EDCT 439
(3 credits)
General Methods of Teaching Career and Technical Education
Instructor: Jeanne Joyce
Phone: 775-753-3949
Email: r WebCampus email.
Availability: E-mail is my preferred method of communication.
Corequisite: EDSC 315 or Business/Industry Endorsement
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program
Catalog Description
This course will provide knowledge and experience in the methods, best practice, and materials in area of specialty: (a) agricultural education, (b) business education, (c) family and consumer sciences, (d) industrial education, (e) technology education, or (f) health education.
Required Books/Materials
When Kids Can’t Read What Teachers Can Do-A Guide for Teachers 6-12, Kylene Beers, Heinemann Publishing Company
--Available online, Nevada State Standards, go to the link below and you will be able to chose the standards for your area. It is recommended you make a copy of your standards and place in a 3-ring binder:
Additional Resources (Not Required but great for a Professional Library)
- Beck, I.L, McKeown, M.G., & Kucan, L. (2002). Bring Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Onstruction.New York: The Guilford Press.
- Breaux, Annette (2006). Seven Simple Secrets: What the Best Teachers Know and Do. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
- Cunningham, P.M. & Allington, R.L. (2003). Classrooms That Work: They Can All Read and Write. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
- Finch, C.R. & Crunkilton, J.R. (1999). Curriculum Development in Vocational and Technical Education, Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
- Marzano, Robert J, Pickering, Debra, and Pollock, Jane. (2001). Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
- Payne, R.K. (1996). A Framework for Understanding Poverty.Highlands, TX: AHA Process, Inc.
- Rutherford, Paula. (2002). Why Didn’t I Learn this in College: Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century. Alexandria, VA: Just Ask Publications.
- Wong, Hary and Rosemary. (2005). The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.
Although not required, it is highly recommend that you read the three highlighted books as soon as you get the opportunity. There will be some material from these books used in this course. The information in those books will be useful for years to come.
Course Description
This course is designed to acquaint the career and technical education teacher with best practices in teaching CTE subjects. Students will work on their ability to perform long-range curriculum planning, design daily lessons, write and assess objectives, plan activities, create tests, and develop rubrics. Students will be required to include Nevada State Standards for their particular content area. Other requirements will include summarizing articles from business education journals, evaluating textbooks, and making group presentations to the class.
Course Goals and Learner Outcomes
- Discuss the history and foundation of Career and Technical Education.
- Develop classroom, lab, and shop management skills.
- Identify and implement state standards into lessons.
- Design and illustrate course, unit, and individual lesson planning.
- Plan and practice the delivery of lessons.
- Examine subjects available in various content areas.
- Examine the variety of methods for evaluating and assessing student performance.
- Explain the importance of sponsoring student organizations and how to make them part of your curriculum.
- Plan how to maintain continual professional development as a Career and Technical Educator.
Course Calendar
Topic / Assigned Readings / Assignment / Learner Outcome(s) / Due DateModule 1 / Introductions / Text-(Beers) Look at front and back covers, table of contents, Read Chapter 1, pgs. 1-7 / Online Discussion (10 points)
Journal Entry (10 points)
Preassessment (10 pts) / 1-8 / Feb 3
Module 2 / Career and Technical Education Perspectives
-Foundations of Career and Technical Education (CTE)
-Delivery Systems for CTE
-Current Trends in CTE
-Articulation Agreements / -Text: Chapters 2 and 3, pgs. 8-39
-Goodsell Paper
-Chronology to the History of Vocational and Technical Ed in the U.S. in general
/ Discussion (20 points)
Quiz 1 (10 points) / 1, 4, 7 / Feb 10
Module 3 / Classroom and Lab Management
-Safety Concerns
-Empowering students / Text: Chapter 4, pgs. 40-60
Provided files / Online Discussion (10 points)
Journal Entry (10 points)
Assignment (30) / 2, 4, 7 / Feb 17
Module 4 / Content Area
Teacher Traits
-Exploring your content area and possible subject responsibilities.
