Blue Mountains Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS)
WDVCAS Coordinator
Job Description (DRAFT)
Title: Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service Coordinator (WDVCAS)
Award: Social and Community Home Care and Disability Services (SCHCADS) Award.
Position Classification: Grade 6, (SACS) /Level 7 (SCHCADS).
Hours: 28 hours.
Position Status: Permanent Part-time.
Location: Main WDCVAS office is located in Lithgow. Sometime will also be spent at the BMWHRC office in Katoomba, as well as, Katoomba, Lithgow, Bathurst and Mudgee courts.
Service Provider: Blue Mountains Women's Health and Resource Centre (BMWHRC).
Accountability: Through BMWHRC Manager to the Management Committee.
Probationary Employment:
· Please note this appointment is subject to a six month probationary period and a minimum employment period in accordance with the Fair Work Act.
· During this period either party may terminate this contract by providing one week’s notice to the other party.
The BMWHRC considers being a woman a genuine occupational qualification for this position under Section 31 of the Anti-Discrimination Act.
Summary of the Role:
· The WDVCAS Coordinator is responsible for the day to day management of the Blue Mountains Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Scheme (WDVCAS).
· She will make decisions in relation to the WDVCAS in line with BMWHRC delegations policy.
· As part of the WDVCAS she will provide assistance to women and their children seeking legal protection from domestic violence and will monitor and supervise the operation of the program in Katoomba, Lithgow, Bathurst and Mudgee Courts.
· She will supervise the staff and seconded workers of the scheme.
· She will work in accordance with the policies and procedures of the WDVCAP and those of BMWHRC.
· She is responsible for ensuring that reporting requirements and statistics are maintained and assisting BMWHRC with compliance with the reporting and other requirements of the WDVCAS Service Agreement, WDVCAP Principles, Policies and Standards and other operational documents.
Specific duties:
Management Functions:
TheWDVCAS Co-ordinator is responsible overall for WDVCAS service delivery. Her work includes but is not limited to, the following duties:
· Establishing, managing, coordinating and monitoring the funding and overall operation of a WDVCAS;
· Assisting BMWHRC compliance with the reporting and other requirements of the WDVCAS Service Agreement, WDVCAP Principles, Policies and Standards and other operational documents;
· Develop and administer operational policies and administrative tasks, systems and processes for the effective operation of the WDVCAS before, at and after court including the collection, recording, reviewing and storage of client information, conflict of interest, client confidentiality and privacy, referrals to and from the WDVCAS, client and worker safety, staff professionalism, child protection notifications and follow-up assistance;
· Recruit, supervise and support a small team of WDVCAS staff and seconded workers and ensuring they have access to appropriate training, supervision, direction and support ;
· Develop and implement strategic and operational plans aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the WDVCAS and compliance with WDVCAP outcomes;
· Sourcing seconded workers from appropriate agencies who can assist in WDVCAS court work; co-ordinating a roster of seconded workers; ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to undertake WDVCAS work and providing them with regular updates and debriefing;
· Undertake high level liaison and advocacy with and on behalf of WDVCAS clients where required;
· Maintain the physical environment of the WDVCAS building, reporting any OHS issues as necessary;
· Work in accordance with the OH&S policy and identify potential occupational health and safety risks, remedying them where possible, then reporting all OH&S matters to the relevant contact person;
· Operate within the delegations of BMWHRC as set down in the Delegations and Decision-Making Policy;
· Report to the Management Committee, as required.
Direct Service Delivery Functions:
· Attend the Blue Mountains, Lithgow, Bathurst and Mudgee Courts on AVO list days as agreed, advocating for women and their children at court during AVO mentions and hearings, where possible.
· Provide assistance to clients who contact the scheme by phone or are referred from other agencies.
· Provide information to clients about the effects of DV on women and children, court process in relation to ADVO’s and referral options.
· Respond to follow-up requests for assistance from Yellow-Card Referrals
· Provide follow up for women assisted at court including advocacy, referrals, DoCs reports, support letters, data entry and court results.
· Maintain client contact statistics and files.
· Ensure client confidentiality at all times.
· Provide assistance to women preparing and submitting applications for grants of Legal Aid and sourcing solicitors.
Community Networks and Development
· Develop and implement, in consultation with local communities and other stakeholders, strategies aimed at ensuring that the WDVCAS is relevant and accessible to a diverse range of women and children and responsive to their needs;
· Develop and maintain strong working relationships with key WDVCAS partners including NSW Police, Local Courts, legal representatives and referral agencies and facilitating access to those services;
· Provide high level advice and contributing to legal policy reform through the WDVCAS Network, court user and other forums;
· Promote the WDVCAS through the development of community awareness and effective liaison with key stakeholders;
· Develop projects that further the aims of the WDVCAS and it’s client groups and other stakeholders;
· Promote access and equity in relation to resources by ensuring accessibility for women of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, women with disabilities and Lesbian women;
· Attend relevant interagency meetings including local Domestic Violence Committee and WDVCAS Network meetings in line with service priorities.
Other Duties
· Undertake other duties as required to further the aim of the WDVCAS.
Selection Criteria: Essential Criteria:
1. Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the dynamics, complexities and legal and social welfare consequences of domestic violence and its impacts on women and children;
2. Excellent organisational, administrative, financial and management skills;
3. Ability to recruit, train, supervise and support WDVCAS staff and seconded workers;
4. High level communication skills, particularly in negotiation, advocacy and conflict resolution;
5. Cultural awareness and understanding of approaches that reduce access barriers experienced by Aboriginal women, CALD women, lesbians and other marginalised groups;
6. Experience in developing and maintain partnerships to further organisational objectives.
7. Tertiary qualifications in a relevant discipline
8. Willingness to undergo and pass a Working with Children Check.
9. The BMWHRC considers being a woman a genuine occupational qualification for this position under Section 31 of the Anti-Discrimination Act.
Desirable Criteria:
1. Knowledge of service networks in the area serviced by the Blue Mtns WDVCAS.
2. Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Legal Aid NSW policies and funding requirements;
3. Ability to deliver services in accordance with the WDVCAP Principles, Policies and Standards and operational documents.
4. Prior experience in the WDVCAP.
1 / Job Description – WDVCAS Coordinator – BMWHRC – 10th September 2012.