AP Human Geography – Coach Clendenin


Unit Three: Cultural Patterns and Processes

1. Chapter One showed that culture combinedwhat three things?:


1.b._material artifacts______

1.c._political institutions______

2. Define each of the following terms:

2.a. _habit_a repetitive act that a particular individual performs, such as wearing jeans to class______everyday______

2.b. _custom_is a repetitive act of a group performed to the extent that it becomes characteristic of a__ group – American university students wear jeans to class everyday_______

2.c._culture_a groups entire collection of customs______

3. Name and describe the two basiccategories of material culture:

3.a._Folk culture – traditionally practiced primarily by small, homogenous groups living in isolated rural_ areas ex; wearing a sarong in Malaysia or sari in India______

3.b._Popular culture – is found in large, heterogeneous societies that share certain habits despite_____ differences in other personal characteristics ex; wearing jeans______

4. As the world globalizes, give two reasonswhy the spread of popular culture might be viewed as threatening:

4.a._The disappearance of local folk customs reduces local diversity in the world and the intellectual___ stimulation that arises from differences in background______

4.b._It also threatens the quality of the environment, because it is more likely to modify the______environment in accordance with global values______

5. Define hearth:_a center of innovation______

6. Contrast the origins (hearths) of folk and popular culture:_ folk cultures often have an anonymous_ hearth or may have multiple hearths originating at the same time; popular culture mostlyoriginates in_ the MDC of the world like in North America, Japan, and Europe______

7. Contrast the purpose and origins of folk music to popular music:

7.a._origins_According to Chinese legend music was invented in 2697B.C., but folk songs are usually___ composed anonymously. In contrast popular music originated around 1900 with the musichalls in_____ Western Europe and Vaud eville acts in the United States______

7.b._purpose_Folk music tells a story orconveys information about daily activities such as farming, life_ cycle events such as storms andearthquakes ex; in Vietnam there is a song that gives advice on what__ seeds to plant in winter and what seeds to plant in summer. Popular music is written by specific______individuals for the purpose of being sold to a large number of people______

8.Contrast the diffusion of folk and popularculture:_The spread of popular culture typically follows__ the process of hierarchical diffusion from hearths or nodes of innovation. In contrast folk culture is_____ transmitted from one location to another through migration more slowly and on a much smaller scale._ The spread of folk culture is an example of relocation diffusion which is the spread of a characteristic__ through migration______

9. How has Amish culture spread (diffused)?_Through relocation diffusion they migrated from______Northwestern Europe to North America. The Amish in Europe merged with the Mennonite Church and_ didn’t develop distinctive language, clothing, or farming practices______

10. How has soccer become a worldwidecultural phenomenon? (Give two reasons.)

10.a. _Increasing leisure time permitted people not only to view sporting events but participate in them. With higher incomes spectators paid to see first class sporting events, so soccer clubs with professional_ players and trainers were formed to meet the growing demand______

10.b. _Soccer spread from Britain to other parts of Europe through relocation diffusion and later to____ countries that were part of the British empire through colonization. In the twentieth century soccer was diffused through new communications systems, especially radio and television______

11.Explain how isolation promotes culturaldiversity._Limited interaction among even nearby groups_ in areas like the Himalaya Mountains promotes distinctive folk customs influenced by their religion and_ environment______

12. Give two examples of how the physicalenvironment influences culture:

12.a. _Climate (ex; in cold arctic climates people wear warmer clothing like fur lined boots, and in warm tropical climates shorts are more common______

12.b._ in wet climates waterproof shoes like the wooden shoes worn by Dutch farmers), or in warmer__ climates no shoes may be needed______

13. Give an example of how a food habit isinfluenced by cultural tradition:_Soup, the food consumed_ by poorer people, displays distinctive preferences of neighboring cultural groups in Transylvania.______Romanians made sour bran soups; the Saxons simmered fatty pork and sauerkraut in water an vinegar;_ Jews preferred soups made from beets and sorrel rather than meat; Armenians made soup from curdled milk and vegetables; Hungarians used smoked bacon, flour and onions; Szeklers used smoked goose or_ poultry instead of bacon, because like they Jews they avoid eating pork. These food preferences still___ remain (even with those who have migrated long distances)______

14. Compare a food attraction to a food taboo:_Food attractions -Certain foods are eaten because they contain properties that enhance qualities considered desirable (ex; Indians in Paraguay eat jaguars and_ bulls to make them strong). Food Taboos -People avoid some foods because they are associated with__ negative forces in nature (ex; some Japanese avoid eating otters because they are considered to be____ forgetful animals and will cause memory loss, Jews are forbidden from eating animals that do not chew their cud or have cloven feet, and fish without fins or scales. This is partly because pork spoiled so easily in warm climates. Muslims also forbid pork, because pigs compete with humans for food and water, but contribute nothing in return such as pulling a plow. Pigs would also easily destroy the environment____ around Islam’s hearth. Hindus are forbidden from eating cows, a relative of the oxen which is used for__ pulling plows and carts. Americans have an aversion to eating insects which are a delicacy in Thailand__ and Myanmar (Burma)______