-Identifying positive teacher traits
-Choose a Course/Syllabus / Text: Chapter 5, pgs. 61-72
Provided Files / Online Discussion (20 points)
Quiz 2 (10 points) / 6, 4, 7 / Feb 24
Module 5 / Planning for Instruction
- What to Teach
-How to Teach
-Who You Are Teaching / Text: Chapter 6, pgs. 73-101.
Provided File / Online Discussion (10 points)
Quiz 3 (10 points)
Assignment (30 points) / 3, 4, 5, 7 / Mar 3
Module 6 / Planning for Instruction
- What to Teach
-How to Teach
-Who You Are Teaching
-Syllabus / Text: Chapter 7, pgs. 102-137.
Provided Files / Discussion (10 points)
Assignment (30 points) / 3, 4, 5, 7 / Mar 10
Module 7 / Strategies and Best Practices
Lesson Planning Continued
-Including Academic Standards in planning / Text: Chapter 8, pgs. 138-175
Provided Files / Discussion (10 points)
Quiz 4 (15 points)
Assignment (50 points) / 3, 4, 5, 7 / Mar 17
Spring Break-March 22-27
Module 8 / Planning for Differences
-Lesson Planning Continued
-Lesson Delivery
-Planning for Students’ Learning Styles and Differences / Text: Chapter 9, pgs. 176-203
Provided Files / Discussion (10 points)
Quiz 5 (10 points)
Assignment (30 points) / 3, 4, 5, 7 / Mar 31
Module 9 / Assessment
-Evaluating and Assessing Student Performance / Text: Chapter 10, pgs. 204-219
Provided Files / Quiz (10 points)
Assignment (30 points) / 3, 4, 5, 7 / Apr 7
Module 10 / CTSO’s and Advisory Boards
-Implementing your CTSO’s into the classroom curriculum
-Advisory Boards / Text: Chapter 11, pgs. 220-244
Provided Files / Discussion (10 points)
Quiz (10 points)
Assignment (30 points) / 8, 5, 7 / Apr 14
Module 11 / Lab/Classroom Planning and Budgeting / Text: Chapters 12-13, pgs. 245-280.
Provided Files / Discussion (10 points)
Quiz (10 points) / 9, 4, 5, 7 / Apr 21
Module 12 / Lab/Classroom Planning and Budgeting / Text: Chapter 14, pgs. 281-299
Provided Files / Discussion (10 points)
Quiz (10 points) / 9, 4, 5, 7 / Apr 28
Module 13 / Organizational and Professional Responsibilities
Lifelong Professional
Development / Text: Chapter 15, pgs. 300-303
Provided Files / Journal (20 points) Discussion (10 pts.)
Lab Design Project (100 points) / 9, 4, 5, 7 / May 5
Module 14 / Lesson Delivery and Portfolio / Lesson Delivery and
Portfolio / 1-9 / May 12
Finals Week
May 17-21
Lesson Delivery and Portfolio / Lesson Delivery
Portfolio / 1-9 / May 19
Discussion- 140 pts.
Journals-40 pts.
Quizzes-85 pts.
Assignments -440 points
Final Portfolio- 200 points
**Any changes to assignments and/or syllabus will be communicated to students via WebCampus.**
Overview of Lab Design Project
Interview a teacher from your discipline about lab design and needs.
Develop a design plan that includes the following:
- Actual design-floor plan—can be computer generated or hand drawn (scan to send). Include flooring and wall covering-types and colors. You do not need to include electricity, but depending on type of labe may want to show outlets—but is not required.
- Equipment for students-Name of vendor
- Instructional equipment needed by the teacher
- Supplies for one year
- Budget for installation of new lab equipment and supplies for one year.
Overview of Portfolio
You will be required to submit a portfolio of your assignments/best practices at the end of the semester. This will serve as your final. Faculty at all levels of education are being held accountable, as never before to provide clear and concise evidence of the quality of their classroom teaching. The portfolio concept is similar to what artists, photographers, and architects do in order to display their best work. A teaching portfolio enables faculty members to display their teaching accomplishments for “for the record.”
