
The Welcome Home Project engages Angelenos in conversations about the homelessness crisis, aims to educate them about the City’s homelessness strategy, and mobilizes them to take action. These conversations will occur within private homes, community centers, faith-based sanctuaries, and businesses. Everyday Angelenos are encouraged to sign up as volunteer hosts and invite friends, family, and neighbors to a gathering, guiding them through a discussion about homelessness in L.A. The Mayor’s Office will supply talking points and reference materials so that hosts are comfortable leading the discussion.

Before the gathering, hosts should reach out to their guests and ask them to bring items from the check list (attached), including an iron, set of dishes, bedding, kitchen-ware, personal hygiene items, and cleaning supplies.

While gathered, participants are invited to support their homeless neighbors by building a Welcome Home Basket. Laundry baskets make a great, functional base into which guests can place their items. Participants are encouraged to write welcome home messages for the recipients of the baskets, as well. The assembled Welcome Home Baskets should be dropped off at designated fire stations scattered across the City (locations listed below). On June 18th, volunteers from across the City will participate in the Mayor’s Big Move-In and deliver the baskets to recently housed individuals and families.

Don’t forget to take photos and video of the event and tag them with #welcomehomeproject on social media!

Hosts should provide a sign-in sheet and ask guests to put down their names and emails so that the City can keep them educated, engaged, and involved in homelessness advocacy across L.A., including:

·  Keeping up-to-date on homelessness news and Mayor Garcetti’s homelessness efforts

·  Connecting to volunteer opportunities

·  Supporting sustainable funding for housing and supportive services


·  100 gatherings (73 registered as of 6pm on 6/2)

·  100 baskets assembled

·  100 deliveries to recently housed individuals and families


1.  Volunteers register at and sign up to host a gathering or volunteer to deliver baskets on the 18th.

2.  Mayor’s Volunteer Corps concfirms receipt and emails a thank you letter and Host Handbook

3.  The Mayor’s Volunteer Corps (or Homelessness Policy team) make a personal phone call to the volunteer to thank them and offer assistance if they have any questions prior to their gathering

4.  The gathering takes place, Welcome Home Baskets are assembled, and email addresses of participants are collected for future engagement opportunities

5.  The Host delivers the Welcome Home Basket to one of 12 fire stations located throughout the City up until June 15th.

6.  On June 18th, Big Move-In volunteers pick up the baskets from participating fire stations and deliver them to homes


LAFD- Drop-off/ pick-up locations for baskets

Central Bureau

Station 3

108 N Fremont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Station 20

2144 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026

Station 29

4029 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010

South Bureau

Station 64

10811 W 108th St, Los Angeles, CA 90061

Station 94

4470 Coliseum St, Los Angeles, CA 90016

Station 112

444 S Harbor Blvd, San Pedro, CA 90731