15.What are two reasons behind food taboos:

15.a. _Concern for the natural environment (ex; preserve an animal species or natural resources)_____

15.b._Cultural values (ex; religious beliefs)______

16.Describe three examples of how cultureand environment affects the housing utilized by people:

16.a. _Distinctive building materials -Influenced by the environment (wood and brick are the two most_ common building materials in_ the world), but in MDC building materials can be easily bought and_____ shipped almost anywhere______

16.b. _Distinctive house forms and orientation – in some societies house form might reflect religious___ values (ex; houses may have sacred walls or corners in China, parts of the Middle East, Africa, and India)

16.c. _Housing and environment – Areas that share a similar climate and available building materials___ may use the same materials to build from, but the shape of the construction will differ (ex; in different_ parts of China adobe and wood are used, but one area may have open courtyards, another patios, and_ another sloped instead of flat roofs)______

17. What were the three major hearths or nodes of folk house forms in the United States and the diffusion paths? (see fig.4-8)

17.a._New England- to the northwest into New York, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Illinois______

17.b._Middle Atlantic– Southwest through much of the southern Midwest and deep south______

17.c._Lower Chesapeake-South along the eastern seaboard______

18. What is necessary for the rapid diffusion ofpopular culture to take place?_a high level of______economic development______

19. What are two influences on one’s clothingin More Developed Countries (MDC)?

19.a. _Occupation______

19.b. _Income______

20. How do jeans illustrate the globalization ofa popular custom?_They were adopted by the youth of the 1960’s in the U.S. and have now become a prized possession of young people throughout the______world.Jeans sell for under $10 in parts of Europe and Asia, but genuine Levi Strauss (considered a status symbol) sell for $50-$100. In the former Soviet Union the import of jeans was banned and soldfor up to $400 on the black market______

21. What are three influences on the amountand types of alcohol and snacks consumedin different regions of the U.S.?

21.a. _On the basis of what is grown or produced in an area(ex; southerners may prefer pork rinds or__ because more hogs are raised there, but northerners might prefer popcorn and potato chips because__ more corn and potatoes are grown there______

21.b. _cultural background such as religious (ex; because Baptists are concentrated in the southeast and Mormons in Utah, these regions will have a relatively low consumption rate of alcohol, whereas, Nevada will have a high rate because of the heavy concentration of gambling. Texans might prefer tortilla chips_ because of the large Hispanic-American population there______

21.c. _High income and national advertising has the greatest influence on the consumption of alcohol__ and snacks in the U.S. and variations between the U.S. and LDC is greater than regional variations within the United States______

22. What are two factors that influence wineproduction in a particular area of the world?

22.a. _Climate – Vineyards are best cultivated in temperate climates______

22.b. _Soil – Grapes grown in coarse well drained soil tend to be the best for wine______

23. State two reasons why television is anespecially important popular custom:

23.a. _It is the most popular leisure activity in MDC throughout the world______

23.b._Television is the most important way that by which popular culture, such as professional sports, is diffused around the world______

24. Describe the four categories of television service found in the world:

24.a. Reason 1:_Countries where nearly every household owns a TV (ex; North America, Europe,______Australia, and Japan)______

24.b. Reason 2:_Countries where ownership is customary, but not universal (ex; Latin America, some___ poorer Eastern European countries, and Portugal)______

24.c. Reason 3:_Countries where TV exists, but has not yet been widely diffused to the population as a_ whole because of high costs (ex; some countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America)______

24.d. Reason 4:_About 30 countries mostly in Asia and Africa have very TV’s because they have no TV__ stations in the country______

25. How has television become a force forpolitical change? Give two examples:

25.a._Small satellite dishes allow citizens to choose from a variety of programs and not just the state___ controlled broadcast despite attempts by countries like China and Saudi Arabia to outlaw and ban____ small satellite dishes______

25.b._The diffusion of satellite dishes into eastern Europe during the late 1980’s hastened the collapse_ of communist governments______

24. Give three examples of how worldwideconvergence of popular customs is controversial and even seen as threatening (e.g. values, media):

24.a. _Loss of traditional values_the widespread adoption of western clothes (especially in some islamic countries)______

24.b. _Change in the traditional role of women- threatens the subservience of women to men that is___ embedded in most folk cultures, but also has a negative impact as an increase in prostitution and even_ human trafficking is seen in LDC as a result of popular culture______

24.c. _Threat of foreign media imperialism- Three countries, the U.S., U.K., and Japan dominate the____ television industry in LDC. Leaders of many LDC view this as a new method of economic and cultural___ imperialism______

25. Give three examples of how worldwideconvergence of popular customs impactsthe environment (e.g. nature, urban landscapes, environment):

25.a. _Modifying nature- ex; construction of golf courses______

25.b. _Uniform landscape- Fast food restaurant chains, motels, automobiles, and houses all starting to_ look the same in different locations______

25.c. _Increased demand for natural resources an pollution- depletion of petroleum and other______resources, and a high volume of waste causes damage to the environment (ex; littering of bottles, cans,_ paper, and old cars)______