The teaching portfolio factually describes your teaching strengths and accomplishments. A portfolio will continually change and require updating, similar to your resume. The portfolio will include documents and materials which collectively suggest the scope and quality of your professional teaching performance and experience. The portfolio presents selected information on teaching activities and when applicable, solid evidence of their effectiveness.
Besides requirements listed below, you may include a variety of information. You may want to investigate the interviewing process in your area, especially if you will be seeking a position. See what they require or what was effective for someone you know that is already employed. Possible suggestions: 1. Describe how you integrate technology into course content. 2. Video clip of you teaching or some activity of you being involved with students. 3. Be creative.
You may choose the medium. You may want to submit your portfolio in Word, Publisher, or even some type of presentation software such as PowerPoint or a combination or you might prefer to prepare a hard copy and send it in the mail (I will be happy to return it to you upon your request).
Your completed assignments will make up the largest portion of your portfolio, so you will be working on it throughout the semester.
- Coversheet or Opening Slide or Screen if all digital
- Table of Contents
- Resume
- Educational Statement of Philosophy (The Internet is a great source of ideas to help you get started, many application ask you for this)
- Syllabus for one course
- Lesson plan(s)
- Rubric
- Personal Reflection(s)
- Lab Design
- Useful Web Sites (for specific discipline in CTE—start this from the beginning of the course as you find links you like)
- Any other evidence (pictures, awards, etc.)
The following represent a few tips that will make your experience as a distance learner more productive.
1. Probably the first lesson that we have learned about online classes is the need to keep up with theassignments. These are not independent study classes. Asynchronous learning means that we all work on the same material, but we do it on our own schedule within the timelines of the course. It is easy to let time slip by and not be engaged in the course.
2. Many online learners establish a set time to work on the course. Many people set aside a timeduring the week when they can work undisturbed on the course. Establishing a routine is a goodtechnique. The weekend is right in the middle of that schedule. I understand thatmany of you will do your posting during the weekends. Having the weekend in the middle allowsfor rich discussion groups – a very important element of this course.
3. If you have some technical difficulty, don’t get frustrated. I am understanding of this and have experienced plenty of my own and understand how stressful it can be. Just send me an email or give me a call and we will work something out. There are due dates to keep us on schedule, but I am flexible and understanding of a technical, personal or some other life or work situation. We are all trying to juggle many things.
4. Since there is no spell checker within the program, many students compose their response for the discussion or other posting in MS Word, review and spell check your writing, copy it, and thenpaste it into the dialog box. For the discussion thread, please do copy and paste as it is much more convenient for your classmates to read and respond. This process seems to work well for many, and it gives you a better handle on the composition of your response. This also allows you to save the response should yourcomputer freeze and thus lead to your losing what you have written—I learned this the hard way taking online courses. (Remember, if your computer freezes, don’t break it, you will need it:) For transmitting assignments, youcan simply use the “add attachment” feature in the assignment element on the course tools.
The biggest problem that I see with posting messages on the discussions course tools board is
keeping the message within the thread. This program uses a threaded discussion that staircases theresponses. I present a discussion prompt, you response and the respond appears indented under myoriginal message. When you respond to someone else, that message is indented under that person’smessage. Here is how that happens:
• Click on my discussion prompt on the course tools listing.
• Read the prompt that I have posted.
• Click reply.
• Dialog box appears.
• Compose your response.
• Click post.
• Your response will be indented under my original message.
• A response to another class member is done in the same manner, and that message will
appear indented under the message to which you are responding.
• Note: Sometimes you might like to develop your posting offline using Microsoft Word then
save it and subsequently paste it into your discussion.
a)Actively, positively, and constructively participate in the scheduled class activities during the entire session. By active, positive, and constructive participation, you should be able to answer yes to the following questions: Do you come to class having read all required readings? Are you well prepared to assume an active and thoughtful role in the class activities? Do you respond to class journal in a serious and reflective manner? Do you assume responsibility for the commitments you make to others in the class? Do you work effectively with others to solve potential and/or actual problems/issues/concerns in a positive and productive manner? Is your general demeanor professional, positive, and helpful to others? Do you treat other people with dignity and respect?
