Student: Advisory Teacher:

Grade: 2, Sword Fern Community Principal: Rosa Fazio

School: Norma Rose Point Vice-Principal: Sean Marlyn

This report is asnapshotof the student’s progress to date towards personal goals, and their current performance and achievement level in Literacy, Numeracy and Inquiry/Integrated Studies.Thestudent's portfolio, Celebrations of Learning, andconferencesall contribute to a comprehensive view of the student'slearning journey andshowevidenceofgrowthas a learner.

Opening Comments
May include information about the child’s strengths, contributions and relationships with others and outline how the child approaches the learning process
TheCurricularCompetencies arethe skills, strategies, and processesthatstudentsdevelopover time. While Curricular competencies
are more subject-specific, they are connected to the Core Competencies(Communication, Creative andCritical Thinking,Personal and Social Development).
Assessing student achievement with respect to the Curricular Competencies / ACQUIRING Student requires teacher direction and support to acquire skills
DEVELOPING Student is learning to practice and apply skill with some teacher support
MASTERING Student consistently and independently demonstrates competence in applying skills
Literacy Big Ideas:
Everyone has a unique story to share; Through listening and speaking, we connect with others and share our world. Playing with language helps us discover how language works.
Engages actively as a listener
Contributes ideas and perspectives to class discussions
Reads fluently
Uses reading strategies to make meaning
Communicates in writing using appropriate conventions
Creates stories to deepen awareness of self, family and community
Next Steps:
(personal for the student)
Numeracy Big Ideas:
Numbers to 100 can be decomposed into 10’s and 1’s.
The regular change in increasing patterns can be identified and used to make generalizations.
Thinks fluently and flexibly about number
Uses multiple strategies to engage in problem solving
Uses mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions
Next Steps:
(personal for the student)
Integrated Studies Big Ideas:
Observable patterns and cycles occur in our environment; We shape the local environment, and the local environment shapes who we are and how we live.
Engagement in the arts creates opportunities for inquiry.
Integrated Studies (Science and Art)
Asks questions and makes predictions about objects and events
Makes and records observations
Identifies simple patterns and connections
Uses a variety of materials to visually represent ideas and understandings
Next Steps:
(personal for the student)
Student Perspective
May Include comments on their progress towards personal goalsand core competencies, a highlightof the year to date, something they are proud of etc.


Teacher’s Signature Principal/Vice-Principal’s Signature