Local Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures LocSSIPs

to meet National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures NatSSIPS

This policy does not replace the Trust Induction Policy. Corporate Induction should be carried out by all members of staff in accordance with current trust guidance. This policy relates to Local Induction standards and aligns with current trust guidance. Local induction should be carried out by all members of permanent and temporary medical and non-medical staff.

1.  Local induction is mandatory for all staff who have not worked in the trust for 6 months.

2.  Local induction should be a formal and structured process. A local induction programme should be sent to staff members at least 2 weeks in advance of their start date. A face to face local induction should be carried out on the first working day, prior to staff commencing clinical duties. Additional local induction should take place in accordance to current trust guidance.

3.  Local induction should be prioritised by departments. It requires dedicated time, staffing and space. Rooms may need to be booked in advance and a named person should welcome new staff. Extra staff may need to be allocated to enable the induction programme to be delivered without affecting patient care.

4.  Local inductions in the hospital should be coordinated and streamlined to ensure consistent information is given to staff in different teams.

5.  Evidence of attendance to local induction should be kept by individual departments.

6.  Feedback on local induction should be collected and analysed in order to maintain high standards through quality improvement.

New recruits should receive a comprehensive Local Induction Pack at least 2 weeks in advance of starting. The aim is to pre-orientate the member of staff and provide a reference resource. Information which should be included:

Local Induction Pack check-list

Induction programme to include venue, timings, topics to be covered and named person responsible for delivery of session
Address of department with directions and a map
Map of the hospital highlighting key areas (clinical, changing, rest, refreshment, lifts, emergency equipment, blood fridges, offices)
Structure and function of the faculty/ directorate.
Staff list- names and contact details
Details of expected working hours, shift patterns and theatre session times
Details of daily clinical and non-clinical duties
Colleagues doing interrelated tasks.
The on-call rota- up to date for the next 3 months.
On-call duties- what is expected from different team members and what support is available.
Arrangement for access to building/late working.
Details of named educational supervisors/ appraisers/ mentor/ buddy and the appraisal process
Bleep procedure and important bleep/dect phone numbers.
Emergency calls: who will respond to the different emergency numbers
Programme for regular departmental educational meetings.
Development and training opportunities.
Annual and study leave entitlements and booking process. Study leave budget and how to claim study study leave expenses.
Sick leave procedure.
To include:
·  8 sequential LocSSIPs
·  Antimicrobial guidance
·  VTE prophylaxis
·  Major incident protocol
·  Uniform Policy
·  Any other key documents

A face to face Local Induction Programme should take place on the first working day and prior to the member of staff commencing clinical duties. The aim is to ensure that all staff have the required orientation and knowledge to ensure personal, patient and environmental safety whilst working in the invasive procedures environment.

Local Induction Programme check-list of items to be covered on the first day prior to member of staff commencing clinical duties.

Confirm receipt of Local Induction Pack
Orientation- Walk around ward/ department and any other relevant areas, Include:
·  Where to access scrubs and personal protective clothing (leads, gloves, masks, gowns).
·  Highlighting location of emergency equipment and how to use emergency buzzers
Confirm that staff member has identity card, security pass, access codes and access to IT system, email and CRS Smartcard
Car parking, catering and washroom facilities
Explanation of function and structure of the ward/ department
Introduction to key individuals within the ward/department
Introduction to named supervisor/ mentor/ buddy
Confirmation of hours of work and shift patterns, on-call and bleep arrangements.
The specific duties and responsibilities of the post, expectations and limitations
How to access operating lists and emergency booking procedures
Location and how to access local protocols and policies on internet.
·  Ensure resuscitation status is to required level and up to date
·  Equipment and procedures
·  Crash trolley location
·  Emergency telephone numbers
Patient safety:
·  Ensure awareness of 8 sequential step LocSSIPs and expected actions
·  Governance procedure
·  Handover procedures
·  Documentation standards
Medicines safety procedures:
·  Pharmacy and local protocols including VTE prophylaxis and antimicrobial guidance
·  Prescription and administration
·  Standard operating procedures
·  Medications common to area
Incident reporting:
·  Location of incident forms
·  Examples of incidents that should be reported
·  Completion of forms
·  Reporting arrangements and feedback
Infection control procedures:
·  Hand hygiene procedures
·  Infection status of clinical setting
Fire and safety procedures and assembly points:
·  Fire exits
·  Equipment
·  Alarms
·  Emergency telephone numbers
·  Evacuation procedures
Health and safety procedures:
·  Security
·  Waste disposal
·  VDU regulations
Ascertain any personal requirements in terms of training, health and wellbeing of the staff member and make a plan to address these.

Additional trust requirements for Local Induction that are to be carried out within the first week and first month are outlined in the Trust Induction Policy.

Modified checklists for different staff groups can also be located in the Trust Induction Policy.