Students with Disabilities: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775-753-2271at your earliest convenience torequest timely and appropriate accommodations.
Policy of Academic Integrity: Academic honesty is expected in this course. All student work must be original and authentic. Any acts of cheating, copying, and/or plagiarizing are violations fo the UCCSN code of conduct and will be taken seriously. Students who cheat, copy another’s work, or plagiarize from the Internet or other sources will fail the course regardless of other course work and are subject to dismissal from the academic institution. The definition of plagiarism as adopted by the GBC Faculty Senate is:
“Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s word, ideas, or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references; and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the students will acknowledge the sources whenever:
Another person’s actual words are quoted
Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words
Facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge.
Adapted from Joan Taylor
Nevada Content Standards and Indicators: Include the content standard, indicator, and number. Available at the following website:
Objectives: What outcome(s) should students be able to demonstrate upon completion of the lesson? Use an action verb in a description of a measurable outcome.
Rationale: (Brief justification- Why do you feel the students need to learn this topic? How could this lesson be integrated, or connected with other instructional areas or with real world activities?)
Content: What will be taught?
Background Knowledge: (What has already been taught? What do they already know how to do? What will be review rather than new information?)
Materials: What will you need to implement the lesson?
Evaluation Procedures: How will you measure outcomes to determine if the material has been learned? Describe how you will assess which students have reached your objectives.
Formative Checks: These occur prior to or during the learning.
Summative Checks: These occur after the learning.
Guided Reading Instructional Procedures:
*Focusing event--What will you use to get the students’ attention? With what prior knowledge will you try to connect? How will you introduce key vocabulary?
*Teaching procedures--What method(s) will you use?
- Teacher Modeling
- The teacher explains the strategy or learning objective.
- The teacher models how to effectively use the strategy to understand the text or the teacher models the desired learning behavior.
- The teacher thinks aloud to show thinking.
- Guided Practice
- The teacher purposefully guides a large/small-group conversation that engages students in a focused discussion that follows a line of thinking.
- The teacher and students practice the targeted learning behavior together.
- The teacher scaffolds the students’ attempts and supports their thinking, giving specific feedback and making sure students understand the task.
- Collaborative Practice
- Students share their thinking processes with each other using
- Think-Pair-Share
- Cooperative Groups
- Partners
- Independent Practice
- The students practice the targeted learning behavior on their own.
- The students receive regular feedback from the teacher and other students.
- Application of the Targeted Learning Behavior
- Students use the targeted learning behavior in literacy situations
- Students use the targeted learning behavior in a variety of contexts
- Closure-- How will you end the lesson?
Word Study Instructional Procedures:
*Focusing event--What will you use to get the students’ attention? With what prior knowledge will you try to connect?
*Teaching procedures--What method(s) will you use?
- Teacher Modeling
- The teacher explains the strategy or learning objective.
- The teacher models how to effectively use the strategy to understand the text or the teacher models the desired learning behavior.
- The teacher thinks aloud to show thinking.
- Guided Practice
- The teacher purposefully guides a large/small-group conversation that engages students in a focused discussion that follows a line of thinking.
- The teacher and students practice the targeted learning behavior together.
- The teacher scaffolds the students’ attempts and supports their thinking, giving specific feedback and making sure students understand the task.
- Collaborative Practice
- Students share their thinking processes with each other using
- Think-Pair-Share
- Cooperative Groups
- Partners
- Independent Practice
- The students practice the targeted learning behavior on their own.
- The students receive regular feedback from the teacher and other students.
- Application of the Targeted Learning Behavior
- Students use the targeted learning behavior in literacy situations
- Students use the targeted learning behavior in a variety of contexts
- Closure-- How will you end the lesson?
Accommodation for Individual Student Needs