This Indenture made the thirty first day of December in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and fifty nine Between Mark Ransford of Portarlington in the Kings County Esquire of the one part and Arthur Guinness of the City of Dublin Merchant of the other part Witnesseth that the said Mark Ransford for and in consideration of the Rents and Covenants herein after reserved and mentioned on the part and on behalf of the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators and assigns to be paid done and performed Hath demised granted set and to farm Lett and by these presents Doth demise grant set and to farm Lett unto the said Arthur Guinness All that and those the dwelling house Brew house two Malt houses out houses and Stables thereunto belonging late in the possession of Sir Mark Ransford Knight Deceased Situate Lying and being within Saint James’s Gate Dublin Containing in front to Saint James’s Street and to the store house hereafter Granted Eighty Nine foot and in Depth from front to rere one hundred and eighty one foot and a half Mearing and Bounded as follows (Viz) on the East to the Dwelling house of one Mister Joyce a Brewer on the west to the Pipe wall or City Watercourse on the North partly to the said street and partly to the store house herein after Granted and on the South to a piece of Ground Likewise herein after granted also a store house adjoining to Saint James’s Gate aforesaid Late in the possession of the said Sir Mark Rainsford deceased Containing in Breadth from the North to South twenty seven foot and in depth from East to west twenty nine foot all which was late the Estate of James Talbott of Templeogue Attainted of high Treason and also all that piece or parcell of Ground lying behind the said Premises and adjoining thereto and being of equall breadth therewith whereon a part of the said Malt houses Now and Extending Backwards from the aforesaid Premisses into the Glibb water seventy five foot together with all and singular the Lights ways Easements rights members privilidges Advantages Emoluments Appendances and Appurtenances thereunto belonging and also together with the full and free use Liberty and privilidge of the said Pipe water or City Water Course Lying on the west of the premisses gratis and without any Consideration to be paid for the same as held and Enjoyed by the said Sir Mark Ransford for Brewing and Malting and Likewise free liberty for him the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administration and Assign and his and their undertenants of Ingress Egress and Regress with Horses Carts Drays and Carriages thro’ the back way from Ransford Street into back part of the said Demised premisses and also together with the use and Privilidge of the Copper and all and every other the Brewing Vessels Utensills and particulars in and upon the said Premisses mentioned in the schedule hereunto annexed in as full Large ample and beneficial a manner as Paul Espinasse held and Enjoyed the said Premisses All that and those the late dwelling house of Mark Ransford Esquire deceased with the Gardens Summer house and Ground behind the same also two small Necessary houses of Ease over the Glibb Water Joining the said dwelling house formerly in the Possession of John Espinasse situate on the North side of Ransford Street Leading to the City Bason in the County of the City of Dublin in as Large and ample manner as the said John Espinasse held and enjoyed the same Mearing and bounding as follows that is to say on the North to the back of James’s Street Gardens and city water on the south to the Glibb water and fields formerly in the Possession of the said John Espinasse on the west to Edward Clarks wall and on the east to the dwelling house aforesaid Containing in Depth from East to west Eight Hundred and fourteen feet and Eight Inches and in breadth from North to South forty seven feet be the same more or less in as large ample manner as the said John Espinasse held and Enjoyed the same And also All that piece or parcell of ground fronting Ransford Street Containing in Depth from the said Street to the west side one hundred and twenty five feet and in Depth on the East side one hundred and twenty feet and in Breadth to said street thirty six feet and in Breadth in the Rere thirty feet six inches mearing and bounding on the North to ground formerly in the Possession of the said John Espinasse on the south to Ransford Street aforesaid on the east to Mr [Bowen] Holding and on the west side to Joseph Fullers ground also all that stable and yard adjoining said piece of Ground Containing in Length Eighty Four feet Nine Inches and in Breadth at the East End sixteen feet Nine Inches be the same more or less in as large and ample manner as the said John Espinasse formerly enjoyed the same To have and to hold all and singular the said hereby demised Premisses with the Appurtenances unto the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators and assigns from the xxx day of the date hereof for and during and untill the full end term of Nine Thousand years from thenceforth fully to be Compleat and ended in a Large Ample and beneficial Manner as the same were formerly held and Enjoyed by the said Paul Espinasse and John Espinasse or any other person under them or the said Mark Ransford or either of them [deriving] from the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators and assigns Yielding and paying therefore and thereout for the first year of the said term, the rent of one pepper Corn only and yearly and every year during the residue of the said Term of nine Thousand Years unto the said Mark Ransford his heirs Executors Administrators or assigns the rent of forty five pounds sterling Lawfull Money of Great Britain by even and equall half yearly payments that is to say on every twenty ninth day of September and twenty fifth day of March yearly during the said term Clear over and above all and all Manner of Taxes Subsidies assessments Church Parish and Ministers dues Work house money and all other Charges and Impositions whatsoever Ordinary or Extraordinary Charged or to be Charged upon the said demised Premisses or any part thereof during the said term quit rent and Crown rent only excepted the first payment of the said rent of forty five pounds yearly to be made on the twenty ninth day of September which will be in the year one Thousand seven hundred and sixty one and if it shall happen that the said reserved yearly rent or any part thereof