Macular Hypoplasia

Dev. by Jennifer Auwaerter

Macular Hypoplasia, otherwise known as an underdevelopment of the macula, the region of the retina that is responsible for seeing details.

Characteristics and Symptoms

Macular Hypoplasia is characterized by an absence of the yellow pigment (luten), there may be many blood vessels running through the area where the macula should be, causing a lack of foveal cells to grow.

An opthamalogist usually diagnoses the patient when vision loss is noticed.

The effects of macular hypoplasia on the visual system are; low visual acuity ranging from 20/20 to 20/200, and nystagmus, the involuntary, rhythmic shaking of the eye or eyes from left to right or top to bottom, may also present itself.

There is no cure or specific course of action for treating macular hypoplasia. Corrective lenses may be prescribed to fix the visual acuity.


“Foveal/Macula Hypoplasia. “ July 2, 2009.

Cassin, Barbara, Melvin L. Rubin, MD, Editor. “Hypoplasia,” Dictionary of Eye Terminology

Fifth Edition. Triad Publishing Co. Gainesville, FL. 2006. July 1, 2009