A short biography of Hannes Leitgeb:
Hannes completed his PhD degree (1998) in mathematics and a PhD degree (2001) in philosophy, each at the University of Salzburg. In 2003 he was research fellow at the Department of Philosophy/CSLI at StanfordUniversity on the basis of an Erwin-Schroedinger Fellowship. In 2005 he took up a joint position as a Reader at the Departments of Philosophy and Mathematics in Bristol.
In October 2007 Hannes Leitgeb was awarded a Philip Leverhulme Prize (£70,000) by the Leverhulme Trust, and in November 2007 he received a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award (€45,000) from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, for his stay at the University of Duesseldorf. He was the University of Bristol candidate for the Leverhulme Research Leadership Award Competition and one of the finalists of the Goedel Centenary Young Scholars Competition that was organized by the Kurt Goedel Society and the John Templeton Foundation. Because of his extra-ordinary scientific achievements, he became Professor of Mathematical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics at the University of Bristol in 2007 at the young age of 35 years.
Hannes Leitgeb is in the Editorial Board of several internationally leading journals and book series, and principal investigator of in the fields of philosophy and mathematical logic, such as Studia Logica, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Erkenntnis, Theoria, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Yearbook of Philosophical Logic, The Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap, and Logos Book Series on Logic, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Language. He is also organisator of various scientific conferences and principal investigator of several EuroCores research projects. His main research areas are, among others, in logic (paradoxes of truth and modality, nonmonotonic logic), cognitive science (symbolic representation and neural networks, metacognition), epistemology, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science and history of philosophy (Logical Positivism, Carnap, Quine). What unifies his research is his pursuit of fruitful applications of logical and mathematical methods to philosophy.
Selected Publications: Books: Inference on the Low Level. Dordrecht: Kluwer/Springer 2004). Papers: "Finitistic and Frequentistic Approximation of Probability Measures" (with G. Schurz), Studia Logica 89/2, 2008, 257-283., "An Impossibility Result on Semantic Resemblance", dialectica 62/3, 2008, 293-306, "Dynamic Doxastic Logic" (with K. Segerberg), Synthese KRA 155/2, 2007, 167-190, "Beliefs in Conditionals vs. Conditional Beliefs", Topoi 26/1, 2007, 115-132, "A New Analysis of Quasianalysis", Journal of Philosophical Logic 36/2, 2007, 181-226, "When Betting Odds and Credences Come Apart" (with D. Bradley), Analysis 66.2, 2006, 119-127, "Reseaux de neurones capables des raisonner", Dossier Pour la Science (French edition of Scientific American), 2005, 97-101, "Interpreted Dynamical Systems and Qualitative Laws: From Inhibition Networks to Evolutionary Systems", Synthese 146, 2005, 189-202, "Hodges' Theorem Does Not Account for Determinacy of Translation. A Reply to Werning”, Erkenntnis 62, 2005, 411–425, "Nonmonotonic Reasoning by Inhibition Nets II”, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 11/2, 200), 105–135, “Possible Worlds Semantics for Modal Notions” (with V. Halbach, P.D. Welch), Journal of Philosophical Logic 32/2, 2003, 179–223, “Nonmonotonic Reasoning by Inhibition Nets”, Artificial Intelligence 128, 2001, 161–201, “Truth as Translation (Parts A+ B)”, Journal of Philosophical Logic 30, 2001, 281–30 und 309–328.
A Short Biography of Hannes Leitgeb