shall be in arrear or unpaid for the space of twenty one days next after either of the day’s of payment aforesaid that then so often as it shall so happen it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Mark Ransford his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns unto said demised premisses or any part thereof to enter and Distrain and the Distress or Distresses then and there found to take and carry away and thereof to dispose according to Law. And for want of sufficient Distress or Distresses in or upon the said demised Premisses into the said demised Premisses or any part thereof in the name of the whole to reenter and the same to have again repossess and Enjoy as is his on their first and former Estate any thing herein Contained to the Contrary Notwithstanding And the said Arthur Guinness doth hereby for him his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns Covenant promise Grant and agree to and with the said Mark Ransford his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns in manner following that is to say that he the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators or assigns shall and will and truly pay or Cause to be paid unto the said Mark Ransford his heirs Executors Administrators or assigns the said reserved yearly rent of forty five pounds Sterling in manner and on the inspection days of payment aforesaid Clear above all Taxes as aforesaid Except as before excepted And that to the said Arthur Guinness his heirs Executors Administrators or assigns shall and will preserve and keep the said demised Premisses and all Improvements whatsoever made and to be made thereon in good sufficient and Tenantable repair order and Condition and at the end or other Determination of the said Term hereby Granted which shall first happen shall and will yield and Deliver up the Quiet and Peaceable Possession of the said demised premisses in Like good Order repair and Condition Stiff staunch and tenantable unto the said Mark Ransford his heirs Executors Administrators or assigns together with all and singular the brewing Vessells Utensills and particulars Mentioned in the said schedule in as good condition as they now are reasonable wearing only excepted And Whereas part of the Premisses herein before demised are held by lease from the Lord Mayor Sherriff Commons and Citizen of the City of Dublin whereof it may happen the said Mark Ransford may not be able to obtain a renewal It is hereby declared to be the true intent of all parties to these presents that if the said Mark Ransfords Term therein shall expire or [Determine] or the Title to the water be Evicted or recovered against him no deduction shall be made on Account or in respect thereof out of the said rent of forty five pounds yearly but the said rent shall Continue and arise out of the other parts of the said demised premisses any thing Contained to the Contrary Notwithstanding And if upon any renewal of the said Lease any fine or Increase of rent shall be [reversed] or made payable by the said Mark Ransford a proportionable part of such fine and Increased rent Shall be paid by the said Arthur Guinness as the part of the Premises hereby demised bears to the residue of the premises so held by the said Mark from the said Corporation over and above and together with the rent before reserved any thing herein before Contained to the Contrary Notwithstanding And the said Mark Ransford doth for himself his executors Administrators or assigns Convenant and Promise to and with the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators or assigns that the said Mark Ransford his Executors Administrators and Assigns will on Occasion produce such Title as he hath to the use of the Water from the City Water Course lying on the west side of the said Premisses so as to Enable the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators or Assigns to Defend the Possession thereof in Case any suit should be Commenced at Law or in Equity by any Person or Persons for recovery thereof & to the Utmost of his Power assist the said Arthur Guinness at his the said Arthurs own Expence[s] Costs and Charges to Support such Possession And it is further Covenanted Concluded and agreed by and between the said Parties to these presents that it shall and maybe Lawfull to and for the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators or assigns at the Expiration of the first seven Years of the Term of this demise or at the Expiration of any seventh Year thereof to Surrender this demise provided the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators or Assigns do give to the said Mark Ransford his Executors Administrators or assigns Notice in writing under his or their hand and seal of his or their Intention so to do at Least twelve Callander Months before the time of such Intended Surrender and do pay all rent due and in arrear at the time of such Notice and Surrender respectively and perform all other the Covenants and agreements in these presents Contained which on his and their part ought to be performed and kept and do Deliver up together with such Surrender this present Indenture to be Cancilled. And the said Mark Ransford doth hereby for him his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns Covenant and Promise to and with the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators and assigns that he the said Arthur Guinness his Executors Administrators and assigns duly pay the said reserves yearly rent and performing the Covenants aforesaid shall and may peaceably and Quietly have hold and enjoy all and Singular the said demised Premisses with the appurtenances during all the said Term of Nine Thousand Years hereby Granted without the Lett said Trouble or Interuption of him the said Mark Ransford his heirs Executors Administrators or assigns or any other person or persons Claiming or to Claim by from or under him them or any of them In Witness whereof the parties aforesaid have hereunto put their hands and seals the day and year first above written


The Schedule to which the annexed Lease referrs:

Three Marble Chimney Pieces; One Kitchen Grate Rack and Shelves; Two small fixed Grates; Eleven Troughs; One Float very bad; One Kieve very bad and two Brass Cocks; One underbank quite decayed; One Copper; seventy Barrels with a large brass Cock; Two Underbank pumps; Two old coolers quite decayed; One Tunn; Six Oars; One Shute; One Horse Mill one Hopper and pair of Stoves; Box of Drawers and Desk in the Office