Cherington and Stourton Joint Parish Council

Sara Cole. Lanes End Farm, Stourton, Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire CV36 5HE

Email . Tel: 01608686250

A meeting was held on Monday 16th November 2015 in the Village Hall present were Messer’s Townsend, Maaz and Parker, Miss Cole, Sara Cole (clerk), and 3 member of the public.

The meeting started at 7.30pm

Apologies: - None

Declaration of interest: -Mr Maaz declared an interest in item 5 on the agenda. Planning application for the Village Hall.

Minutes: - The Minutes were read from the last meeting and were signed as a true record. Proposed Miss Cole 2nd Mr Parker

Matters arising: -

4.1 The planning for Frampton House has been resubmitted due to an objection by environment agency.

Planning: -

15/03619/VARY Mr T Lewis. Cherington, Stourton and Sutton Village Hall.

Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 13/00359/FUL

A long discussion took place but it was decided to leave the conditions as they were because it gave the incentive to push the building of the Village Hall forward.

Mr Maaz abstained due to a declaration of interest.

15/02991/FUL Mr M Craddock. Frampton House, Stourton.

Erection of replacement dwelling and change of use of paddock to create an enlarged garden.

To support the planning as the council feel it will enhance the village.

Financial: - Cheques were written for

Clerks wages for October/November £258.90

Stratford D.C. Election costs. £354.59

Correspondence: -

W.C.C. Winter service. This remains the same as last year. One route through the village, from Broadmoor Lodge to Brailes

W.C.C. Consultation of mineral plan. This does not affect the villages in any way.

AOB: -

8.1 Mr D Dickie was co opted on as a new councillor for Cherington. Proposed Mr Townsend 2nd Mr Maaz

8.2 Benches. The wooden bench at the bottom of Featherbed Lane needs replacing. The clerk will get some quotes for council to look at for next P.C. meeting. The cost can then be included in next year’s precept.

8.3 Street Light in pub car park. It had been reported to the P.C that the hedge was obscuring the street light. Mr Parker said he would ask the people whose hedge it is if they can cut it back.

8.4 Mr K Taylor. Mr Taylor spoke about the sewerage from Brailes to Cherington.

Seven Trent have been and done a survey on the pipe and found that there is considerable ingress of ground water in the pipe. But have not decided what to do about it.

8.5 Mr Upson asked if the P.C. meetings could be included in the Brick magazine. The clerk said that this could be done

The next meeting will be Monday 18th January 2016 at 7.30pm

Meeting closed at 8.55pm

Signed Sara Cole (clerk)

17th November 2015