / Help at a graduation, open day or alumni event
Other: ______
Alumni Passport Swipe Card (optional)
Please complete this section if you wish to apply for a Passport swipe card, which offers the following benefits:
- ‘Reader’ access to UEL’s libraries (Note: this does notinclude use of IT facilities or access to dissertations/theses, room bookings and short loan items)
- Please note: An additional annual fee of £50 must be paid to UEL Library & Learning Services if you wish to borrow books from the libraries
- Discounted SportsDock membership rates, just take your card with you to the SportsDock when opening your new membership and you will receive the discount. (Prices subject to change)
- Annual Payment – Gold £200, Silver £120, Bronze£20
- Monthly Direct Debit – Gold £30, Silver £20, Bronze £4
- Access to the Students’ Union bars
- Access to the multi faith prayer room at Docklands campus
- Off-peak parking at Docklands and Stratford campuses
The cost is a one off payment of £15
Step One - CompleteUEL Alumni Network Membership form, this can be downloaded from or collected from UEL Docklands Campus reception.
Step Two - Take the completed UEL Alumni Network Membership form to Cashiers located in NB.G.02 on the Docklands Campus to make your one off payment of £15 via Cash or Card
Step Three – Take your receipt to the UEL Docklands Campus Reception. The team will aim to make your card on the same visit, however in some cases there may be a waiting period.
Step Four – Start using your card!
Notes: Payments for cards can be made at the Cashiers Office located in NB.G.02 on the Docklands Campus between 09:30 and 16:00Monday to Friday and you are able to collect your card from the UEL Docklands reception between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00 Monday to Friday.
The UEL Alumni Network reserves the right to make changes to the criteria for and benefits of membership at any time. The UEL Alumni Network reserves the right to deny access to UEL and its facilities to an individual if they are a debtor, if they have been excluded from UEL, or for any other reason which comprises our health and safety policy. Membership is non refundable.
UEL Data Protection Statement
Your data will be used for a full range of alumni activities, including the sending of University publications, the promotion of benefits and services available to alumni, notification of alumni events and of programmes involving our academic schools and administrative services. It may also be used to provide you with information about further opportunities for study, activities and events that we feel may be of interest to you. We will only use it for the University of East London's own purposes, to inform you about its products and services, in accordance with our Data Protection Policy at ( and will not pass it to any third party, except where reputable contractors are used by the University to assist with particular alumni-related projects. Data may also be used in fund raising programmes which might include an element of direct marketing.
Data Protection Act 1998
Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 you have the right to object to the use of your data for such purposes. Please indicate below if you agree to your data being transferred to our Alumni Network and processed in this way when you graduate. Please also note that under the terms of the Act you may withdraw your consent to us using your data in this way at any future point. If you agree to become a member of the UEL Alumni Network now but change your mind at a later date please email: asking for your record to be amended accordingly.
You may use my data in this way:
Signature: ...... Date: ......