Burwash Parish Council

Planning Notice

Parish Council Members are summoned to attend an Extraordinary Meeting of Burwash Parish Council to be held on Monday 7th March, at 6.30pm in the Parish Room (Internet Room) next to the Bear Car Park.

Members of the Public and Press are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Jane Cheshire

1st March 2016

Jane Cheshire

Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)

Tel: 07854699518


Address: Burwash Parish Council, PO Box 61, Etchingham, TN19 7YZ

For Information Only: Members of the public will be allowed to ask questions on any matter of public concern, there will be 15 minutes allowed. All items need to be given to the clerk at a minimum of 24 hours before the meeting.

1)  Apologies for Absence

2)  Disclosures of Interest

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

3)  Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting

To approve the Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 22/02/16 as a correct record of the proceedings.

4)  Planning Applications

a)  RR/2015/3037/P and 22/2015/3038/L

St Anthonys, High Street, Burwash TN19 7EN

New Garage, Summer House, Porch Canopy & Dormer Window.

Applicant: Mrs M Jones Old Court House, Etchingham Road, TN19 7BD

Agent: Stephen Langer Associates Limited Attn: Mr Langer York Cottage, Major Yorks Road Tunbridge Wells Kent TN2 5TP

b)  RR/2016/203/P

Chaunt House, High Street, Burwash TN19 7ES

Change of use from tea room (A1) to residential (C3)

Applicant and Agent: Mr I Tasker Chaunt House, High Street, TN19 7ES

c)  RR/2016/417/P – Meadows End, Vicarage Road, Burwash TN19 7LH

Two storey extension to east. Garage extension.

Applicant: Mr & Mrs D Ash Meadows End, Vicarage Road, Burwash Common, TN19 7LH

Agent: Mr Neil Millbank Fairfield House Fairfield Road Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 8QB

d)  RR/2016/462/P – Meadow View, Westdown Lane, Burwash TN19 7JT

Proposed single storey side extension.

Applicant: Mr & Mrs G Macfarlane Meadow View, Westdown Lane, TN19 7JT

Agent: Mr Steve Bull 2 Arun Path, Uckfield, TN22 1NL

e)  RR/2016/518/P – 11 Strand Meadow, Burwash TN19 7BP

Two storey side extension.

Applicant: Mrs H Gordon 11 Strand Meadow Burwash, Burwash Common, TN19 7B

Agent: Mr D Thompson Nanpara, Sparrows Green Road, Wadhurst, TN5 6SU

5)  Planning Decisions

a)  RR/2016/58/P – 4 West End Cottages, Heathfield Road

Proposed single storey rear extension, first floor side extension and minor

alterations – APPROVED

b)  RR/2015/2994/P – The Coach House/Judins Cottage, Burwash Road

(1) Coach House – formation of basement and internal alterations. (2) Garage – extension to garage and roof lights. (3) Extension of stables and new loose boxes. – APPROVED CONDITIONAL

6)  Rectory Court

Councillors to discuss.

7)  Information for noting or including on a future agenda

8)  Close of meeting