Procedure for Creating an Articulation Agreement
An Articulation Agreement is a document created to better serve the transfer of students from a particular Institution of Higher Education (IHE) to the University of Wisconsin-Superior (UW-S) and to foster cooperation between our two institutions. UW-Superior uses the following procedure to create such agreements:
Initiating and Designing the Agreement
- An Articulation Agreement proposal may be initiated by faculty, program, department, other Institution of Higher Education (IHE), Admissions, or other entity.
- If it is an IHE the proposal for anArticulation is discussed with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs(ADAA) and appropriate department for interest and review.
- If it is proposed internally the parties inform the ADAA of the intent to propose.
- The ADAA works with the appropriate department chair and program faculty to complete a Draft Articulation Agreement that meets program requirements and conforms to UW System guidelines (ACIS 6.0 and ACIS 6.2)
- The Program faculty (or ADAA) forwards the Draft Articulation Agreement to theappropriate office of the cooperating IHE to discuss and clarify transfer issues;
- During the discussion the UW Superior faculty is encouraged to also consult with the Registrar and Transfer Specialist to assure current courses and existing approvals, especially in the case of first time or renewal of lapsed articulations.
- As discussions move forward the Admissions Director and Transfer Coordinator are made aware of developments by the program faculty or ADAA.
Once both the IHE and UW-S Programs have achieved what appears to be an acceptable Draft Articulation Agreement the drafts move through theirrespective governance approval process:
- The Articulation Agreement (identified as a DRAFT) is presented to the Department for approval. Once approved and signed by the Department Chair:
- The Department or Program:
- decides if the Draft involves a program that leads to educational licensure,
- if so, it presents the Draft to Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC) for approval before moving to b;
- if not, it moves to b.
- informs the ADAA of its approval and the next step needed to move it forward;
- Informs the Transfer Coordinator and they begin to develop an advising sheet
- presents the Draft to the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Council (UAAC)
- UAAC reviews and approves it or returnsit to the department for clarificationbefore reviewing the Draft again
- When UAAC approves, the UAAC Chair forwardstheDraft to the Faculty Senate.
- Faculty Senate reviews and either approves or sends it back to the Department (or if appropriate, to UAAC) with its concerns.
- WhenFaculty Senate approves, theFaculty Senate Secretary
- provides the Date Approved and the Action Item Numberon the Draft
- forwards Draft Articulation Agreement to the Chancellor for review
- If the Chancellor approves, the Chancellor signs and dates the Draft Articulation Agreement and sends thesigned and dated digital copy of the Draft Articulationto theADAAand a 2nd signed Draft Articulationto the Registrar’s Office (for holding).
- The signed Draft Articulation Agreement is sent by the ADAAto the cooperating IHE for its final review and acquisition of the necessary signatures;
- Any changes made by UW Superior in the review process must be clarified by the UW-Superior ADAAto the IHE.
- Any changes made by the IHE in its review process must be clarified and shared by the IHE and in-turn by the UW-S ADAA with all relevant parties and accepted by them;
- Any substantive change by the IHE may require that the Articulation Agreement go through the Department and Governance approval process again.
- The IHE sendsthesigned approved Articulationback to ADAA who confirms that the form has all the necessary signatures and no substantive changes.
- ADAA delivers the signed document to the Registrar/Transfer Specialist.
- Upon receipt of the signed Articulationwith both the UW-Superior Chancellor’s and the IHE Chief Academic Officer’s signatures, the Transfer Specialist(combines signature pages if necessary,) removes DRAFT designation, and makes a formal digital copy of the signed Articulation Agreement.
- The Registrar/Transfer Specialist sends Approved Articulation Agreement copies to:
- the Department and Program involved and
- the ADAA and
- the Admissions Director and Transfer Advisor/Coordinator.
- The Registrar or Transfer Specialist, Admissions Transfer Coordinator, and Program Faculty finalize an advising sheetwhich is posted on-line and utilized by interested students and staff.
- Transfer Specialistor Registrar:
- submits digital Agreement to UW System Office of Academic, Faculty, and Global Programs for publication (per ACIS 6.0 and ASIC 6.2)
- posts the appropriate materials (Articulation, Advising sheet) on UW-S Admissions’ website and saves it to the Registrar’s shared drive
- notifies Admissions Transfer Coordinator, Director of Advising,ADAA, Associate Dean of Continuing Education and Distance Learning, Dean of Faculties, and others as appropriate that the Articulation is posted
- sends final digital copy of the Approved Articulation to Department and ADAA.
- ADAA sends final digital copy of the Approved Articulation and advising materialsto the cooperating IHE with notification that review is complete, approved, and posted on our website
- Registrar notes the activation dates and the time for renewal on spread-sheet
- Registrar sends reminder to a Department Chair when the articulation needs reviewing according to the time table (6 months before it lapses)
- Registrar sends notice to Department Chair, Program Coordinator, and ADAA when change in policy or curriculum requires change or modification of an articulation.
1 / Articulation Procedure Update Fall 2013